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Prompt: (Female Pig Girl TF) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46561260

   On an average afternoon, it was inevitable that it would be the perfect time for Ben and Chloe to download a picture app on a whim in an attempt to cure their boredom. Opening up the photo application, the couple’s minds went wild with the various options included. As excited as kid in a candy store, Chloe asked Ben to pick one at random and got into the middle of the living room to pose. Scrolling through the options, he finally settled on the pig icon.

   Pushing the button, Ben let out a good chuckle as the view on his phone showed his girlfriend with a pair of floppy ears and a snout. His good mood lasted up until the picture further distorted to fatten her up. Watching the image begin to shrink her down, he was forced to look away from the phone as he heard the loud clack of hooved feet against the wooden floor.

   Ben’s mouth was left agape as he watched his girlfriend changing to match the distorted image on the phone. Watching her grow fatter and more pig like with each passing second, he scrambled to shut off the app. He managed to forcefully close the app before it was finished, but by then the damage was already done.

   Chloe was left at half her original height and more than three times her former weight. The added mass stretched out her shirt with her engorged bosom and her shorts with her wide rear. As she shuffled about on her cloven feet, she scratched at her chins with her hoof-like fingers and mindlessly asked if there was anything to eat. Bringing up the snacks in the cupboard, Ben watched as the pig woman cheerily waddled her way into the kitchen with her butt cheeks jiggling in time with her fleshy, pink tail. Hearing the sounds of snorts and loud chewing from the next room, Ben got to work calling up customer support in the hopes of undoing his little mistake.


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