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Prompt: (Female Fat Pig Woman TF) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/44511949/

   Shanelle couldn’t believe her luck. Sure, she had been stranded in the middle of the jungle, but her misfortune only lasted until a group of local tribesmen found her and invited her to their village. While her understanding of their language was a bit rusty from her college days, she managed to pick up the fact that they were taking her to a grand celebration to welcome in their new queen. Rather than pass up a chance to eat something and taken in their culture, Shanelle eagerly accepted their invitation.

   Arriving at the village around dusk, Shanelle’s guides led her over to a chair in the center of the village. The seat was a far cry from her recliner at home, but Shanelle was more than happy to take a load off. Surveying the area for the sight of the tribe’s queen, she saw a group of people in ceremonial vestments approaching her. From the group, a village elder stepped out, said a short chant, and placed an ornamental headdress with white feathers upon Shanelle’s head.

   Shanelle wonder was replaced with terror as a surge of strange energy brought forth hundreds of pounds of fat to her once slim form. Leaping up from the throne sent ripples through both her engorged breasts and the extra four that had formed around her doughy belly. Her skin became marked with white lines of paint, reaching from the tips of her pointed ears and all the way down to her cloven feet. Swinging about her wide hips let her feel her lanky tail swish against her plump ass cheeks. Pressing her hoof-like fingers against her face revealed to her a flat pig snout and a pudgy face almost unrecognizable from her old self.

   Amidst trying to deal with her new, piggy body, Shanelle heard a low rumbling noise from nearby. Looking away from her obese form let her see that the rest of the tribe had taken on similar visages of fat hog people. The rumbling grew louder as a small stampede of the pig people brought forth numerous helpings of food towards her. Upon hearing them call out to their new queen, Shanelle finally realized the true intentions of their ceremony.


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