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Prompt: In the future, the government has taken to use rapid weight gain as a way to both punish and reform criminals. We see one such case with a car jacker who is fattened until she could never hope to fit in a car again (but she’s just perfect for a government-mandated scooter).

   “This is inhumane!” Jenean shouted as she was pushed into the processing chamber of the prison in only her birthday suit. “All I did was jack a few cars. That’s no reason that you have to turn me into one of those lard balls. Can’t I just do some community service?”

   Jenean got her answer as a cloud of pink gas pumped into the room. Her attempt at escaping by scratching at the sealed door was stopped as her fingers plumped up to resemble overstuffed sausages. Looking away from her fattening arms brought her attention to her equally thick legs that were barely able to keep her double wide rear and enormous hips standing. Feeling herself begin to wobble under the duress of her belly fattening up into a wrecking ball of flab rolls, she made one last ditch effort to escape by charging towards the door.

   Managing to waddle her way to the door, Jenean only succeeded in using the meat sacks that were now her engorged breasts as makeshift air bags. Falling back onto her fat ass, she tried and failed to get on her feet. Firmly stuck lying on the floor, she managed to see a large set of metallic hands emerge from the ceiling to pick her up. Unable to see much thanks to her chubby cheeks, thick neck, and multiple chins, she let out a yelp as the robotic limbs placed her down into a strange chair.

   Wobbling around in the metallic seat, Jenean tired herself out after only a few seconds. As she breathed heavily to regain her pitiful stamina, the chair began to roll forward on its own accord. The door on the opposite side of the room opened up to allow the obese woman to enter with the aid of her government mandated scooter. Waiting for her on the other side was a group of women as big as she was or larger, forced to move about in similar chairs.

   “Hello inmate P-425,” the voice in her chair said as she rolled past her fellow prisoners. “And welcome to your first day of rehabilitation.”


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