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Prompt: While battling a cronomancer, an adventurer’s past is changed, reducing him to a helpless fat ass.

   Hoping to gain glory and gold in battle, Richmond twirled his moustache as he stepped out into the arena. Upon seeing the wimpy, young woman dressed in raggedy robes standing at the opposite end of the stadium, he was more than certain of himself that he would come out the victor. Too busy readying his spear and waving to the crowd, he nearly missed the announcement that he was fighting a cronomancer. Shrugging it off as just another term for a spellcaster, he stared down his opponent and charged forward once the starting bell rang.

   Richmond’s first stab missed by a wide mile as the woman twirled over to the side. Before he could attack again, she slapped the flat of her palm against his back. Swiping his spear made her back off, but it didn’t stop a tingling sensation from emanating from where she had touched his armor. Just as he prepared to charge once more, he shuddered as it felt as if something had crawled inside of his brain.

   Clutching his forehead, he closed his eyes and watched as moments of his life flashed before his eyes, only to be replaced with incorrect information. Times spent gathering lumber in the woods near his childhood home were replaced with lazy afternoons gorging himself on wild berries. Various adventuring quests were swapped out for hundreds of different inn and eatery visits to sample different cuisine. Demonstrations of valor to impress women were replaced with eating and drinking contests to fill up his pouch alongside his ever growing belly.

   When Richmond finally did open his eyes again, it was just in time to witness his precious armor be burst apart by his fattening body. Watching the last of chest plate bound away from his drooping pecs and doughy gut, he clenched his pudgy fingers around his spear. Though he tried to attack the cronomancer, his bulky legs did little to accommodate for his widened hips and fat ass. Exhausted from the mere act of running for a few seconds, Richmond collapsed to the ground to rest his enormous body.

   The fallen hero made for a perfect pedestal for the cronomancer to address the crowd. Climbing atop his blubbery belly, she raised her arms up to bask in the praise of the audience. Upon hearing the announcer call her name, the woman straddled herself upon Richmond’s body. Using his moobs as a pillow, she nestled up next to his face to pinch his chubby cheeks and say, “Good game.”


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