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Prompt: The Phantom Thieves complete another mementos request that leaves them with a pair of dirty sweats from a trolly gamer. Something possesses Makoto Niijima to put on the pants, turning her into a farting, smelly, and crude gamer girl.

   When it came to divvy out loot from their latest trip in Mementos, it was obvious Makoto had gotten the short end of the stick. No matter how powerful Mona insisted they were, all Makoto saw before her was a pair of extra-large, grey sweatpants covered in a plethora of food stains. It had come from their latest mission of taking down a trolly gamer guy who had been harassing people online. Considering all the trouble she went through getting them, Makoto made an unusual decision.

   Within the privacy of her bedroom, she replaced her usual school skirt with the dingy pants. Stepping in front of the mirror, she couldn’t help wincing at the odd sight of her neatly groomed, short brown hair and top against the ugly tones of the sweatpants. Just as she prepared to rip off the pants with the intention of burning them in the fireplace, a sudden sensation of comfort filled her body.

   The once loose fitting pants grew tight around her waist as her backside packed on with added weight. Similar deposits of fat found their way all across her body, giving her an undeniably chubby look. Rather than concern, Makoto met the growth with a dull gaze as she carelessly tore off her top to allow her breasts to rest against her pudgy gut. Without a hint of remorse, she scratched the hair lining her belly button as a pungent fart reverberated from her rear. Adding a gnarly belch to the horrendous smell, she turned away from the mirror to take care of another important matter.

   Returning to her desk after raiding the pantry for any snacks, she got to work installing a number of games on her laptop. Shoving a handful of chips in her mouth, she set her eyes on diving deep into an online shooter. Releasing a cloud of energy drink-fueled farts to sink into her fat rolls, she let herself smile at the mere thought of her trolling on noobs as she rose her way up the ranks.


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