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Prompt: A group of guys buy a mysterious DND adventure book from a garage sale, the book is cursed, and changes them as they play, turning them into fat stereotypes of their character class. They can only escape by finishing the game.

   Always looking for new modules to simultaneously delight and torment her players with, Mel swiped up a mystery adventure book at a garage sale without a second thought. Before the day was out, she had already assembled her usual group of players to roll some dice and have some fun. While the guys had grown to be suspicious of Mel’s quirky style of running games, they were extra cautions upon seeing the strange book. Calming them down with the notion that it just added to the atmosphere, she instructed them to create their characters and get ready for a night of adventure.

   With the character sheets completed and everyone gathered at the table, Mel took a moment to bring the group’s attention to the front page of the book. Written on the paper was a spell claiming to truly immerse the players in their characters. Too excited to really play up her role as the dungeon master, Mel spoke out the chant without a second thought. It was upon finishing the last verse did she realize her mistake.

   It started with Lance, his ears becoming pointed and his hair becoming silky smooth. His softer facial features became buried beneath the layers of pudge that spread down his neck to encase his entire body. Turning away just as a set of priestly robes wrapped themselves around Lance’s pudgy form, Mel looked to see Reggie lose his height in exchange for green skin and an ass wide enough completely engulf his chair. Leaving Reggie to deal with his pointed nose, baggy leather armor, and bottom heavy figure, Mel stood up to see Will finishing off the trio with a set of crooked horns and his belly bugling out of demonic robes to show off his red skin.

   As the three of them stopped their transformations, they instinctively reached out their pudgy hands towards their character sheets. Aside from the hundreds of pounds of extra weight hanging off of their bodies, they were perfect matches for the characters they had made. Looking towards Mel with irate glares, she begrudgingly read off the last line of the spell that mentioned they would have to complete the module before they would be turned back to normal. Taking her seat and offering the group of obese adventures a bowl of popcorn, she asked for them to roll initiative.


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