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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Kagome (Inuyasha) Anthro Bull Man TF and Sexual Content with Male and Female Characters

WORDS: 11,000

Kagome's body becomes host to a horny bull demon when she searches out for strength. Stuck in a form high in muscle and libido, will she be able to change back before she and her friends succumb to a new life of pleasure?

This was a commission for Rukhan on FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rukhan/

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807

Cow icon created by TheMerryWolf: https://twitter.com/TheMerryWolf1


Kagome pushed her waist-length, black hair out of her eyes to make sure she got a good look at the surrounding area. Despite being dressed in her typical school girl uniform of a white top and green skirt, she seemed to have managed to slip away from the rest of the group. While Inuyasha and the others were busy securing their lodgings for the night, she had purposefully snuck off with the intention of overcoming one of her greatest weaknesses. Taking one scan of the area to ensure no one was looking at her, she undid the lock on the door and discreetly entered the abandoned shrine.

Closing up the door behind her, Kagome found herself inside of a chamber dimly lit by a series of candles along the walls. The center of the shrine was a towering, bronze statue depicting the image of a local deity. The figure’s bovine muzzle, sharp horns, and cloven feet made her wonder how the people of the village came to see it as their guardian. Letting her gaze linger on the statue’s sculpted muscles, she reminded herself what she was there for in the first place.

Approaching the altar, Kagome lit some incense and knelt down before the statue. Bowing her head, she began to pray towards the figure for its aid. Over the course of many years spent chasing after the Shikon jewel shards, she had noticed how little she seemed to contribute to the team. Despite her being only 18, she still found herself having to be constantly rescued by her companions. Desperate for some way to end this cycle and put up a fight against the demons she constantly encountered, she prayed to the idol to gift her a fraction of its power. However, she never actually expected it to answer back.

“Hmm, yes very interesting,” bellowed a deep, guttural voice from the statue.

Scrambling to her feet, Kagome pulled out her bow and knocked an arrow. “Who’s there? Show yourself.”

“You come into my shrine and act so rudely? Especially after asking for me to share my power with you?” A deep laugh echoed through the room. “Well, looks like you’re an interesting human to say the least.”

Kagome’s eyes drifted back to the statue, only now noticing the unsettling aura of energy enveloping it. “What are you?”

“The mortals say that I’m some kind of deity,” the voice replied. “Not my fault they’re too stupid to recognize a powerful demon in their presence. However, their ignorance has allowed me to sit and wait for the perfect opportunity to find a proper host to spread my influence through the land again. After all this time, my patience has been rewarded with the perfect vessel.”

“Not a chance,” Kagome said, aiming an arrow at the center of the statue’s forehead. “If you think I’m going to let you take over my body, then you better-“

An orb of red energy shot out of the cow statue’s nostrils to slam into Kagome’s chest. Her battle stance fell apart as she crumpled to the ground; her bow and arrow harmlessly bouncing off of the ground. She could feel herself shiver as the energy coursed through her veins as if the demon was trying to seep into her very being. Moments before she managed to stabilize herself, she heard the voice one last time.

“Oh, we are going to have so much fun,” the voice said before drifting off into the back of Kagome’s consciousness.

Kagome sat there for a few moments, trying to see if there were any obvious signs of the demon’s influence on her. When she didn’t spontaneously grow into a skyscraper-sized monster, she cautiously began to pick herself up and retrieve her weapon. Though she was a little shaky on her feet, she thought she felt fine enough. However, she had learned from her multiple adventures in the past that she shouldn’t take the power of demons lightly.

Exiting the temple, Kagome took a straightforward path towards the inn where the rest of her friends were staying. Passing by the villagers, she tried to act normal and wave towards them with a friendly smile. No doubt the warm welcome was a side effect of word of their fights against demons spreading far and wide. This praise was usually something Kagome reveled in, but right now the last thing she wanted was people paying attention to the nervous way she walked.

Halfway towards the inn, Kagome stopped for a moment to address a sudden weariness afflicting her body. A fever spread across her skin, leaving her face red and sweat beginning to drip from her skin. Taking deep breaths to try and keep herself calm, she pushed forward in the hopes of reaching her room and hopefully sleeping off whatever was ailing her.


The voice in the back of Kagome’s head shook off any lingering hopes that this was normal. Making an abrupt turn, she tried to seek out her companions. Pushing through the tremors that wracked her form, she continued to trudge through the corridors until she came upon the right room. Sliding open the door to see her friends staring at her with wide eyes, she breathed a hesitant sigh of relief.

“Perfect. An audience to witness my return to mortal realm.”

Clutching her head as the voice continued to echo in her mind, Kagome went deaf to the cries of worry from her group. Slowly she pulled back her hand, feeling a strange, tingling sensation spread out from her palm. The cause made itself evident as her vision returned to show off the thin layer of dark brown fur sprouting up in patches along her skin.

As the follicles spread over Kagome’s hands, her fingers molded together until she was left with only two, large digits on each of them. While she managed to keep her thumbs, it was a small condolence as the hairs continued to spread up her arms. As the fur reached her elbows, her slender limbs bulked up with extra muscle mass that burst apart the sleeves of her uniform as the corruption reached her torso.

Kagome hunched forward as something began to tear its way through what remained of her top. Forcing herself to stand up straight, she watched as a pair of toned pecs took the place of her breasts. Brushing off what remained of her top, she saw that she had gained a set of six-pack abs over her mid-section to match her bulkier appearance.

As the fur reached her lower body, Kagome winced at something beginning to emerge from right above her newly toned buttocks. Unable to take it anymore, she put her modified fingers to good use in tearing apart her skirt. Taking off her panties proved to be a bit more of a struggle, forcing her to stomp around the room atop her thickened legs and cloven hooved feet. Eventually, her fingers did manage to pull the fabric far enough away to allow her tail to freely swish about its tuft of thick, brown hair.

Kagome’s already overburdened underwear was strained further as she felt something begin to emerge from her crotch. Looking past her protruding pectorals and fuzzy navel, she watched as a bulge pushed out her panties further and further. As the growth reached its apex, it finished off the dainty undergarment by sending it flying across the room. With nothing left in the way, she was able to stare in awe at the foot long, horse cock that had replaced her womanhood. Looking past the pink and black splotch pattern adorning her flared tipped cock, she let out another gasp as she watched her new set of swollen testicles swing against her inner thighs.

Trying to comprehend what was going on, Kagome ignored the shocked expressions on her friends’ faces in favor of making her way over to a mirror. What she saw reflected back at her was the sight of her original, black hair falling out to make way for more of the fur and a pair of curved horns. Flapping her flattened ears to get a feel for them, she gave them a tug to prove that she wasn’t dreaming. Unfortunately, she realized this was all too real as she witnessed what remained of her face be distorted as her mouth stretched out into bovine muzzle. A snort escaped her large, pink nostrils to fog up the reflection in the mirror forcing her to use her modified hands to clear up the image and gaze in horror at her new self.

The longer she stared at the image with her glossy, black eyes, the more she felt a stirring in her groin. Leftover shudders made their way through her form to focus in on her manhood. Gritting her teeth and stomping her hooves, she tried to hold back in a futile attempt to retain some semblance of her former self. Kagome’s efforts fell apart as she craned up her neck to let out a deep, masculine MOOOOOOOOOO as she shot a load of cum from her cock and sprayed it across the reflection of her bestial self.


The trek down the road was an awkward one to say the least. Kagome had asked specifically to be at the back of the group, hoping that it would reduce the amount of time they could stare at her strange form. Even still, she winced every time one of her friends looked over their shoulders to check on her. She was aware that it was done just to make sure she had not been overtaken by the demon spirit, but that didn’t make it any easier to endure.

In the wake of her transformation and the destruction of her clothes, Kagome had been forced to put together a replacement outfit to cover up her body. What she had come up with was a robe that had a similar color to her skirt. The matching green hue was of small comfort as the robe was ill-fitting to her bulky muscles and towering height. She could have adjusted some of the fabric to cover up her chest and tail, but the majority of her attention was trying to obscure a certain part of her body.

Feeling her robe beginning to slip, Kagome stopped clopping her hooves against the ground to adjust herself. The few moments she managed to fit everything back into place were undone as she felt her manhood start to twitch. Chewing on her lips, she tried to push it down to get it to go away. Even silently pleading for her cock to calm itself failed to stop the throbbing member from slowly coming to its full length.

“Hey Kagome, what’s the hold up?” Inuyasha shouted out. “You’re the one that wanted to get that curse removed so badly. So why are you moving so slow?”

Seeing the half-demon man’s red robe and white hair rapidly approaching, Kagome quickly turned around so that only her back was visible. “It’s nothing, I’m just fine,” she shouted out, still unused to the deep voice that echoed from her lips. “I just… need to take care of something.”

“What you got to take a piss or something?”

“Um, yes, yes,” Kagome said, sheepishly shuffling off of the path and into the nearby trees. “Just give me a few minutes and I’ll catch up with you. I’m sure these legs of mine can be pretty fast.”

Putting truth behind her words, Kagome sprinted off to put as much distance between herself and the rest of her group as possible. She only stopped running once she came to a small clearing. Making sure that no one had followed her, she disrobed to expose her body. With nothing left to keep it restrained, her manhood was free to flop out and jostle its testicles against her thighs.

“Come on,” Kagome said, pleading with the dick as she gently pushed on it with her fingers. “Haven’t you already caused me enough suffering? Just go down already.”

“Suffering?” the demon’s voice asked. “Far from it. What I’m offering you is a feeling of ecstasy that few mortals have experienced.”

Letting out a snort from her nostrils, Kagome stomped her foot against the ground. “Absolutely not. I won’t let you have full reign of my body like that. Especially to do something so… depraved.”

“I think you’re jumping to conclusions,” the voice replied. “I’m not forcing you to do anything. All I’m ‘suggesting’ is a bit of stress relief that you seem to desperately need. If it truly bothers you that much, then sit here for a few minutes and it will go down on its own.”

“That’s not fast enough,” Kagome said, quickly glancing away from her cock to look towards the road. “I don’t want to keep the others waiting for too long.”

“Well that is quite the dilemma,” the voice said, following up with a chuckle. “If you really want to speed up the process, all you have to do is give your equipment a little stimulation.”

“I said, no!” Kagome repeated.

“Come on, don’t lie to yourself,” the demon said. “Don’t forget, I was there with you when you first transformed. I know how much you enjoyed the feeling of cumming for the first time. Actually doing it yourself will feel even better, I promise.”

“What good is a promise of a demon that forcefully changed my body?” Kagome asked back.

“Believe what you want, but there is something you can’t deny: the only way you’re hiding this hunk of man meat is by giving it what it wants.”

Though Kagome was loathed to admit it, the demon was right. At the risk of taking too long and summoning the others to see her compromised state, she took a deep breath. Licking her lips, she very slowly reached down towards her crotch. A single tap of her finger against the cock’s tip made it twitch. Pulling her hand back in reaction, she could hear the demon once more let out a series of giggles. Telling herself that it would be better to get it over with as fast as possible, she worked through her lingering sense of shame to wrap her fingers around her shaft.

With a solid grip on her cock, Kagome began to slowly move her hand back and forth. A few strokes were all it took to make her start letting out soft moans from her lips. She gritted her teeth as she felt the waves of pleasure from her initial transformation begin to fill her body again. Unable to fully cope with these feelings, she began to hasten her movements in an effort to work through the sensation. Pumping faster and faster, her soft moans began to ramp up into euphoric moos that echoed through the trees. For fear of being heard by the group, she slammed her hand up against her lips. This allowed her to partially stifle the inevitable cry of ecstasy that came out as she reached her orgasm and shot a load of her seed onto the ground.

Trembling in the wake of her release, Kagome stumbled forwards until she ran into a tree. Clutching onto the trunk, she took a few, deep breaths to try to recover. Her snout picked up the lingering aroma of her release as well as the sweat that clung to her. The aroma was strong, but it had the adverse effect of adding to the lingering ecstasy that still had her shuddering at even the slightest movement.

“See what I mean?” the demon asked. “Quite the excellent gift.”

“S-shut up,” Kagome said, shuffling her way back to her discarded robe. “I just did that to take care of this… thing,” she said, grateful to see that her dick had calmed down enough for her to easily slip it back into her clothes. “I don’t intend on making this a habit.”

“Fine, fine, whatever you say,” the demon said as Kagome began to walk back to the road. “Let’s see just how long that high and mighty attitude lasts.”


Lit by only the dim lanterns lining the halls of the inn, Kagome quietly tried to get back to her room. A full month of dealing with her bull body had gifted her the ability to soften the sound of her hooves clopping across the floor to some extent. However, there was little she could do to avoid her large body from being seen. She managed to find a balance between making her footfalls not echo through the building, while still keeping a steady pace that meant that she wouldn’t be out in the open for longer than she needed to be.

Reaching her room, Kagome quickly slipped inside and let out a sigh of relief. In the safety of her solitude, she tossed aside her robe to give attention to her manhood. Yet again, it had picked the worst of times to become active. On this occasion, it had been in the middle of dinner right before the desserts were brought out. Though she knew of a few ways to momentarily calm it down, she still found it annoying how frequent these sessions of self-stimulation were becoming.

At the very least, Kagome’s frequent masturbating had helped her through the majority of her shame. Though the demon occasionally spoke up to tease her shrinking inhibition, she still had the foresight to avoid doing it when the others were around. While they were occupied with dinner, she settled on grasping her cock between her fingers to get the job done quickly before they came to check on her. Hopefully while there were still sweets to go around.

Like so many times before, Kagome began to rapidly pump her cock. With one hand working the shaft, the other added to the experience by fondling her testicles. As she drew nearer and nearer to her supposed release, she swayed her tail back and forth across her buttocks as a way to hold back the moans that were barely held behind her lips. This was typically the surefire sign that her orgasm was imminent, but something felt off.

“Come on,” Kagome whispered to herself as she tried and failed to get little more than precum to drip out of her tip. “Why can’t I cum?”

“I’m not really feeling it tonight,” the demon spoke up. “It’s great to see you giving into your perversion, but you have to admit that doing the same thing over and over again can be tiring. We need something to spice things up a bit.”

Kagome paused with her hands still wrapped around her shaft. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’m thinking that we need to add some extra fun to the occasion. How about we sneak down to the kitchen and find a nice, thick cucumber to shove up your ass?”

“Absolutely not,” Kagome said with a snort.

“Aww, still not open for experimentation?” the demon asked, reveling in the red blush hidden behind the fur on Kagome’s cheeks. “Fine, maybe we’ll work up to that later. How about instead we invite one of your companions to give you a little extra attention?”

“You can’t be serious,” Kagome replied. “You should know how much effort I’ve been putting into hiding my condition. If you think that I’m so depraved that I would ask them to-“

“Kagome? Is everything okay?”

Kagome froze, recognizing the voice from outside of her room. “Um, yeah I’m fine,” she called out, hurrying over to grab her discarded robe. “I just wasn’t feeling well and-“

In her haste, Kagome ended up tripping one of her hooves over the table in the middle of the room. The resulting crash landing on the floor didn’t result in any injuries, but it did create a loud noise that echoed out into the hall. Still dazed from the fall, she was unable to call out to stop her friend from pushing the door open and stepping inside.

Despite having been in close proximity to Kagome’s transformed body for the duration of their journey, Sango was still left in a state of stunned silence as her eyes beheld the bull man splayed out on the floor. Though she wore a similar robe, it was better fit around her body in comparison to the flimsy fabric showing off most of Kagome’s body. Each step that Sango took towards her companion shook around the white ribbon keeping her waist-length, black hair in place. Looming over the bull man, she couldn’t help her gaze from swapping between Kagome’s nervous expression and the fully exposed, throbbing cock.

“Kagome, what happened?” Sango asked.

Kagome let out a sigh, knowing that it would be futile to try and hide the truth any longer. “I’ve been lying to you and the others,” she admitted as she stood up. “That demon… I can still hear him in the back of my head. He keeps pushing me to give into his will and do stuff with this… thing.”

“Wow and people call us demons crooked liars,” the demon spoke up, the comment going unacknowledged by Kagome.

“I’ve been able to keep it at bay by taking care of myself,” Kagome continued, “but, something isn’t right. It keeps coming back and now it won’t go down from just… touching it.”

Sango put a finger to her chin and stared down at the member. “This is why you left dinner so early?” she asked, receiving a nod in return. “If something like this was troubling you, then you should have said so sooner. We could have helped you. Miroku might have even had a charm that could help control your urges.”

A much needed chuckle left Kagome’s throat. “Oh please. Asking that monk to help control my libido is like asking Inuyasha for advice on anger issues.”

“I see your point,” Sango said, kneeling down to have her face level with the horse cock, “but we still need to do something about this.”

“Well I don’t know what else to do,” Kagome said. “I’ve already tried rubbing at it. That’s what’s usually done the job, so I don’t know why it doesn’t work now.”

“You mean like this?”

Kagome’s eyes went wide as she watched Sango reach out and grasp her cock between her fingers. She continued to stare as her companion proceeded to gently glide her fingers along the shaft. Upon reaching the tip, Kagome had to bite her lip to prevent a moan from escaping. Despite not saying a word, the shivers going through her body seemed to convey how she was feeling as Sango continued to rub her cock.

The bull man’s hand job came to an end with a loud MOOO parting from her mouth. Reeling from the euphoria of her release, Kagome took a moment to reorient herself. When she managed to tilt her neck down, she was horrified to see a splatter of her cum across Sango’s face.

“I’m so sorry,” Kagome said. “I didn’t think it would happen that fast. Usually it takes a while before…”

Kagome trailed off as she noticed something strange in Sango’s eyes. What she saw reflected back at her was a form of primal desire that felt similar to that of the demon inhabiting her body. As she pondered the possible side effects of her cum, Sango spent her time wiping her face clean. Any remaining drops were licked up off her lips to the tune of a pleased hum.

“Sango, are you feeling okay?” Kagome asked. “Maybe you were right. Let’s go see the others about-MOO!”

Once more left dazed in the wake of her bovine cry, Kagome opened up her eyes to confirm that Sango had swallowed up the tip of her cock. Though it was a bit of a struggle, Sango managed to slowly slide herself forward to take in the entire length of the girthy member. Reaching all the way down to the base, Sango paused for a moment to lock eyes with Kagome as if asking for permission to continue. Though the demon inside didn’t speak, something else inside of Kagome pushed her to nod her head.

Getting a grip on the bull man’s legs, Sango began to bob her head back and forth. These repetitions were joined by the sensation of her tongue sliding along the shaft to collect any droplets of semen leftover from her previous orgasm. Baring through the new tinges of pleasure that assaulted her body, Kagome watched as Sango removed one hand away from the furry legs to take on another task.

Kagome only managed to catch a glimpse of Sango sliding her hand between her legs before she was overtaken by a series of moaning MOOs. Experiencing her own sense of pleasure, Sango showed no hesitation in quickening her pace to reach their finish. Kagome was the first to release, overwhelmed by the new sensations spreading through her manhood. The glob of semen that poured out proved to be the final push needed for Sango to reach her own orgasm. In the wake of her euphoric cry, Sango was forced to let the cum pour out of her mouth and spill onto the floor.

Too exhausted to care, Kagome slumped to the ground to rest her weary body. Taking in deep breaths, she merely laid there as Sango crawled towards her to tightly cling to her muscular chest. Crawling along the furry torso, Sango managed to reach her face up to the bull man’s muzzle. While there were many questions going through both of their heads, at that moment they were silenced as the pair leaned in for a kiss.


Giving their flimsiest excuse to date, Kagome and Sango slipped into the forest under the guise of scavenging for berries. The same lust that made them tell the obvious lie also made them hurry their pace to find a proper location. What they settled on was a grass clearing surrounded with sparse trees. Skipping past the part of checking for unwanted guests, the two of them shed off their clothes and embraced each other. With their lips still locked together in a kiss, they made their way over to the largest tree in the area to satisfy their desires.

Using the tree for support, Kagome hoisted up Sango and pressed her back against the wood. Putting her bovine muscles to good use, she managed to keep her partner aloft while she moved her body around to the right position. Feeling her tip slide across Sango’s labia, the bull man let out a grunt as she pushed her partner down. Letting out a hiss of pleasure as she took in the entirety of the monstrous cock, Sango took a deep breath and nodded her head to get Kagome to move on to the next step.

Keeping a solid grip on Sango’s waist, Kagome began to move her hips back and forth. Thanks to multiple sessions of intimacy, the two knew just how far to push one another in order to enjoy their pleasure while avoiding injury. Sango was strong, but there were still limitations to what Kagome could do with her since she was human. Though this meant that the brunt of the bull demon’s strength could not be unleashed, the way Sango clung to Kagome’s broad shoulders as they reached their limit more than made up for it.

Reveling in the sound of Sango’s cries of ecstasy echoing in her ears, Kagome began to up her pace to reach the end. At her own limit, Kagome attempted to lean in for a kiss. Though Sango began to tilt her head towards the bull man’s lips, she paused as her eyes seemed to spot something behind her muscle bound lover.

Lunging forward, Sango managed to slam into Kagome to send the two of them crashing to the ground. The fur on Kagome’s head rustled as something flew over them to strike the tree. Sitting herself up, Kagome saw that where there was once a mighty tree, now only stood a stump that barely reached up to her ankles. Carefully removing Sango from her manhood, she stood up to see a familiar face waiting for her.

“Back away from that thing!” Koga, the wolf demon, shouted, baring his fangs as he stared down Kagome.

“What are you doing here?” Kagome asked, reaching out a hand to the demon man clad in wolf pelts, only to step back as she noticed the aggression in his blue eyes.

“I was passing by when I heard shouting,” Koga said, pulling Sango out of the way. “What I find is an innocent woman getting ravaged by a foul demon.”

Kagome let out a huff. “First off, you’re also a demon,” she said, gesturing towards Koga’s pointy ears. “Second, it’s me, Kagome.”

“Don’t try to fool me with such simple tricks,” he replied, his black ponytail waving in the wind as he prepared to make another attack. “You’re nothing like the precious Kagome I know.”

“It’s true,” Sango spoke up. “Kagome got cursed by some demon and got transformed into this. We’re actually on our way to try and find a cure for her.”

Koga let his gaze drift between Sango’s naked form and bull man’s still rigid member as it twitched. “How does this help with changing her back?”

“It, um, helps me focus on the road,” Kagome replied, nervously scratching the back of her head. “Every so often I get these… urges. Sango has been kind enough to help me out with them on occasion. It seems to keep the bull demon’s libido at bay.”

“You’re saying you’re possessed?” Koga accused.

“No it’s not like that at all,” Kagome explained. “Sure the demon is a little… active sometimes, but he doesn’t seem to want anything destructive.”

“Like I’m going to believe that,” Koga replied. “I challenge you to a show of strength.”


Making his way to where the tree used to be, Koga brushed off the lingering sawdust to place his elbow on the stump. “We’ll have an arm wrestling contest to see who’s stronger. If I win, I’ll drag you back to my pack and we’ll make sure you don’t hurt anyone else.”

“You’re crazy,” Kagome commented. “There’s no way I can do that.”

“I don’t think we have much of a choice,” Sango said, standing up to give her companion a supportive pat to the back. “Don’t worry. Even if you lose, I’ll run back to the others to come back and save you.”

Kagome clenched her fingers. “It’s because of you all needing to save me so often that I’m like this in the first place,” she grumbled before stomping her way over to the stump. Getting on her knees, she clasped Koga’s hand. “Alright, I’ll do it. When do you want to-“

Without warning, Koga began to pull at Kagome’s arm with his full strength. Caught off guard, Kagome managed to avoid only barely losing outright by straining against his inhuman abilities. Gritting her teeth, she tried to push back only to come to a stand still with Koga’s arm keeping hers leaning towards its doom.

“Aww, I didn’t think you really cared for me that much,” the bull demon whispered in Kagome’s head as her remaining strength began to waiver. “Because of that, let me give you another gift to really show this wolf boy who’s the pack leader here.”

The questions Kagome had about the deal were overshadowed by a surge of power that filled up her veins. Letting out a huff, she used this newfound strength to slowly regain ground against Koga. As she pushed past the halfway point, she watched the aggression in his eyes turn into desperation. Grabbing Kagome’s arm with both hands, he tried in vain to claim victory at all costs. However, his efforts were deemed useless as Kagome brought his arm slamming down to end the contest.

“I won!” Kagome said, releasing Koga from her grasp as she stood up to hold her arms above her head. “MOOOOOOOO!”

“Fine,” Koga said, rubbing at his sore limbs. “You won, but I’m not giving up. I’ll meet with you again and find someway to save you from your curse.”

Staggering to his feet, Koga began to walk away. He was stopped as Kagome stepped beside him to grab his shoulder.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kagome asked, a sly grin on her muzzle. “I’m the winner. Doesn’t that mean I get some kind of prize?”

A nervous shudder went through Koga’s body. “What did you have in mind?”

Effortlessly turning Koga around with one hand, Kagome use the other to wave around her throbbing cock. “That little match we had really got my blood pumping. It’ll be awkward walking around the road with this thing. Since you’re the one that caused this mess, I think it’s your responsibility to take care of my pent up lust.”

“I-I don’t understand what you mean,” Koga replied. “You want me to jerk you off or something?”

“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Kagome replied as she scratched her chin. “Your arms are pretty messed up by our contest and I don’t want those fangs of yours scratching up my meat. That leaves us with only one option.”

“Are you serious?” Koga asked.

“Sure am,” Kagome said, ruffling her fingers through his hair before stomping his way back over to the stump. “Now take off those clothes and get over here. Fair is fair after all.”

Gritting his teeth, Koga took his sweet time to reply. In the seconds that followed, Kagome had to ask herself what had possessed her to say such a thing. Just as she was beginning to wonder if the bull demon was having more influence on her mind than she thought, she watched as Koga begrudgingly stripped off his clothes. Uncharacteristically acting meek as he shuffled towards the stump, he clutched his arms around himself as he looked up to meet Kagome’s eyes.

“Well, now what?” Koga asked.

Grasping Koga’s sides, Kagome laid him down to have his back rest on the stump. “Just let me take it from here,” she whispered into his ear. “If it’s too much, just shout out “pony”.”


“Yeah,” Kagome said, spreading out his legs to slide her cock up against the entrance of his anus. “Just like that.”

Pulling back her hips, Kagome thrust forwards to shove her cock into Koga’s ass. Though there was a hiss of pain at first, it was overcome with a euphoric moan leaving wolf demon’s lips as she pulled back her cock. Gently rocking back and forth, she attempted to ease both Koga and herself into the sensation. She managed to keep up the steady pace until she noticed the look of desire in her partner’s eyes.

Giving into the full depravity of her bovine body, Kagome proceeded to rapidly ram her cock in and out of Koga. Soon, the clearing became filled with their mixed cries of ecstasy as they reveled in their intimacy. Provided a chance to fully unleash her desires, Kagome kept going until a loud MOO from her lips signaled both her and Koga to reach their release.

Sucking in a deep breath to recover, Kagome pulled back to allow her seed to trickle out of Koga. Looking at the wolf demon’s face, what she saw was a look of pure ecstasy that had him sliding his fingers through the droplets of cum he had sprayed across his mid-section. Just as she was about to reach down to help clean him off, she was stopped as she felt someone grab onto her side.

“Don’t I get a turn?” Sango asked, rubbing her body up against Kagome.

“Of course,” Kagome replied, pulling her in close. “Just give our third member a chance to recover first. He should make for a hell of an addition to our fun.”


Following the trail of lanterns away from the inn, Kagome’s eyes grew wide at the sight of the natural hot spring that awaited her. With a grin, she tossed aside her robe and gingerly stepped over the rocks encircling the pool to slip inside. Easing herself into the comforting embrace of the warm water, she shuffled her way over to the side. Stretching her arms over the rim, she leaned back and took a breath to begin the process of ridding her body of the leftover aches from her travels.

Ever since her run in with Koga, Kagome noticed how much more control she seemed to have of her body. In spite of the major setbacks of her changed form and increased libido, the bull demon had made good on his promise to improve her physical prowess. Whenever her group ran afoul of an enemy, she was able to easily hold her own in the fight. While her fingers weren’t suited for using her bow anymore, the raw power granted by her muscles meant that she could take care of most demons with her bare hands.

Reminiscing about the worm monster she had crushed beneath her hooves, Kagome tilted her head to the side to give herself a chance to enjoy the moment. The comfortable position was disturbed as her ears flickered at the sound of something sneaking around in the bushes. Opening up her eyes, she quickly stood up in the bath and turned towards the source of the noise.

“Who’s there?” Kagome’s voice boomed, showing none of the former hesitation she had for the deep sound. “Show yourself!”

“Fine, fine,” Inuyasha said, stepping out of the bushes after tugging his red robe free of a stray branch. “No need to yell your head off at me.”

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Kagome asked, crossing her arms. “Trying to sneak a peek at me? Didn’t think you and Miroku were so much alike.”

“As if,” Inuyasha shot back. “You don’t even have tits to look at anymore.”

“Says you,” Kagome replied, lowering her arms to show off her toned pecs.

Inuyasha paused for a moment to stare, only to get back to his senses by shaking around his head of long, white hair. “I didn’t come here to gawk at your fuzzy butt. I’ve been seeing how you’ve been handling yourself in fights lately.”

“Pretty impressive, huh?”

“More like worrying if you ask me,” Inuyasha answered. “You keep trying to convince us that you’re not being controlled by that demon inside of you. That might have fooled Sango and Miroku, but I’m not buying it.”

Kagome shrugged. “Whether you believe it or not, it’s the truth.” Turning her back on Inuyasha, she stomped over to the other side of the pool to sit back down. “Now if you want to keep talking, you’ll have to come in here.”

“Why would I do that? You can hear me just-“

“Sorry, the steam is really loud,” Kagome said, showing her true intentions with her grin. “Come on in if you want to talk. Oh and don’t forget to take off your clothes. Wouldn’t want your robe getting wet.”

Inuyasha’s initial response was the expected glare as he bared his teeth at Kagome. Continuing to merely watch and wait, Kagome’s patience was rewarded as she saw him begin to disrobe. Tossing off the clothes fast to get it over with, Inuyasha plunged into the water and began to march towards her. Though the walk only took a few seconds it still provided her with plenty of time to look over his nude form.

“Aww, what a cute little thing,” Kagome commented, gesturing towards Inuyasha’s crotch.

“Shut up!” Inuyasha replied, an uncharacteristic blush spreading across his face. “It only looks small because you’re comparing it to that hunk of meat you lug around all day.”

“You got me there,” Kagome replied with a shrug. “Anyway, why don’t you come here, sit down, relax, and tell me what’s on your mind? I won’t bite, I promise.”

“Your bite isn’t what I’m worried about,” Inuyasha said, cautiously sitting down next to her. “First you got Sango to worship that thing on a daily basis, then you go and add Koga to your list of partners.”

“And here I thought we were being subtle,” Kagome commented.

“Like hell you were,” Inuyasha replied with a splash against the water’s surface. “We could hear wolf boy’s howls all the way back in town. Just what did you do to him?”

“Nothing he didn’t beg for himself,” she replied, following up with a hearty chuckle. “To ease your fears, I should probably mention that I can be very gentle when I want to be.”

“Says the bull man who tore a demon in half just yesterday,” Inuyasha shot back. “How are we supposed to know you won’t go into a rampage in the middle of town just because you can’t jerk off for more than five minutes?”

Inuyasha flinched a bit as Kagome leaned in. “I have plenty of control over all of this,” she said, gesturing towards her body. “But if you’re still not convinced, I think I know of a way to fix that.”

“What the hell are you-“

In a flash, Kagome grabbed Inuyasha and picked him up. Though he struggled at first, he calmed down a bit as she lowered him into the water. With the back of his torso submerged, he tilted up his head to watch as the bull man’s fingers slid down his chest. Reaching down to Inuyasha’s groin, Kagome playfully grazed her palm along his shaft. After a few strokes, he heard him let out a soft moan.

“I don’t think I need to explain what I mean now,” Kagome said, continuing to tease Inuyasha by running her fingers along the tip of his cock. “Would you like me to continue the demonstration?”

Inuyasha didn’t reply immediately. Though he didn’t say a word, Kagome could see the internal struggle going on in his mind just by looking in his eyes. Licking her lips in anticipation, she helped to hasten his decision by gently sliding along his shaft. Barely able to suppress a moan, Inuyasha finally gave his answer with a slight nod.

Chuckling at the once proud half-demon’s submission, Kagome wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Moving at a steady pace, she kept her eyes firmly on him to see his reaction. Try as he might to hold himself back, the constant practice Kagome had had on her own manhood had given her the edge. Soft gasps began to leave his lips, each one draining away some of his former ferocity. It was upon hearing an unmistakable moan of ecstasy that Kagome decided to move on to the next step.

Lifting up Inuyasha’s body so that his entire cock was above the water, the bull man leaned down to swallow up its entirety. Bobbing her head back and forth, her ears flickered at every gasp that left Inuyasha’s lips. As she dragged her tongue along his length, he seemingly gave up all pretenses of restraint as he cried out with pleasure. The sound gave her a bit of a warning to prepare her to suck up every last drop of cum that released from the half-demon’s member.

Pulling back her head, Kagome made a show of licking up the last few drops clinging to her lips. “It’s a pretty strange taste,” she said, wiping her face clean with the back of her hand, “but not a bad one. I can see why Sango and Koga drink this stuff up so eagerly.”

“W-why did you do that?” Inuyasha asked, his body still shaking from his release.

“Two reasons,” Kagome said, holding up two of her fingers. “The first was to prove my point about being in control of this beast of a body.” Leaning down, Kagome planted a soft kiss on Inuyasha’s forehead. “Second, you’ve been through the same battles as I have. Figured you could use a little stress relief yourself.” Cradling his body, she not so subtly jostled his back against her rigid member. “Speaking of, you wouldn’t mind helping me get my own release, right?”

Inuyasha chewed on his lip for a moment, his mind racing under the influence of his own cock coming back to rigidity as Kagome slid her flared tip against his buttocks. “O-okay… but I want to do it a certain way.”

“Hehe, I think I know what you mean,” Kagome said, carrying Inuyasha over to a tall rock sticking out of the center of the pool. “Alright, I’ll show you just how far I can push myself. Just remember to call out ‘pony’ if you can’t handle it.”

Putting Inuyasha down into the water to stand on his own, Kagome watched as he obediently placed his hands on the stone. Pushing out his lower body, he looked over his shoulder to watch and wait for Kagome to do her part. A little surprised that he would be so willing after just one session, she regardless stomped over to have her cock slide between his butt cheeks. Placing her tip at the very edge of his anus, she waited until he gave the nod to go ahead.

Bellowing out a loud MOO, Kagome rammed her cock as far as it would go inside of Inuyasha. Keeping a tight grip on the rock, Inuyasha tried to withstand the ensuing thrusts of Kagome’s dick in the pursuit of pleasure. While Kagome enjoyed the sounds of her partner’s cries of ecstasy, they were easily drowned out by the MOO-like moans escaping her lips. Eager to show Inuyasha everything her new form was capable of, she held nothing back in order to give him the full brunt of her libido. Reaching the very edge of her limit, she grabbed onto his shoulders to give one last thrust to bring them over the edge.

Semen spilled across the rock as Inuyasha released from having his insides filled by Kagome’s cock. Exhausted from the experience, his arms let go of the rock as he began to fall into the water. Before he could hit the surface, Kagome managed to catch him. Holding him close to her, she greeted him with a warm smile. Clutching against her chest, Inuyasha fully gave in to this new relationship by tilting up his head to eagerly accept the bull man’s kiss.


The crackle of the fire mixed with the chirping of crickets gave the campsite a sense of calm in the wake of the group’s earlier activities. Kagome was the sole one awake, having volunteered to watch over her partners as they slept. Stretching out her limbs, she leaned back against the tree to enjoy the lingering shivers of her last session with her harem of lovers. While she was content to just enjoy the evening, the bulge in her robes showed that it wasn’t a mutual feeling.

“I’m booooooored,” the bull demon moaned in Kagome’s head.

“Not everything has to be blood pumping action all of the time,” Kagome whispered to avoid waking up her partners. “After taking down that group of monsters AND our post-battle orgy, I’d think you would have gotten your fill.”

“Come on, we’ve been together for months now. You should know that’s not possible.”

Kagome let out a soft chuckle. “True, but others do. Once they’ve had their rest, then I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to make up for lost time.”

“Guh, but we’re still so horny,” the bull demon whined.

“We could go masturbate like the old days,” Kagome suggested. “I even figured out this thing I could do with my free hand to really get in there.”

The bull demon let out a huff. “It’s not the same. I need to feel someone else clenching around our cock to really feel something. Or at the very least, hear someone else’s cries of ecstasy when we-“

“Hold it,” Kagome said, raising up her hand. “We’re not alone.”

Standing up, Kagome trotted away from the camp and into the woods. Keeping her ears alert, she managed to catch the faint noises of someone slinking around the forest. Rather than prolong the game any longer, she made herself stand out by stepping out into a moonlit clearing.

“Come on out,” she called seemingly to nothing. “If you want a fight, then you found the right person, er, bull person I guess.”

A flash of white hair momentarily made Kagome think that Inuyasha had somehow snuck away from camp. She realized the true identity of her stalker as she noticed the flowing, white robes on the man’s body, with one of the sleeves hanging limply where his left arm used to reside. Recognizing the crescent moon on his forehead and hateful glare in his yellow eyes, Kagome called out, “Sesshomaru, what are you doing here?”

“I’ve managed to hear that you’ve turned my half-brother into nothing more than your little plaything,” Sesshomaru said, his face unmoving but his words dripping with venom. “I didn’t think it was possible for him to shame our father’s legacy any further, but it appears he’s gone far beyond my expectations once more.”

Kagome let out a snort. “Did you really come all the way out here just to insult my little love pup?”

“No, I came to claim the Tessaiga for my own,” Sesshomaru answered. “If Inuyasha isn’t going to use it properly, I see little reason for him to hold onto it and somehow cause more humiliation to be cast on our bloodline.”

“Sorry to say, but my little pup isn’t really up for a fight right now,” Kagome said, tapping her hooves against the ground. “Really takes it out of him when I shove my cock into his ass.”

Sesshomaru’s typically stoic expression was broken with a look of disgust. “Enough. Draw your weapon or get out of my way unless you want me to strike you down on the spot.”

“Alright, you asked for it,” Kagome said with a shrug. With a flick of her fingers, she tossed off her robe and grasped the base of her cock to swing it around. “So, do you want it in the mouth or the ass? I’d prefer the latter considering how tight it must be.”

“Revolting,” Sesshomaru replied, his eyes nonetheless watching the sizable manhood wave back and forth. “Do you really think I’ll debase myself like that?”

“You’re just a coward,” Kagome teased. “Your brother is able to take this monster of a manhood multiple times a day with no problem. Are you really saying you’re weaker than him?”

“Enough!” Sesshomaru said as he began to undress. “Fine, I’ll play along with your game.”

“Alright!” Kagome exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “So, which end do you want me to fuck you?”

“I believe you misunderstand,” Sesshomaru said, using his hand to grab at his own cock. “I’m going to be the one in charge here.”

“Oooh, he’s a lively one,” the bull demon whispered into Kagome’s head. “This should be fun.”

“Alright tough guy,” Kagome said, sharing the eagerness of her body’s passenger, “we’ll play by your rules.” Standing within a few feet of Sesshomaru, she turned around and lifted up her tail to present her backside. “Go ahead and start whenever you’re ready.”

“Fine,” Sesshomaru said, walking up to place his hand around her waist. “Just don’t expect to me listen when you beg for mercy.”

With a sudden jolt, Sesshomaru shoved his cock up the bull man’s anus. The initial insertion succeeded in making a moan-like MOO leave Kagome’s lips to encourage the demon man to continue. True to his word, he showed no restraint as he constantly moved his hips back and forth. What he showed was the true ferocity of a demon, without any regard for what kind of damage he did to his partner’s insides. Even still, it wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy Kagome’s needs.

“Is that really all you’ve got?” Kagome asked, looking over her shoulder to see Sesshomaru’s body starting to tire out.

“S-shut up,” Sesshomaru replied, having to stop for a moment to catch his breath. “I’ll make you submit. I swear it.”

Before Sesshomaru could have a chance to make good on his word, he was sent sprawling backwards with a bump of Kagome’s ass. Falling to the ground on his back, he looked up to see the bull man stomp towards him. Getting on her knees, Kagome made a show of sliding her hand along her cock as is she was preparing to return his earlier favor. Instead, she shuffled forward until her ass was hovering over her partner’s manhood. Once he had gotten a good look at the playful grin on her face, that was when she pushed herself down.

Easily taking in the entirety of Sesshomaru’s girth, Kagome quickly adopted the vigorous pace her partner had shown her before. The once mighty demon began to cry out in pleasure as the bull man continued to use his manhood as little more than her personal sex toy. Keeping up a steady rhythm with her squats, Kagome gritted her teeth both to show off how pleased she was with Sesshomaru’s reactions and to stifle her moans to better hear his cries of ecstasy. Unable to take it any longer, Sesshomaru ended up being the first to cum. Reveling in the sensation of her own anus getting filled up, Kagome celebrated the experience by spraying a load of cum across Sesshomaru’s shaking body.

Pulling off of Sesshomaru, Kagome reached down to pick him up. “Sorry, didn’t think it would be that difficult for a proud demon like yourself,” she teased, keeping his shaking form steady with her powerful hands. “Come on and let me bring you back to camp. I’ll get you some water to recover.”


Kagome tilted her head. “What do you mean no?”

“I’m… not done yet,” Sesshomaru answered, an alien look in his eyes as he stared at her with a look of desperation. “I need you to… fill me up too.”

A laugh started by the demon in Kagome’s head was repeated as she opened up her mouth to release a similar, hearty chuckle. “One good fuck is really all it took?” she asked, causing the demon to avert his gaze. “Alright, I think you’ve more than earned yourself a turn on the other end. Get down on all fours, like a good boy and I’ll take care of you.”

Released from Kagome’s grasp, Sesshomaru showed no hesitation in following her command. Down on his hand and knees, he looked over his shoulder to watch her stomp forward to have her cock slide between his cheeks. Moments before she could press the tip of her dick inside of him, her ears twitched at a familiar sound.

“What’s going on here?” Inuyasha asked as he stepped out into the clearing.

Before Sesshomaru could answer, Kagome clasped his lips with one of her hands. “Your brother wanted to get a little taste of my meat. Poor thing seems absolutely addicted to my cock after just one session. I’m just trying to help him work through his new feelings. Do you want to watch?”

“Could I… join you?” Inuyasha asked, acting as timid as a puppy.

“Any objections?” Kagome asked Sesshomaru, receiving a shake of the head in return. “Alright then. Take off your clothes and come over here. I have something new for you.”

Following Kagome’s commands and stripping down, Inuyasha approached the bull man from the back. Grasping at his cock with her free hand, Kagome guided him to press his cock up against her own anus. Feeling his body press against her muscular back, she gave him the order to wait for the signal. His sign to act came mere seconds later as she let out a bellowing MOO and shoved her manhood into Sesshomaru’s ass.

Moving in unison with Kagome, Inuyasha inserted his cock into the bull man’s anus and began to rock back and forth with her. Sesshomaru was the first to start crying out, his body still a mess of ecstasy from the previous session. Next came Inuyasha, his moans both familiar, yet strange to be heard coming from behind Kagome. Too busy enjoying the moment, Kagome’s only let herself cry out in pleasure once both of her partners hit their release. When her time came, it was with a surge of her semen flooding Sesshomaru’s insides that dripped out to join the pool of fluids created by her lovers.

With both Inuyasha and Sesshomaru exhausted, Kagome took it upon herself to move them from the spot before they fell into the lingering puddle. Effortlessly hoisting the brothers upon her shoulders, she began to trot back to camp. Too eager to wait until morning, she let out another MOO to rouse the rest of her friends so that they could see her latest trophy.


A long yawn escaped Kagome’s bovine muzzle as she opened up the back door of her room to step out into the night air with only a towel around her waist. Just as the inn keeper had promised, the view of the garden was breath taking. The moment of piece was the perfect companion to the noises the bull man could hear still coming from the room she shared with the rest of her harem.

“By the sound of it, Sango finally convinced Sesshomaru to let her mount him,” the bull demon commented.

“I’m surprised that smug demon has changed so much,” Kagome replied, stretching out her arms to relieve any leftover aches. “Even more impressed he could take the whole thing. That toy is nearly bigger than our dick.”

“Well, we have to make sure that they’re ready for whatever we have planned for them,” Kagome’s passenger answered. “I should have something extra fun figured out by the time we reach the next town. As long as that perverted monk makes good on his word to fetch us the necessary supplies.”

“I’m still not having sex with him,” Kagome commented. “He’s not into it and I at least still have some standards.”

“Fine, stick to what few human morals you have left,” the demon replied. “I’m sure I can think of some other way to reward him. Perhaps you can loan out one of your partners to him? I think Sango still has a thing for him.”

Kagome let out a light chuckle as her ears twitched. “You do always seem to have just the right thing to sate the group’s needs. That being said, I hope you’re making said plans with our latest addition in mind.” Getting up from her seat on the porch, Kagome waved towards the nearby line of trees bordering the garden. “There’s no need to hide. I’m sure you’re dying to join the others.”

The bull man’s call got a figure to step out and expose herself. The sight of the white kimono and red skirt stood out from the rest of the bushes like a beacon. Despite being called out, the woman continued forward with an elegant walk that at most slightly jostled the white bows tied up in her long, black hair. Not worried about the bow and arrow slung across the woman’s back, Kagome stood up to meet her halfway.

“Haven’t seen you in a while, Kikyo,” Kagome said, greeting the woman with a wide grin. “What brings you here?”

“It looks like you’ve been fully taken over by the demon,” Kikyo commented. “How much of you is still human?”

Kagome let out a laugh. “Taken over? Maybe my appearance, but everything else is all me.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“I do. If I wasn’t in control, we wouldn’t be standing here talking,” Kagome replied with a small laugh to try and ease the mood. “My little passenger managed to tell me what he used to do when he was in control. Needless to say, we’ve come to an agreement on how to better use his abilities.”

“While I do appreciate that you’ve been able to steer your desires, I believe this has gone on long enough.” Reaching into her pocket, Kikyo pulled out a paper charm. “This will be able to release the demon from your body. Once that’s done, I should be able to finish the exorcism with a single shot from my bow. Then you should be able to return to your old body.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Kagome said, gently pushing Kikyo’s hand back down.

“I’m confused,” Kikyo said. “What are you trying to say?”

Puffing up her chest, Kagome gave a smack to her pecs. “I like the new me. Sure, it does have its downsides, but this power and confidence is what I’ve been looking for. Thanks to that, I’ve been able to take down demons effortlessly and bring together my friends like never before. I even managed to get Inuyasha to get along with his brother. Well, as long as they’re not fighting each other to decide who gets to take my cock.”

“Forgive me,” Kikyo said, putting back the charm, “but you understand why I’m so concerned.”

“I don’t blame you,” Kagome said, stretching out her arms. “Took a while for the others to get used to it too. Thankfully, our sessions of intimacy sped up the process.” She bent down to get eye level with the priestess. “So, you want to join? I’m sure Inuyasha would be thrilled to have you as part of my harem.”

Kikyo stepped back a few feet. “Kagome, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, but you can’t expect me to agree to such a ridiculous-“

Kikyo fell silent as Kagome took off the towel wrapped around her waist. With nothing left in its way, the bull man’s cock was free to shake around and sprinkle the ground with leftover cum from its last release. As the smell drifted over to Kikyo, Kagome noticed a shiver run down her spine.

“Maybe… a closer observation wouldn’t hurt to make sure you’re alright,” Kikyo said, more to convince herself rather than the bull man. Chewing on her lips, the priestess began to inch back towards the bull man. Getting down on her knees to meet the monstrous cock head on, she grabbed onto Kagome’s hips, opened up her mouth, and leaned forward.

The priestess only managed to get a single, long drag across the bull man’s cock before she was pulled back off. Though she was confused, she was further disoriented as Kagome took it upon herself to strip her down. Getting down on her back, Kagome shifted the priestess atop her form to get them in the right position. With both of their faces mere inches from the other’s nether regions, Kagome got her intentions across by opening up her mouth to slide her tongue across Kikyo’s pussy.

Catching on to the bull man’s plan, Kikyo once more swallowed up the rigid member to enjoy its flavor. In turn, Kagome used the skills she had obtained through her sessions with Sango to thoroughly explore the priestess’s womanhood. The bull man’s efforts bore fruit as Kikyo had to constantly stop to let a muffled moan echo from her throat. Try as she might to last long enough, the priestess ended up releasing far before Kagome reached her orgasm.

Feeling the priestess wracked with shivers, Kagome held off on getting her own release in favor of picking up her partner and standing her up. “Good effort for your first attempt,” she spoke to Kikyo, “but I think this calls for something a little different.”

With a whistle, Kagome managed to bring Inuyasha out from the room. Getting a look at the white haired, half-demon, Kikyo focused in on the gentle, lust-filled expression on his face that was far removed from his former self. Before she had a chance to inquire just what the bull man had done to him, Kagome was manipulating her body once more to get her down on all fours.

Left on her hands and knees, Kikyo tilted her head back up to see Inuyasha standing over her. She only had a few seconds to gaze at the half-demon’s cock before she felt something much larger slide across her backside. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted Kagome getting into position to have her dick press up against the entrance to her womanhood. Swiveling her head back and forth, the priestess saw that both of her partners were waiting from some kind of response. Unwilling to suppress her desires for any longer, Kikyo gave a nod of her head towards the bull man before opening her mouth again to take in Inuyasha’s member.

Though the priestess was the one to initiate the depraved act, any control she had over the situation was undone the moment the bull man’s cock was shoved inside of her. Letting her body go limp, Kikyo allowed her partners to use her holes however she saw fit. While they enjoyed sharing with her the same pleasure they had experienced, she was more than eager to push them forward with a series of muffled moans as she reached ever closer to her climax. When she finally did hit her orgasm as she was filled up by Kagome’s seed, her cry of euphoria was drowned out by the glob of semen that came pouring out of Inuyasha’s dick.

“Sorry about that,” Kagome said, gently removing herself from Kikyo before gently setting the still shaking woman down on the ground. “I usually give my partners a chance to back out if they want. Guess I didn’t really think that through.”

“It’s fine,” Kikyo said, graciously accepting a cup of water offered to her by Inuyasha. “It was… enlightening.”

“Glad you finally figured it out,” Kagome commented, ordering Inuyasha to help Kikyo up with just a snap of her fingers. “Go inside and rest a bit. The others will be ecstatic to see their latest member. Up to you on if you’re willing to join in on their welcoming festivities either tonight or later when you’ve recovered.”

“I would very much like that,” Kikyo said, a small smile on her face as Inuyasha helped her into the room.

Stretching out her limbs to prepare herself for a long evening, Kagome strode back out into the garden. She stopped at the edge of a small pond to see herself reflected in the moonlit surface. Looking over her furry, muscular form and still throbbing member, she thought back to how horrified she was when she first saw it. Now, the sight of her bovine body and horse cock filled her with a sense of pride. Turning her back on the reflection, she began to make her way back to her room to properly celebrate the newest addition to her group of adoring lovers.


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