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Prompt: (Fat Male and Female) https://www.deviantart.com/largepoundage/art/Check-up-910750585

   “Thank you so much again for trying to help me doctor,” Travio said, his former position as a model hidden well by the hundreds of pounds of sweaty flesh packed onto his body.

   “Think nothing of it,” Dr. Fefra answered, adjusting her lab coat in a feeble attempt to keep her chubby form modest. “The sheer power of the fattening virus is a wonder of the scientific world. I consider it an honor to be the one trying to help out patient zero.”

   Travio pinched his pudgy fingers around his meaty man boobs. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? You know the longer you stay near me, the fatter you’ll become.”

   “It’s a necessary part of the job,” she replied, standing up and taking note of how her engorged bosom was still half the size of his drooping pecs. “Now stand up. I need to take some measurements to see if the treatment is working.”

   Following her instructions, Travio swiveled his obese form around to give the doctor a full view of his massive rear. Using her pudgy legs for cushioning, Fefra sunk her fingers into his chunky rear. Travio had been told that the intimate groping session was meant to measure how well the antidote was working. In reality, it was all a farce to give Fefra an opportunity to grope as much as her pet project as she could. Satisfied for the time being, she instructed him to remove the rest of his clothing to get her a better look. Thankfully for her, Travio struggling to get his shirt above his head hid  the look of indulgent desire that lurked behind the corrupted doctor’s eyes.


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