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Prompt: Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) opens a tears and steps through, only to find herself back in her tower. This time however, her caretaker is dead set on making her an immobile, dimwitted, pampered pet.

   Wiping the blood from her nose and rubbing it across the side of her white dress, Elizabeth tried to get a grip on her new location. Though the tear had drained her of most of her strength, she had hoped it would have been the ticket to her escaping her tower for good. However, even after bending reality itself she still found herself back in her old tower. Letting out a groan as she ignored the various rearranged furniture and boxes of snacks, she decided that the best way to drown her sorrows was with the bottle of strange liquid placed next to her nightstand.

   Disregarding the much larger bed and large porthole near the ceiling, Elizabeth downed the elixir without a second thought. Though the beverage helped to ease her weariness, it brought with it a strange sense of lethargy. Stumbling on her own feet, she managed to stagger onto the bed. Laying across the mattress, she gradually let her jaw become slack as parts of her mind became cloudy. This bubbly fog that inhabited her mind made it hard to think about what she was doing beforehand. Unable to understand what the words “Bumbling Blob” scribbled across the empty bottle meant, she merely allowed drool to leak onto her chest until she heard a familiar bell.

   The opening above her bed slid open to allow Songbird to fly in with a bundle of food. Clapping her hands together like a simpleton, Elizabeth let out a series of grunts to hurry along her captor. Opening up her mouth wide, Elizabeth eagerly accepted whatever was given to her. As her indulgent feast continued, her clothing disappeared, and her body began to morph in an effort to make her better fit this universe’s version of herself.

   Elizabeth’s ponytail of black hair burst apart to allow the long strands to caress her plump cheeks and reach all the way down to her pudgy toes. The loose locks were pushed aside by Songbird so that he could pick away the plethora of crumbs that had become trapped between her massive breasts and numerous belly rolls. Wobbling about upon her thick ass cheeks, Elizabeth continued to call out for more until she had finished off enough food to feed an entire dinner party.

   Left to lick stains from her lips, Elizabeth leaned back and fell into a deep slumber. Tucking the immobile blob of flesh into bed, Songbird once more took to the skies to gather more food. It was part of his duty in keeping the pampered pet of Columbia happy in her tower of hedonism.


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