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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Sakie (Interviews with Monster Girls) Breast, Butt, and Vagina Expansion, Tetsuo Muscle Growth and Cock Growth, and Sexual Content

What was supposed to be a moment to cement their relationship becomes something much stranger as Tetsuo and Sakie finally decide to have sex. As their bodies grow alongside their debauchery, their waning self-control leads them down a path to a future of never ending pleasure.

This was a commission for Biotrain on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/biotrain

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Tetsuo let out a wide yawn, partially covering up the sound of the train coming to a stop at the station. Looking out the windows, the claims that Sakie lived out in a very rural area were all but confirmed by the scenery of thick woods and sparse housing. Scratching at the stubble around his chin and fixing his spiky black hair, he couldn’t help feeling sorry for his fellow teacher for having to make this transit every day. Fiddling around his white coat and pulling out his phone, he made a mental note of how late they had arrived at the station. Seeing as how this was the last train, he let out a sigh of relief that at the very least they were off of work the next day.

   The same sense of relaxation was not shared with Sakie. Despite having been the one to suggest the evening’s events, the succubus math teacher was still fiddling with her ponytail of black hair to try and ease her nerves. Moving onto adjusting her red tracksuit and glasses made it appear like she would be more willing to throw herself into a raging fire rather than go through with her plans. Several months of dating had clued Testuo into her body’s more subtle tells. Though her shivering figure seemed at odds with her intentions, his own concerns were somewhat sated by the sight of Sakie still managing to keep her head up as the train came to a stop.

   “You’ve taken all of the precautions, right?” Tetsuo asked as they got off the train and started walking down the road towards Sakie’s house.

   “Yes, but there’s not much to go off of when it comes to my particular situation,” Sakie replied, rapidly scrolling through the notes on her phone. “Most other succubi have committed their…acts of intimacy far before my age. I’m not sure what exactly is going to happen.”

   Tetsuo reached out to calm her but stopped as he recalled her aversion to physical contact. “We’ll just take it one step at a time, okay?”

   Sakie paused and took a deep breath. “Alright,” she said, hazarding a smile as she pumped her fist. “Let’s do this.”

   Upon arriving at Sakie’s house, the couple got started on their date night. It started out with a simple dinner, both of them having prepared their specialties in the hopes of pleasing one another. This followed up with a movie in the living room with both of them sitting on separate chairs. Though they never physically came in contact the entire time, they still enjoyed each other’s company all the way through to the credits. As the night went on and time ticked closer, the two of them popped open cans of beer. Toasting one another to summon up their courage, they downed their liquor with amazing speed. Motivated by each other’s trust and old-fashioned inebriation, they finished off their drinks and set their sights on the bedroom.

   “You’re sure your ready for this?” Tetsuo asked.

   “Yes, I’m sure,” Sakie replied, rolling out her bedding to busy her nervous fingers.

   “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

   “But I want to do it!” Sakie said a little louder than she intended. “I have a rough idea of what men feel when they’re around me. Over the course of our dates I’ve seen the way you twitch from time to time. You’ve been holding yourself back for so long, but I want to give you a chance to finally let off some steam.”

   Sheepishly grasping Tetsuo’s hand, Sakie led him over to the bedding and sat him down. “Don’t tell me you’re not at least a little curious what it’s like to be with a succubus,” she said, putting on a small smile to lighten the mood.

   Tetsuo returned with a grin of his own. “You’ve got me there.”

   Grasping Sakie between his arms, he carefully guided her down to the bed. Pressing their lips together for the shortest of kisses was all it took to flood Testuo with a plethora of sexual urges. Parting from her before her influence could overload his desires, he began to take off his coat. He was stopped by Sakie grasping his shoulders, reminding him that more skin to skin contact with her ran the risk of making him lose conrol. Wanting to take this as carefully as possible, Tetsuo leaned back and undid his zipper and pulled down his undergarments to allow his rigid cock to slide out of his pants.

   For a few moments Sakie just stared at Tetsuo’s penis, acting as if it were an alien life form. Grinding his teeth as he pondered if he had been too forward, Tetsuo was caught off guard as Sakie finally moved to pull down her own pants by a few inches. Sliding her panties down just far enough to leave her crotch bare, Sakie leaned back to give him an unobstructed view of the wetness lining her womanhood. Grasping his shoulders, she gave him a nod to get him to move to the next step.

   With utmost care Tetsuo slid his member inside of Sakie, gradually becoming accustomed to the sensation. Pushing his cock all the way in at a glacial pace, he once more looked towards Sakie to assure himself that she was alright. Seeing a look in her eye that mirrored the lust brimming below the surface of his own body, Tetsuo gave the first jolt of his hips.

   The nearly fully clothed, missionary position the two of them had chosen was meant to be as easy as possible for them. Though the act lacked much in the way of passion or imagination, Sakie’s special abilities managed to fill in the gaps when it came to raw pleasure. Each light push of Tetsuo’s hips brought with it a flood of sensations that filled both of their bodies. Though his movements were slow, the sheer ecstasy they felt with each pump of his cock completely overwhelmed them. This deluge of new stimulations inevitably led to the pair’s first simultaneous orgasm.

   Breathing heavily as the last of his semen spilled out, Tetsuo tried to steady himself. Mind cleared from his recent moment of intimacy, he realized he had forgotten the set of condoms in his back pocket. Reaching for them more than a little late, he was stopped as he had some difficulty removing them. Pulling his hand back to figure out why, he stopped as he heard something begin to tear.

   Leaning back from Sakie, Tetsuo looked over his body and shuddered as he felt a jolt of energy course through his veins. A strange, yet satisfying feeling spread through him as he watched his coat develop various tears from his muscles beginning to swell. The true nature of his condition became evident as a grunt was forced out of his lips from the act of his pecs bulking up to rip a hole in the center of his shirt. Looking over his arms and seeing a similar layer of bulk, his thoughts raced to figure out what was going on amidst a collection of pleasurable sensations. Turning his gaze towards Sakie for answers only served to further confuse him.

   Gradually sitting up, Sakie’s attempt to push her hair back into place were put to the wayside as the front of her jacket unzipped itself. The coat was further undone as her breasts went up two cup sizes before Tetsuo’s very eyes. Still reeling from the sight of her engorged boobs, it took him a moment to realize her pants were beginning to rip as well. Drifting his gaze downwards, he witnessed a similar growth spurt affect Sakie’s lower half, giving her a curvy rear that stretched the limits of the fabric.

   The panic that filled Tetsuo’s mind as he watched these changes to their bodies unfold didn’t seem to have the same effect on Sakie. Playfully pressing her fingers into her expanded assets as if she was in a drunken stupor, she showed off an eager smile as her hands gradually made their way toward her groin. Rubbing against her still dripping pussy, she looked towards Tetsuo. Though she didn’t say anything, the gaze she cast upon his crotch made her intentions clear. Only now noticing the added length that had been gifted to his member, Tetsuo’s attempts to figure out what was going on were cast aside in favor of sating a drastic need.

   Scrambling back over to Sakie, Tetsuo plunged his cock back into her womanhood with a rough shove. Both releasing a pair of moans from the mere act of insertion, neither of them hesitated as Tetsuo unleashed his full desires. As his hips moved at a breakneck pace, his hands reached out to further tear apart Sakie’s clothes. Freeing her swollen breasts and thickened rear from their fabric prisons, he used her added curves as a means for further stimulating her body by constantly groping them. Feeling them both reaching their limits, Tetsuo gave one last hard shove. Once more filling her with his seed, he pressed himself forward to muffle Sakie’s moan with a deep kiss.

   The pair of them only parted from their embrace once the leftover shivers of their ecstasy wore off. Slumping against one another, they rolled onto their sides to try and recover. Looking into each other’s eyes, they tried to come to grips with what they had just done. Though they attempted to shuffle forward to embrace each other again, they were stopped as Sakie’s breasts went up another cup size. Upon seeing Tetsuo’s pecs go through a similar growth, the two of them were gifted a moment of clarity. Rolling away from one another as they tried to gather up what remained of their clothing, they kept silent in a poor attempt to avoid discussing the problem they had just stumbled into.


   Tetsuo adjusted his coat as he went about his daily routine through the school halls. The recently bought bulky clothing did a decent job of hiding the added muscles that had been layered onto his body during that fateful night. Though none of the students or staff seemed to notice his changes, he still kept a book dangling above his crotch to avoid anyone seeing the extra bulge in his pants. His plan left him uncomfortable as he went about his classes, but it seemed to keep things momentarily at peace. That was until around lunch period when he happened to walk right into Sakie.

   “Sorry, Sakie. I didn’t see you there,” Tetsuo said, catching himself on the wall to avoid falling to the ground from the collision of his rock hard pecs against her pillowy breasts.

   Though Tesuo tried to keep a straight face like nothing had happened, it was harder than expected due to the sight of the succubus’s expanded curves jiggling like crazy in an attempt to burst out of her tight track suit. Unconsciously smacking his lips as he got a glimpse of her nipples poking through the fabric, he was brought back to reality by Sakie clearing her throat.

   “About what happened over the weekend,” Sakie began, “I think it did something to us. Something that I’m not sure any other succubus has experienced before.”

   “That’s for sure,” Tetsuo replied, straightening his coat to try to put himself at ease. “I did a little research last night. In spite of every study about succubi, there’s no recorded incident of intercourse causing body modifications. Especially ones so bizarre.”

   Sakie clenched her fingers as she pressed her back against the wall. “I knew it was a bad idea. You kept telling me I didn’t have to, but I still wanted to try something so vulgar because of my own curiosity. This is all my fault.”

   “Hey, don’t say that,” Tetsuo replied, reaching out to consoler her, only to stop at the last second. “You were just doing what you thought was right. It was one little mistake. I’m sure with time we’ll shrink back to normal.”

   “That isn’t guaranteed,” Sakie commented. “Like you said, there’s no recorded knowledge about this kind of phenomenon. That probably means that no other succubus has had to deal with these ‘urges’ I’ve been having.”

   “What are you talking about?”

   Sakie fidgeted a bit, chewing on her lip as she appeared to search for the right words. Before Testuo could ask any more questions, she lunged forward to grab him by the wrist. Showing astounding strength considering their size difference, Sakie broke out into a sprint with Testsuo being dragged behind her. Making sure that no one was around, Sakie proceeded to barge into a vacant gym storage room and lock it up once the two of them were inside.

   Breathing heavily from the sudden burst of exercise, Tetsuo grabbed onto a stack of chairs to catch his breath. “Sakie, what’s gotten into you? It’s almost like you’re possessed or-“

   Tetsuo words were lost to him as he watched Sakie begin to remove her clothes. Carefully taking off her jacket and pants to avoid them being destroyed by her cuves, she didn’t seem to flinch as she revealed her bountiful bosom uncovered by any form of bra. Following the movement of her fingers, Tetsuo’s eyes focused on the unflattering camel toe in her panties that showed off her engorged labia. Upon pulling her underwear down past her widened hips, Sakie showed no fear as she freely displayed her dripping wet pussy.

   “It’s been like this ever since that night,” she said, keeping her gaze locked with Tetsuo’s as she mindlessly rubbed her fingers against her labia and clit. “I keep yearning to feel you inside of me again. It’s like my body is craving just being around you.”

   Tetsuo wiped the drool from his mouth, trying to ignore the throbbing sensation in his pants as he attempted to control his urges. “All the more reason we need to avoid exacerbating your condition.”

   “I know, I know,” Sakie replied. “But I just can’t take it anymore. I need something, anything, to give me even a moment’s break.”

   Tetsuo scratched his chin in thought for a moment. Upon snapping his fingers, he hazarded to put a smile on his face. “While it’s still not a good idea to have direct sex, there is something else I can try.”

   “I’ll do it. Whatever it is. Just as long as it-“

   Sakie’s words were replaced with a high pitched squeak as Tetsuo got down on his knees and shuffled towards her groin. Opening up his mouth, he allowed his tongue to explore her engorged flaps in an effort to sate her needs. Licking and dragging across her womanhood with an animalistic fervor, his movements were directed by the various gasps and moans that parted her lips. Through this feedback of her sounds of ecstasy and shivering body, he eventually grasped onto her thighs in an effort to keep her steady as a session of harsh sucking on her clit made her orgasm. Forced to swallow a mouthful of her juices, Tetsuo considered the experiment a success. Unfortunately, his victory was short lived.

   A loud ripping noise echoed through the room as he felt his muscles begin to bulge once more. His swelling biceps shredded apart his coat as his body flooded with testosterone. He gritted his teeth as the rest of his torso was made bare by his broadening shoulders and expanded pecs. It was upon his thickened glutes tearing apart his pants that he was finally forced to acknowledge the added girth around his manhood. Watching as his rigid erection ripped straight through his underwear to free up his equally engorged testicles, his shocked state left him completely defenseless as Sakie pressed into his hardened abs to send him flopping onto the ground.

   “Sakie, wait!” he shouted, watching as she crawled towards his body. “You have to stop. If we have sex again, who knows what will-“

   Tetsuo mind was turned into a mush of lust mere moments after Sakie pressed her lips against the tip of his cock. Any attempts at further discussion were destroyed upon the succubus swallowing up the length of his throbbing member. Bobbing her head up and down his shaft, her sloppy technique was more than made up for by a drive to return Tetsuo’s earlier kindness. Her eager attempts bore fruit as her mouth filled to the brim with her partner’s cum.

   Swallowing up Tetsuo’s wad, the expression on Sakie’s face was as if she had just finished a meal at a five star restaurant. This feeling persisted even as her curves went through another growth spurt. She developed more of an hourglass figure as her breasts and buttocks put her recent meal to good use. Swaying about her widened hips, she momentarily stood up from Tetsuo’s body to show off her still dripping womanhood had becoming similarly engorged. Left staring at one another’s lustful forms, any resistance they had against their urges were deemed useless as Sakie slid Tetsuo’s cock inside of her vagina.

   Once more the room played host to a cacophony of moans as Sakie set to work riding Tetsuo’s cock. Each shove brought with it a jolt of energy that left her expanded assets to wildly shake. Still conscience enough to want to help her, Tetsuo reached out to grasp her hips and put his newly gained muscles to good use in keeping her steady. Their combined teamwork allowed them to savor every moment of their coupling. And fears and doubts left in their heads were worked out by the time they reached their simultaneous release.

   As Sakie fell upon Tetsuo’s body, the two of them shuffled about until their lips locked together. Through their passionate kiss they could feel their forms growing once more. Tetsuo’s beefy chest being pressed against by Sakie’s pillowy tits. Sakie’s bubble butt shaking like gelatin as they were shifted about by Tetsuo’s thickened abs. All of this compounded with the sensation of their genitals swelling up once more barely phased them. At the moment, the only thing that mattered was intertwining their tongue to properly cement their new, poorly thought out relationship status.


   Though it was quite the trek, Sakie and Tetsuo had managed to make their way to the love hotel just as the sun was setting. The place was nearly as remote as Sakie’s own house, with very few buildings in the nearby area. This made the hotel the perfect place for them to take care of a series of needs that had become more and more powerful with every session of debauchery they had thrown themselves into. Despite knowing what their behavior was doing to their bodies, they had ceased to care. The only thing that mattered was trying to fulfill each other’s desires.

   Tetsuo took the lead into the hotel, making the receptionist at the counter stumble as he looked upon the teacher’s body builder-like physique. Wearing a shirt and coat several sizes larger than his original attire did little to hide the sheer mass of toned meat that made up his muscles. At the risk of further tearing apart his sleeves, Tetsuo waved towards the awestruck receptionist. Though the man tried to put on a friendly smile, he faltered as he got a glimpse at the unsubtle bulge taking up the majority of Tetsuo’s pants.

   The receptionist’s trance-like gaze was broken upon Sakie sauntering out from behind her boyfriend. Like Tetsuo, she was wearing a larger version of her normal clothing in an effort to give herself a semblance of decency. However, there was little she could do to cover up her hourglass figure that shook with each bump of her wide hips and huge breasts. Unable to stop himself from staring at the outlines of Sakie’s nipples and the unflattering camel toe that looked like it was eating up her pants, the receptionist took a few moments to recognize that she was talking to him.

   “Hello? I asked if you have our room available?” Sakie asked, putting on a sensual smirk that was no longer obscured by a pair of glasses.

   “Um, yes of course,” the receptionist replied, fighting through a well of urges that flooded his mind from her mere gaze. “It’ll be just down the hall to the left.”

   “Is there anyone else staying here?” Tetsuo asked.

   “Not at the moment,” the receptionist said, handing the couple their keys while trying to avoid looking directly at them. “This is one of our less busy nights.”

   “Perfect,” Sakie commented, cuddling up to Tetsuo’s chest as they began to walk down the hall.

   Right before two of them turned down the hall, Tetsuo reached back to give Sakie’s plump ass cheeks a slap. Not even trying to stifle the resulting moan, she looked over her shoulder to glance at the receptionist staring at them. Leaving him with a set of mischievous grins, the couple continued their way into their room.

   “How did I do?” Tetsuo asked, locking the door to ensure there wouldn’t be any interruptions.

   “This is absolutely wonderful,” Sakie replied, pulling away her hair tie to allow her locks to freely lay across her back as she practically tore off her clothing. Flopping herself onto the heart shaped, king-sized bed, she rolled around to relish in the freedom allowed to her hefty curves. “I’d say the trip was more than worth it.”

   “It’s a necessary evil,” Tetsuo replied, very carefully removing his clothing for later use. “There was a rumor running around that people were experiencing mild growth spurts of their own every time we have sex.”

   “Do you think they know we’re the cause of it?” Sakie asked, swaying her boobs back and forth in an attempt to keep herself patient as Tetsuo stomped his way over to the bed.

   “Suspicions yes, but nothing solid.” Taking Sakie by the hand, Tetsuo pressed his bulky body down on her before slipping his head in-between her tits. Pulling himself free from her bosom, he continued to crawl forward to be within a few inches of her face. “That being said, I don’t think they know exactly what’s going on with us.”

   Sakie let out a laugh as her arms reached around to grab what they could of Tetsuo’s broad shoulders. “To be fair, neither do we.”

   “Does that worry you?” Tetsuo asked, sliding his body once more to have his rigid cock bump up against her dripping wet pussy.

   Rather than answer with words, Sakie pushed forward to have her lips meet Tetsuo’s. Once more sharing each other’s well of desires with one another, the couple began to grope and squeeze what they could of each other’s bodies. Their various moments of intimacy had clued them into the many weak spots their forms afforded to them. Already pent up from the transit to the hotel, it was only a matter of seconds before they took the plunge.

   A rough thrust shoved Tetsuo’s cock inside of Sakie’s pussy as deep as it would go. Without missing a beat he began to gyrate his hips back and forth at a rapid pace. At the same time, his hands got to work squeezing the sacks of meat that were her tits. Though his muscles granted him great strength, it was still difficult to keep the heavy mammaries in check over the course of their frantic fucking. However, his position did leave him in the perfect spot to experience the side effects of their wonderous bodies.

   No sooner did Tetsuo’s fill Sakie with his seed did he feel her tit flesh overflow his hands. Despite having reached her orgasm moments before, Sakie still let out a cacophony of moans from the sheer ecstasy of feeling her body grow. Body shivering from the euphoric engorgement, she barely paid attention to the added mass of muscles layering onto Tetsuo’s body to push down on her. However, she did notice the extra length added to his cock. Glancing down to see Tetsuo’s testicles swell to match his penis’s lofty size, she deemed him the perfect fit for the increased depth of her still wanting womanhood.

   “My turn,” Sakie said, pushing her boobs into Tetsuo’s face to get him to fall down on his back.

   Getting into position, Sakie momentarily hovered her dripping pussy over his cock as she let him stare down her tits. Wanting to give him ample opportunity to appreciate her entire body, she turned herself around to leave her butt cheeks mere inches from his face. Feeling his nose graze against her rear, she decided the time had come to give him a real show.

   Slamming herself down on Tetsuo’s cock, Sakie returned his earlier passion tenfold as she moved her hips back and down. The constant slap of her fat ass against his toned muscles partially obscured the sounds of ecstasy that parted their lips. Once more the stimulation of their engorged bodies shaking against one another brought them to orgasm and further modified their figures.

   Using his added muscles for leverage, Tetsuo grabbed hold of Sakie’s sides and lifted her up. Pressed up against the wall, Sakie was cushioned by her enormous breasts, each one becoming larger than the pillows on the bed. Grinding his dick along Sakie’s ass gave Tetsuo the unrivaled pleasure of feeling her butt cheeks swelling against his member. Still far from satisfied, he once more plunged his cock inside of her pussy for another round.

   Ignorant of the fact that their bodies were hanging off the sides of the mattress, the two of them threw themselves into the depths of their debauchery and were yet again met with an outburst of ecstasy and growth. Over and over again they repeated the same motions, never getting tired of each other’s changing bodies. Though they were content to fuck out all semblance of reason in their minds, reality came crashing down as the bed beneath their bodies collapsed under their combined weight.

   The sudden jolt of the bed frame hitting the floor put a momentary pause to the couple’s fun. Looking over their enlarged figures, they found it hard to tell if they were even human between Tetsuo’s monstrous, muscular figure and Sakie’s equally plump curves. However, that didn’t matter. All they cared about was meeting the desires of their swollen genitalia to continued indulging one another.

   Resuming their intimacy without a second thought, they powered through the pleasure of their growing bodies in search of surpassing their limits. With each release, their forms filled up more of the room, crushing furniture in the wake of their swelling size. Tetsuo’s girthy biceps spelled the end of what remained of the bed, crushing the bed frame and leaving the two of them to continue fornicating on the ground. Sakie’s ass came crashing through the night stand and a collection of chairs, the bountiful padding making her not even the flinch as the splintered pieces bounced against her butt cheeks. The ample cushioning provided by Sakie’s enormous breasts proved more than enough to keep the pair comfortable even as they burst through a wall upon their 12th join orgasm of the evening.

   Fumbling through the gap, Tetsuo and Sakie quickly embraced one another to resume their session of intimacy. Left to watch the pair indulge in their strange pleasures, the receptionist winced as he felt his own manhood go up a few sizes upon the couple reaching yet another climax. Running away before he got caught up in the wake of their destructive acts of intimacy, the receptionist scrambled with his phone to call up someone that could help.


   It was far from the ideal place for a loving couple to spend their days, but the warehouse on the very edge of civilization had to suffice. The massive structure was the only place capable of housing Sakie and Tetsuo while providing the bare minimum of comfort. A revolving staff regularly stopped by to drop off food, supplies, and different types of birth control, but they made sure to make their visits quick. After all, the couple’s constant expressions of their passion were more than proven to have disastrous effects on those around them

   The risk of being around the pair was not a danger to Kurtz, a rare incubus who was immune to the powers of a succubus. Following along with a group of researchers, he entered through the back door of the warehouse. Climbing up onto an observation deck, he pushed his blonde hair away from his blue eyes to take a gander at what had become of Tetsuo and Sakie.

   Tetsuo stomped around the warehouse with little more than a loincloth to give him a semblance of decency. Any other forms of clothing that had been provided to him were deemed no match for the plethora of muscles adorning his body. The house sized hunk of meat and bulk put his enormous biceps to good use wiping the sweat from his brow. Squatting down to pick up a barrel of water, the giant man chugged it all down in a matter of seconds. Wiping his mouth clean and letting the leftover droplets bounce against his broad pecs, Tetsuo tossed the empty container across the room before turning his attention back to his beloved partner.

   Unlike Tetsuo, the sizable succubus did not have the leisure of moving where she pleased. Sakie was practically pinned to the floor by her own assets, thankfully cushioned by an enormous collection of mattresses placed below her body. Despite the fact that they hindered her so much, that didn’t stop Sakie from expressing her love for her own mammoth sized mammaries by constantly rubbing her hands along their surface. Pinching at her plump nipples, she couldn’t stop herself from letting out a loud moan. The euphoric sound mixed with the constant shaking of her enormous butt cheeks proved more than capable of calling Tetsuo over to her to do what he did best.

   The loincloth adorning Tetuo’s waistline lifted up as his enormous cock approached its full erection. While the other researchers had grown used to the sight, Kurtz was still left awestruck at the sight of Tetsuo’s wrecking ball-like testicles swinging around. It was upon seeing the muscular man spread apart Sakie’s ass cheeks to get a glimpse at her engorged, dripping pussy did Kurtz realize his mistake. Before he could have a chance to call out to the enlarged lovers to stop or the researchers to run, the couple proceeded to engage in the activity they performed day in and day out.

   Constant fucking sessions had not lessened the pleasure of the two giants’ bodies slamming into one another. Putting his hip muscles to good use, Tetsuo shoved his cock in and out of Sakie’s womanhood with rigorous intent. Each jolt sent tremors through the warehouse in an effort to leave the succubus in a state of euphoric bliss. As Tetsuo reached the apex of his speed and the two of them hit their climaxes, he pressed his entire body down on her to fill her to the brim with his seed and put a momentary halt to the ripples cascading through her gigantic assets.

   Wincing at the echoing cries of ecstasy that erupted from the pair, Kurtz turned away to look at the research team. As to be expected, one of the women in the group stumbled under the influence of her breasts jumping up several cup sizes. Turning away from the woman grasping at her expanded derriere, Kurtz watched as a male scientist tried in vain to keep his coat around his swelling muscles. Seeing a sizable bulge form in the man’s pants, Kurtz hurried over to a speaker system before the giants could go in for another session.

   “EXCUSE ME!” Kurtz shouted out, getting the pair’s attention.

   Recognizing the familiar voice, Tetsuo pulled out of Sakie’s quivering vagina and waved towards the comparatively tiny man. Effortlessly lifting up his partner’s body, Tetsuo carried her over to the observation area. Carefully setting her down once more, the towering man squatted down to meet Kurtz face to face.

   “Sorry about that,” Tetsuo said as he scratched the back of his neck. “I’m sure you read the report about our condition before coming here.”

   “It’s one thing reading about it, but it’s another seeing it with my own eyes,” Kurtz replied.

   “Well, it’s not as bad as it used to be,” Sakie said, graciously accepting a mouthful of water as Tetsuo lifted a barrel up to her face. “Though there isn’t a cure to change us back yet, at the very least it seems that we’ve hit our upper limit when it comes to size.”

   “Good thing too,” Tetsuo replied, wiping the water from Sakie’s mouth. “If we kept growing we’d probably have burst through this warehouse weeks ago.”

   “You could, you know, stop having sex,” Kurtz suggested.

   Sakie tilted her head. “I’m afraid its not as simple as that. Our bodies have literally become dependent on one another. Though food and water help keep us sated for a while, we regularly have to exchange fluids to satisfy our urges.”

   “That sounds horrible.”

   “It’s annoying, but I wouldn’t call this an awful situation for us,” Tetsuo replied, reaching back to give Sakie’s ass cheeks a hearty slap. “Since the government is willing to fund our lifestyle, we’re free to spend the entire day enjoying each other’s bodies as much as we want.”

   “There’s also the more pleasurable aspect of it,” Sakie pointed out. “We’ve done it countless times, but I’ve never grown tired of it even once.”

   “Well, I’m glad to hear you’re making the best of your conditions, I suppose,” Kurtz commented.

   “You can say that again,” Tetsuo said with a wide smile. “I had always wanted to research demi humans. Didn’t expect to become so involved with one though. Let alone be the first to discover a new type of phenomenon.”

   “I just wish they had come up with a better name,” Sakie said. “Sakie’s Size Syndrome is a bigger mouthful than your cock.”

   The sight of Kurtz’s face turning red was more than enough to make the giants burst out into laughter. Taking a moment to compose himself, the incubus spoke once more. “I’m glad to see the two of you are doing alright. I’ll make sure to keep in contact to let you know how the research is progressing.”

   “We appreciate it,” Sakie replied. “Now you might want to get the other scientists out of here. I think we’re about due for another ‘sharing’ session.”

   Seeing the looks in the couple’s eyes, the research group made a mad dash for the door. Hopping into the car just as the first moan echoed through the walls, they drove off in a hurry to avoid getting caught in the couple’s influence again. Left by themselves once more, Tetsuo and Sakie proceeded to bring their bodies together to continue reveling in their perfect paradise of lust.


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