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Prompt: A witch thinks a guy touched her ass and so turns him into a hot girl. When his girlfriend comes to his defense, the witch changes her into a skimpy outfit.

   “It was you. I know it!” Agatha accused, pointing a green tinted finger towards the man behind her. “Just because I have a few extra pounds and a skin condition you think it’s okay to slap my ass huh? Well I’ll show you how to treat a lady.”

   Before the man could defend his case, he was struck with a bolt of energy from the Agatha’s fingertips. His toned muscles began to dissipate as his figure took on softer features. The toned pecs that had formerly stretched out his shirt were relieved of duty by a set of heavy breasts that pushed the limits of his top. Sliding his dainty fingers along his hips allowed him to feel the perfectly rounded bubble butt he had acquired to hold up his short. Between his slender legs and elongated locks of soft hair, it took him a moment to get to examining his feminine facial features. Feeling his puffier lips and softer chin, a suspicion led to his hand reaching towards his groin. He couldn’t’ stop himself from letting out a womanly shriek as he felt a newly formed vagina in the place his manhood was supposed to be.

   “Yeah, that should teach you a lesson,” Agatha commented as the man staggered about trying to a grip on his new body. “Maybe once you walk a mile in a woman’s shoes you’ll-“

   “What the hell is wrong with you?” the recently transformed man’s girlfriend shouted as she ran up to them. “Heath had nothing to do with that. It was that damn janitor again. Now hurry up and change him back before I call the police to-“

   Acting without thinking, Agatha blasted out a random spell towards the woman. The woman’s tirade was silenced as her body began to flatten. Flesh and bone were replaced with a soft, red leather that looked more suited for form rather than function. The morphed woman’s body flew through the air to slam into her boyfriend’s buxom body. Tossing away his old clothes with unknown force, the living garment slid itself onto his nude body.

   Staggering backwards, Agatha was given a moment to take in the sight of the skimpy, bunny suit-like garment that wouldn’t look out of place at a Las Vegas show. The garment showed off a generous amount of the boy’s cleavage and left most of his buttocks exposed. The fear in his eyes was gradually replaced with excitement as he swung around his assets. Feeling up his curves had the additional effect of filling the area with his girlfriend’s moans. Making a mad dash away from the magically corrupted couple, Agatha decided it would be best to come up with a reversal spell far away from whatever was about to transpire.


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