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Prompt: While in her zero suit, Samus gets stuck in a thin pipe and ends up drinking the toxic sludge that flows into it. By the time she gets out, she is feeling very nauseous and dizzy, stumbling away while vainly trying to relieve the immense gas pressure in her glowing potbelly.

   The need to stealthily sneak into the space pirate facility had forced Samus to take an alternative approach to her tactics. Skulking around the backside of the base in only her zero suit, she kept her eyes peeled for a way to get in. What she ended up finding was an outlet pipe that was just large enough for her to squeeze through. Regretting that that her morph ball mode was left behind with the rest of her armor, she holstered her weapon and climbed into the tube.

   Squeezing her way through the tight pipe, Samus strained her eyes to see ahead. The dark passage began to illuminate itself with a neon green glow as an unsettling sound could be heard further up the path. The trickle of liquid splashing against the metal was all the warning she needed to try and retreat. Backing up a few feet ended up being her downfall as her sides got stuck on the edges of the pipe. Struggling to move even and inch, she could only wait as the sound drew nearer.

   Samus’s eyes went wide as a torrent of toxic sludge came surging towards her. The impact forced her mouth open and began to pour the goo down her throat. Forced to drink the nasty slurry, she could feel her mid-section begin to grow to contain the massive amount of sludge. Her swelling gut ensured she was firmly stuck in the pipe, eventually blocking up the entire passage. With nowhere else to go, what sludge that didn’t make it into her mouth constantly pushed against her form. Just as she felt like she was about to burst, the pressure finally became great enough to send her shooting down the pipe.

   Falling out of the tube, Samus landed amongst a growing puddle of the toxic slime. Stumbling to her feet, she winced at the sight of her swollen potbelly hanging out of the massive tear in her suit and the eerie, green glow permeating its taut flesh. Pressing against her belly button and hearing the liquid slosh around, her mouth was forced open to release a pungent belch. Stumbling away back towards her ship to receive medical treatment, all attempts at remaining hidden were undone by the constant BRRAAAAAPPPPPs that came rumbling out of her rear. With her belly lit up like a spotlight and gas pouring out of both ends, she could only hope that if the space pirates found her that they would be too disgusted to go anywhere near her.


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