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WARNING THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN: Yuri and Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

   With classes done for the day, the students made their way towards their associated extracurricular activities. Whether that was just going home, studying for the next test, or participating in various sports, everyone seemed to have a programmed routine guiding them. No more was this true than with the members of the Literature Club.

   Monika, the club president stood at the front of the recently vacated class room, keeping her eyes locked on her beloved. Her white bow and ponytail of brown hair shifted as she tilted her head to keep her view locked on the singular, male student before her. She let out a sigh, content in the knowledge that his perfectly attractive face, hair, and personality were all hers. This student known as the protagonist acted as a reward for her long fought battle to make him hers and hers alone.

   The club president’s awareness that she was in a game gave her the upper hand when it came to shooing away the protagonist’s suitors. Her initial plans had involved unsavory modifications to the game’s code to eliminate the protagonist’s fellow suitors through. However, she had to change her methods to accommodate the protagonist’s nature. Unable to take more drastic measures to make him her own, she decided the best course of action was to do things a little more discretely.

   Sayori was an easy one. A simple push here and there got the first challenger to Monika’s perfect relationship out of the running. Through the use of a planned intervention and the cooperation of the other members of the club, Monika had convinced Sayori to seek help for her depression. Gaining extra admiration from the protagonist in the process of sending Sayori off to get some much needed psychological support, all that remained were the other two members of the club to take care of. Thankfully for Monika, that was all solved with a simple modification in the code to change the image of the protagonist’s phone screen the moment her competitors looked over his shoulder.

   Monika’s loving gaze of her beloved broke as the other two members of the club arrived. Yuri was the first to enter the room, wearing the same brown blazer and blue skirt Monika and the rest of the female students wore. What made Yuri stand out were the locks of hair that reached past her waist and had a similar purple hue as her eyes. Looking over Yuri’s long legs and seeing how the leggings pinched a bit of chub on her thighs, Monika smiled to herself before turning towards the second member.

   Natsuki was by far the smallest member of the club, but she more than made up for it with her spunky attitude. Her short, pink hair made her further stand out even if her figure wasn’t exactly as gifted as Monika’s own. The one thing Natsuki did seem to have over the other members was small bit of pudge around her mid-section that showed that she too had fallen for Monika’s trap.

   “Sorry we’re late,” Yuri said, giving a slight bow towards Monika.

   “Yeah, the line near the snack machines was crazy long,” Natsuki added. Opening up her bag, she reached inside and placed a small snack cake in front of Monika. “We have plenty to share.”

   “Thank you very much,” Monika said, stashing the cake away for later. “Let’s go ahead and get started with the club’s usual activities.”

   The club members scattered to different parts of the room to begin their usual routine of writing poetry. Leaving the protagonist to ponder what to choose, Monika kept her attention on the other women. Each of them had taken up a corner of the room as their spot to do their writing. As they created their poems, they opened up one pack of snacks after another to munch on. A cursory glance inside of the women’s bags revealed a wide collection of food that might as well been enough to make a full meal.

   Sitting at the front of the room, observing Yuri and Natsuki gorge themselves, Monika couldn’t help feeling pride in her work. The image she had placed of an overly hedonistic woman on the protagonist’s phone screen had been all that was required to convince the other club members that that was his ideal woman. Every glance of the protagonist towards either Yuri or Natsuki proved more than enough for them to up the pace of their eating. While the sight of the pair’s expanding waistlines was proof enough, Monika knew her plan was in full motion as she heard a set of rumbles echo through the room.

   Another glance over at Yuri and Natsuki showed both of their faces become flushed with red. Their hands grasped at their taut bellies, sliding their fingers across them in an attempt to settle them down. Yuri was the first to break the silence, her pent up gas being released in the form of a small burp parting her lips. Natsuki followed soon after as a tiny fart slipped out of her rear. Though the two of them tried to ignore the sudden expulsions there was little they could do as more gas began to slip out of both of their ends.

   “May I be excused?” Yuri and Natsuki asked in unison.

   “But we only just started,” Monika commented, delighting in the sight of the pair beginning to squirm.

   “I, um, have something I need to take UURP care of,” Yuri replied.

   “Very well, just don’t take too long,” Monika said, sending them away with a wave of her hand.

   “We’ll be back soon, I promise,” Natsuki said, she and Yuri being hurried along by a pair of squeaky farts leaking out of their backsides.

   Watching the pair run down the hall towards the nearest bathroom, Monika dared to look back at the protagonist. Though he tried to keep his head down to pretend nothing had happened, it was hard to hide the way his nose crinkled at the lingering stench of his fellow club members’ gas. Managing to hide her smile behind her own poem, Monika eagerly awaited to see how far she could push the other girls to pursue their lofty goal of becoming complete slobs.


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