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Prompt: A girl gets turned into a jock’s lucky underwear after she ruins his old pair.

   Sneaking past university guards in the dead of night had brought Melissa to this moment. Easily popping open a locker with a bobby pin rewarded her with the ability to gander upon Brett McTavish’s prized possession. The star athlete’s lucky pair of undies at first seemed like nothing more than an overused undergarment. Holding up the fabric to her face, Melissa took a deep whiff and instantly confirmed the rumors that they had never been washed to keep alive their supposed power to garner an astonishing winning streak.

   Melissa’s moment of bliss was broken as she heard something thump against the floor. A sudden twitch of her fingers as a duffel bag fell out of the locker left her with the pair of underwear torn in half. Looking over the sorry state of the relic that had provided the university’s best season yet, she wracked her brain trying to come up with a way to fix them before the big game the next day. She found her answer in the form of a strange pendant in her pocket baring a black and white eye. Hoping that the piece of jewelry was more than just a hoax, she pointed it at the remnants of the underwear and spoke aloud the chant engraved on the back.

   The words left her mouth just before her lips were sown shut by white thread. Similar material began to take over the rest of her body, in the process taking away her size and shape. Crumpling to the floor as she was left just a few inches thick, her nose picked up the strong aroma of jock sweat as her body continued to shrink. Though her facial features disappeared, she could still feel herself become an exact replica of Brett’s underwear, complete with a variety of ancient stains spread across her body.

   Left to lie on the floor, Melissa took a deep breath and inhaled the heavy stench of her new body. She wasn’t sure how long the transformation would last, but she would have to hope it would be long enough for Brett to make the winning touchdown. At the very least, she took solace in the fact that she would be closer to the star athlete than anyone else in school history.


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