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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: April O'Neill (80's TMNT) Pig Girl TF, IQ Loss, and Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

On her way to see the turtles for an interview, April stumbles upon a strange shrine that alters her body and mind to that of a spoiled, slobby swine.

This story was voted on by my Patrons.


   The hard hitting, investigative reporter April O’Neill was known for many things, but taking casual strolls through the sewers wasn’t one of them. At least to the public eye. While the fragrant odors and dim lighting of the tunnels were more than enough to push people away, they had become landmarks to help guide her way through the orange, brick lined corridors. This trek was made regularly to meet up with the four turtles who had saved the city and herself from certain doom countless times.

   April made an abrupt stop to avoid a load of sewage pouring out from a pipe. Even knowing it was coming, it was only by a few inches did she avoid getting the muck splattered across her yellow jumpsuit and white boots. Pulling out a hand mirror from her pocket, she took a moment to fix up the locks of auburn hair that reached just below her chin. After ensuring she was more than ready for her interview with the turtles, she stowed away the compact mirror and shuffled along with one of her eyes trained on the pipe in-case of another deluge of vile liquid.

   Her wary stride stopped as her fingers grazed against something that shouldn’t have been there. Turning on her heels, she saw her hand was placed around a doorknob jutting out of the wall. Taking a step back let her see that the knob was connected to a grey stone door that looked like nothing else in the sewers. Looking over the strange runes etched into the rock, she eventually met the unyielding gaze of the black and white eye affixed to the top. As she reached out to press her hand against the eye, a single touch flung open the door and sent her tumbling into a dark chamber.

   Clambering to her feet off of a paved floor, she turned back just in time to see the door close up behind her. Running towards the wall of heavy stone, she pulled with all of her might to try and escape to no avail. With her only exit sealed shut, her attention became drawn to a soft, blue glow emanating from behind her.

   Looking towards the light, she saw a series of blue flames balanced upon torches lining a stone shrine covered in more mysterious runes. An altar in the center housed a stone carving of a pig head with the same black and white eye from before upon its scalp. April’s attempt to approach the shrine was hindered by the realization that for all of its extravagance, the structure was surrounded by a mire of slick mud. Sunk into the muck were troughs wide and deep enough to fit several people in, making the reporter ponder if this place was made as some kind of worshipping area for a deity of pigs.

   Driven by her need to learn more about the mysterious chamber, April carefully traversed the skinny stone pathway that kept her from sinking into the mud. Stepping onto the shrine, her first instinct was to approach the stone pig head. Bending down to stare into the idol’s lone eye, she hoped to find something to explain its origin and purpose. That made it all the more startling when she heard a voice.

   “Another devoted has come to this place. Have you come seeking enlightenment?”

   April looked around the chamber but saw no source of the sound. Regardless of the bizarre nature of the situation, she fell back on her reporter intuition. “Yes, I am,” she confidently replied, taking out a recorder to document the encounter. “My name is April O’Neill from Channel 6 News. Who are you and what is this place for?”

   “Who I am in unfathomable to a mortal such as yourself,” the voice spoke, the sound vibrating inside of April’s head. “As for the purpose of the shrine, you will soon understand.”

   Before April could inquire further, a series of tremors permeated the room. Barely able to remain upright, another pulse of energy turned her attention towards the pig head. Walking towards the idol, she paused at the sight of the pig’s eye blinking rapidly. Daring to take another step closer gifted her with a blast of black tinted energy directed straight at her chest that pushed her off the shrine and into the surrounding muck.

   Pulling herself out of the mud, April spat out a mouthful of dirt and stood up. Looking over her body, she didn’t see any injuries or traces of where the beam had hit her amidst the various splotches of mud. She seemed completely unharmed, albeit having lost her recorder somewhere in the mire.  Turning back towards the idol, she saw it was once again motionless to coincide with the room returning to its eerily still state. Determined to get some back up or at least a camera to document the strange chamber, she turned towards the entrance to try and search for a way out.

   April was stopped by a low rumbling noise echoing through her ears. Once again, she tried searching the area for the source, only for another growl to direct her towards her stomach. Pressing her hand against her flat mid-section let her feel the ravenous hunger pangs that that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. While she would have liked to rid herself of her sudden appetite, she doubted there was anything edible around.

   Perhaps listening to her thoughts, the room began to rumble again. Bracing herself for another beam from the idol, April saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Trudging through the ankle high mud, she followed the sound of sloshing liquid towards one of the troughs. Leaning over the stone container, she gazed upon the layer of greasy residue covering an assortment of random food bits swimming in a brew of grease, lard, and various other liquids no reasonable human would consume.

   Raising up her head, April found no trace of a pipe or any other method of filling the trough. A moment was spent considering the notion that the slop had appeared out of thin air. Shaking off the ridiculous idea, she got ready to resume her search for an exit only to be reminded of her hunger by a loud, ornery growl.

   Understandably wary of the mysterious liquid, she took her time deciding on what to eat. Setting her sights on a lone biscuit floating through the slop, she picked it up and brought it to her mouth for a bite. Her cautionary nibble gifted her with a surge of overwhelming flavors that graced her taste buds. Going in for a second bite splattered her suit with a sprinkling of crumbs and leftover droplets of slop. Gobbling up the biscuit in a matter of seconds, she was compelled to lick her fingers clean to savor the taste.

   With the last of the crumbs tumbling down her throat, April could still hear her stomach’s ravenous growling louder than ever. She once more perused the liquid meal, eyes darting back and forth for her next bite. Locking onto a chunk of beef sliding along the rim, she threw caution to the wind as she kneeled into the muck to grasp at the morsel. Though the action further sullied her suit, it allowed her to sink her teeth into the beef to continue gorging herself.

   The beef chunk gave way to several more, each bit of food just as tasty as the last. April had begun to lose herself in the feast, the concern of trying to escape the chamber drifting further into the back of her mind. Her food-fueled bliss lasted up until she heard a loud rip echo through the room.

   Pausing with half of a potato in her mouth, she slowly brought her hand towards her belly. The slight tear going down her mid-section let her feel a sizable deposit of fat that wasn’t there before. Shuffling back from the trough to get a better look at her potbelly also informed her of the extra that heft had been padded onto her backside. Taking a moment to wipe residual slop off her chest allowed her to finally notice the widened opening in the top of her suit to accommodate her double-sized breasts.

   April wracked her brain trying to recall how much she had eaten and how it could have possibly made her so fat so fast. As she contemplated her enlarged self, her stomach made another series of rumbling noises. Her binging had momentarily sated her hunger pangs, making her all the more confused as to why her body was making such disturbing sounds. She got her answer as a gas bubble rolled its way up her throat to force a belch from her lips. Reeling from the lingering smell of her breath pushed her butt into the mud and released a small PHHHRRRTTT from her rear to bubble up the sludge.

   Standing up and trying to shake off the muck, she realized that the chamber was doing something to her. Walking back towards the door, her fears were only worsened as she noticed her skin had turned a shade of dull pink. Placing her fingers against the door’s outline, she scrambled to find some hint as to how to escape. Gritting her teeth as she tried to pull, she felt her vision go blurry from the exertion. Pulling back after using up her full strength, she attributed some of her exhaustion as to why she saw her nose widen and flatten out.

   The shock of realizing her morphed nose wasn’t a hallucination became deadened as it picked up a wonderful aroma coming from behind her. Turning around, a few more snorts brought her attention back to the trough. The smell acted as a siren’s call, bringing out more of her stomach’s ravenous hunger and making her involuntarily lick her lips. Her legs appeared to move on their own as they carried her back towards the trough. Getting down on her knees once more, April’s fight against her rising urges was lost the moment she dove her head into the slop.

   A newfound hunger took hold of her motions as she blindly ate up any morsel of food that met her lips. The feast further strained her jumpsuit as more fat deposited itself along her body. Too concerned with tasting every bit of the irresistible slop, April paid little attention to her swelling waistline every time she lifted her head up to catch a breath and let out a burp. Before she knew it, her tongue was dragging along the bottom of the trough to catch the last few bits of food that had somehow survived her hungry maw.

   Pressing her back against the emptied trough, she slid down into the muck. Leaving her legs open to allow her belly some space to spread out added a few more rips to her weathered jumpsuit. Massaging her gut with her hand eased along her digestion at the cost of pushing out more unruly gas from her mouth and rear. Strangely enough, her transformed nose seemed to revel in the rancid odors that drifted out of her mouth with each BWWOOOOOOORRRPP. Another BRRRAAPPPP from her rear released more bubbles into the surrounding mud and made an idiotic laugh leave her plumped up lips. Noticing her odd behavior brought a semblance of sense to April’s mind, bringing her back to a semi-logical state as her fingers drifted over her basketball-sized breasts.

   April’s eye went wide as she held up her hand to see the hard, hoof-like digits hanging from it. Clicking the three fingers together proved they were hers, but it didn’t make it any easier for her to accept her morphed body despite the numerous transformations she had experienced during her time with the turtles. Pondering over the flattened snout and hooves, she found it difficult to bring up what exactly she was turning into. It felt as a if a fog of her own flatulence was seeping into her mind to make it hard to think about anything remotely complicated.

   The reporter’s brainstorming session came to an end as the room began to vibrate again. Hearing the familiar sound of liquid sloshing about in another one of the trough’s, April’s stomach commanded her to get back onto her feet. April managed to get into a standing position by holding onto the emptied trough. Pressing her belly against the rim and emitting a loud PHHHRRRRRTTTTTT from her pudgy backside, she turned around and made her way towards the new serving of slop.

   Waddling through the muck was made significantly easier by the cloven hooves that had burst out of her boots in the process of replacing her feet. Her glacial speed increased her anticipation as her snout picked up vapors from the liquid feast awaiting her. The sensation of her burgeoning flesh peeking out of tears in her suit did little to dissuade her from continuing her trek through the mud. Even as the back of her pants were split apart by an uproar of flatulence, she happily plopped her rear down into the mud and leaned forward to resume stuffing her belly.

   Diving her hungry maw into the mixture of grease and fat, April slurped up everything that came her way. Her increased vigor for sating her ravenous hunger came with a growth spurt that heralded the end of her clothing. A surplus of butter-scented burps further deepened the tear across the top of her suit to show off her swelling breasts’ plumped up nipples as they split open her bra. Gulping down a helping of veggies swimming in bacon grease helped to further free her gluttonous gut from the yellow fabric. Amidst the sound of her belt snapping off her widened hips and a fart reverberating from her rear to snap off her panties, April could feel the last of her clothes give way to her burgeoning flesh.

   A prolonged BRRAAAAAPPPPPPPP from her meaty backside was the final push needed to send the tatters of her suit sinking into the mud below. As the fart petered off, April paused her feast at the sensation of something sliding against her plump butt cheeks. Continuing to feed herself with one hand, the other reached back as far as it could to examine a growth above her ass crack. What she felt was a short, curly tail that itched the part of her brain that struggled to understand what she resembled. Dragging her hooved fingers through her food-stained hair to scratch at her floppy ears, her slop addled mind discarded the notion of figuring out what she was in favor of continuing her binging session.

   The moment her tongue licked up the last of the slop, April’s ears perked up to the lovely cacophony of sloshing noises coming from the other troughs. Wiping her chins clean of her latest meal, she attempted to get up and waddle towards her next sloppy serving. No matter how hard she tried to stand, the massive amount of weight heaved onto her body kept her on all fours. Rather than be discouraged by her inability to walk, she brushed it off with a snort and decided to improvise.

   Dragging her hands and knees through the earthy sludge, she began to slowly crawl her way towards the next trough. Her movements were further hindered by her belly’s various rolls of fat sliding through the mud. As she continued to push herself forward, her body let out a seemingly endless number of exerted grunts and gassy expulsions. Feeling little if any shame for the way her flatulence constantly shook about her tail and her burps sent ripples through her chins, April climbed aboard the rim of the nearest trough and resumed eating.

   Making trails all around the altar, April answered the call of newly generated slop in order to fulfill her gluttonous desires. No matter how much she ate or how big she grew, there was no sating her inhuman appetite. In the midst of her binging, she lost more and more of who she was. By the fourth trough, any semblance of human speech was lost to her in favor of oinks and squeals that involuntarily left her lips. The sounds were somewhat familiar to her mind, recalling back to multiple times where flabby arms half her current limbs’ size had taken her away. Just as she was about to remember the kind of thing she was, the overwhelming aroma of her own gas sent her back into a fervor of hunger to eat away any sense of her old self.

   At some point April’s body refused to grow any larger as her hunger gradually died down. Feeling full after hours of indulging herself, she crawled her way to an open area of mud and let her body collapse into the muck. Rubbing her hooved hands across her gut, she massaged the mud deep between her fat folds. Rolling her body back and forth elicited a combination of joyful squeals and rancid belches from her mouth. She found strange glee in the way her beachball-like breasts jostled about in the mud and further covered her in the slick mud. Sinking her hippo-like ass into the mire, she let loose with a torrent of flatulence to tickle her body with the resulting bubbles. Lost in her simple pleasures, she couldn’t remember being so happy. Not that she could remember much of anything at the time.

   April’s relaxing soak in the mud lasted until a new smell seeped its way into her nostrils. The otherworldly aroma opened up a small pocket of space in her stomach that begged her to have one last bite. Heaving herself back onto all fours, she swiveled her head about until she saw that the door she had entered the shrine from was open. Led by the goal of filling the last few open spaces in her stomach, she followed the trail of wonderful odors out of the shrine and into the labyrinthian sewer tunnels.

   The heavenly scent led April down multiple corridors; some giving her barely an inch to spare for her massive form. With a loud plop of flesh and a loud belch, she fell out of tunnel and upon a shag rug that had been scavenged from a dumpster. Swiveling her head about, her eyes glimmered at the strange sights around her. Dozens of screens in one corner of the room went alongside mechanical marvels her brain couldn’t even begin to understand. In complete contrast to the high tech equipment, swiveling her thick neck to the side let her see a group of well-used, wooden training dummies and a variety of ancient looking weaponry. Turning away from the various sights and sounds, she once more followed the alluring smell towards a weathered couch in front of a barely working TV.

   Shuffling up to the coffee table, she paid little mind to the four, green humanoid creatures with shells on their backs and different colored bands around there heads. Ignoring their calls for someone named April, she lifted open a box with her snout to be met with a freshly made pizza oozing with greasy cheese that complimented the pepperoni and hot fudge covering it. Beginning to chow down on her first slice, she silenced the creatures with a boisterous PPHHHHRRRRTTT from her rear. While the green men recoiled at her awful stench, she saw it as the perfect atmosphere to settle into the finale of her hedonistic feast.


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