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WARNING THIS PREVIEW CONTAINS: Alex and Clover (Totally Spies) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

   Between their classes at university and duties of saving the world, Alex and Clover were more than happy to finally to have a moment to relax. The lazy Saturday was a mostly uneventful one with both women spread out on the couches in the living room. Although they were initially quite content to get a chance to catch their breath, it was inevitable that boredom would settle in.

   Clover spent her time spread out on the cushions with a fashion magazine in her hands. Though at first she found some novelty in comparing the pink blouse and skinny jeans she was wearing to the models in the magazine, she found herself yawning at regular intervals. She tried to break the monotony by brushing her chin-length, feathered blonde hair, and manicuring her pink nails, but she still found herself being overcome with lethargy.

   Alex wasn’t faring much better. Lounging on the opposite couch, she lazily tapped her fingers against the remote to see if there was anything that caught her interest. Letting out a sigh of exasperation, she turned off the TV and saw her white crop top and lime green shorts reflected on the blank screen. Scratching her fingers through her head of bob cut black hair, she momentarily considered getting around to doing chores only to have her finger reach towards the remote again. Moments before she could touch the power button, a series of growls emanated through the room.

   “Was that you?” Alex asked to Clover.

   “What? No it was just-“

   Clover was silenced by another set of loud hunger pangs, coming from both of their bodies. Pulling out their phones to check the time, the realized they had wasted the entire morning away. With their appetites hitting their peak, the task of procuring lunch was at the forefront of their minds. Unfortunately, their hungry bellies would have to wait until after their daily argument over food.

   “I think we have some sandwich stuff around somewhere,” Alex suggested.

   “Ugggh, I had that yesterday,” Clover whined.

   “There are some leftovers in the fridge.”

   “Hmm, nothing that really interests me. Maybe we should just order out.”

   “What about Sam?” Alex asked.

   “She’ll be fine,” Clover said, already scrolling through her phone to see where to order from. “I’m sure she’s grabbing something to eat back on campus. Her fault for wanting to do a weekend study session.”

   “I guess that’ll be fine,” Alex commented. “Any idea what you want to order?”

   “Hmm, maybe Chinese? Or maybe some burgers? Oooh! I think there’s a chicken place down the way that just-“

   A ring of the doorbell turned the girls’ attention. Making their way towards the door, they opened it up to see a lone box sitting on the porch. The container was a generic pizza box, lacking any particular brands. More than a little confused, they opened up the lid and were met with a film of green tinted cheese behind a layer of warm steam. While the coloring wasn’t the most appealing, the smell that wafted into their noses made their stomachs growl louder than ever.

   “Where do you think it came from?” Alex asked as Clover brought the mystery pizza into the kitchen.

   “Like, it’s probably some kind of marketing thing for a new restaurant,” Clover replied as she slid a slice onto a plate.

   “Wait, shouldn’t we save some for Sam then?” Alex suggested.

   Clover let out a groan. “Fine. Wrap up a few slices for her and then bring the rest to the dining room. Now come on and let’s eat. It feels like I’m about to starve to death.”

   Wrapping up a single slice in foil, Alex grabbed the box and joined Clover at the table. Moving in unison, they dug into their pizza with simultaneous bites. Betraying the less than appetizing appearance, the slices were a pleasant surprise of flavor that spread across their tongues. Driven by the taste and their own hunger, they scarfed down the entire pizza in a matter of minutes.

   “That totally hit the spot,” Clover said as she dabbed her face with a napkin.

   “Yeah, it was just what I BWOOOOORRRP!”

   Alex clamped her hands over her face as her cheeks turned bright red. “Excuse me. I didn’t mean to-“

   A deep UUUURRRPPP echoing from Clover’s mouth made her gain a similar shade of blush on her own face. “Sorry. Like, I have no idea where that came from.”

   “The pizza might be a little hard on our UUURRP stomachs,” Alex said as she tried and failed to stifle the belch. “I’m going to lay down for a bit on the couch.”

   “Okay, but can you BWOOOORRRP grab a bag of chips from the pantry?” Clover asked. “I’m still a little hungry.”

   “How can you still be hungry after-“

   Alex was interrupted by her own stomach rumbling with a leftover hunger pang. “On second thought, sure thing,” she said, grabbing the bag and following Clover back into the living room.

   Settling down on a couch together, the two girls popped open the bag and resumed their day of doing nothing. Managing to find something on the TV they could both agree with, they settled down and intermittently shoved handfuls of chips in their mouths. Occasional burps would parse their lips, becoming frequent enough that they stopped bothering to excuse themselves. It was around the time they were beginning to wonder if they should look into something to ease their stomachs did their hands collide with one another as they reached into an empty chip bag.

   “Guess we were a lot BWOOOORRRP hungrier than we thought,” Clover said, a secondary growl from her stomach strengthening her words and making her forget to apologize for the belch.

   “Let’s see what else there is in the-“

   Alex was stopped by a secondary groan from her own stomach, but it was not a cry for more food. She could feel the pressure building in her mid-section, coercing her into sliding her hand along the small amount of pudge her recent binging had given her. Continuing to poke and prod at the protrusion pushed the gas further down her digestive tract. Though she tried to hold it in, she could tell it was only a matter of time before she released. Inevitably she was subjected to the sound and smell of a rancid fart, but it didn’t come from her own rear.

   “Sorry!” Clover said, waving away the remnants of her flatulence. “That pizza really did a number on me.”

   “I’m not much better,” Alex replied, wincing as her own gas blasted out of her rear to the tune of a loud BRRAAAAAAPPP.

   Unable to handle their own stench any longer, the two women made a mad dash out of the living room. Consciously or not, their running inevitably led them into the kitchen. No longer assaulted by their own flatulence, their attention turned back towards their ravenous bellies. Though not a single word was shared between them, they both came to the same idea before splitting off to take care of their appetites.

   Savoring the salt clinging to her lips from the chips, Clover ransacked the pantry to pull out a stash of various snacks. Alex took on the task of raiding the fridge, thankfully having enough of her logic still intact to leave the mystery pizza slice behind for fear of what else it would do to her. The collection of food was placed on the dining room table with reckless abandon. Once the last of their haul was put down and they were given a chance to survey the makeshift feast before them, they momentarily pondered what had gotten into them. However, any chance of stopping themselves were laid to rest upon their hungry bellies letting out cacophonous cries of hunger.

   Not even bothering to search for utensils, the two women attacked the meal with vicious intent. Wrappers and containers were torn asunder in service of their appetites, not caring about the mess as long as they were able to shove food into their mouths. The various leftovers they had taken from the fridge was devoured without much concern for if it needed to be heated beforehand or not. While the myriad of flavors was a boon to their binging, it was a secondary concern in comparison to their main goal of stuffing themselves silly.

   This unhinged feasting left its mark in the form of various food stains and crumbs that made their way onto their clothing. The misplaced morsels were further hidden by their own bodies as they began to pack on the pounds at a rapid pace. Already sporting sizable food babies by the time they finished off half the food, the rest of their weight began to be distributed between their breasts and butts. The tightness they felt in their clothing made them take a momentary break from eating to rip asunder their outfits to allow them to continue eating without anything getting in their way.

   Before Alex and Clover realized it, they were both diving their heads into a leftover bowl of pudding to cap off their indulgent meal. Licking up every stray drop from their lips, they both tilted their necks up to gaze across each other’s chubby bodies. Left awestruck by the sight of the extra chub that had been packed onto their once slim forms, they unfortunately were caught off guard by a series of unruly groans.

   Atrocious gas fueled by their recent feast came spurting out of both of their ends unhindered. No longer distracted by the food, Alex and Clover were left to hug their pudgy limbs over their faces in an attempt to cover up their noses and uselessly try to stop the burps from leaving their lips. Their awkward stumbling led to them accidentally bumping into each other’s bellies. Falling onto their padded butt cheeks released a pair of loud PPPHHHHRRRRTTTTs that further tainted the air with their flatulence. Eyes beginning to tear up from the smell and their own panic, they both immediately turned their thick necks towards the sound of someone running into the room.

   Adorned in a green sundress, Sam took a deep breath in an attempt to recover from her mad dash over to the house. Incidentally swallowing up a mouthful of the girl’s gas had her long, red hair stand on end. Still reeling from the sight and smell of her comrades, she didn’t get a chance to ask them what was going on before they charged towards her to tackle her to the ground. Forced to take on her friend’s weight, gas, and tears, Sam weathered through the storm until the time came to tell them about what they had just done to themselves.


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