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(Yet another Midna prompt written out of spite)

Prompt: Midna, in her true form, is irreversibly transformed into a buttplug by  Ganon and shoved in the ass of Hyrule's fattest, grossest Moblin.

   Midna had worked so hard to reclaim her powers and her true form. That made it all the more heartbreaking when she finally faced Ganon only to be subdued with a single spell. As she struggled to free herself from the magical restraints, Ganon let out an evil cackle as he cast a curse upon her under the notion of teaching her where she truly belonged.

   The svelte curves' of Midna's body disappeared as her body morphed into a conical shape. Her widened hips could do little offset the drastic decrease in size as she was shrunk down to only a few inches in height. Facial features were lost in exchange for merging her feet together into a base to keep herself standing. She could tell by Ganon's continued cackling that her suspicions that she had been turned into a black and white butt plug were all too real.

    Unable to move even an inch on her own, there was little she could do as Ganon picked her up between his fingers and strode out into the castle courtyard. Approaching a group of Moblins, Ganon called out to the largest one of the group, his green flesh having never felt the embrace of soap. A series of orders had the Moblin bend over and pull down his loincloth to present his fragrant backside. Without a hint of care, Ganon shoved Buttplug Midna as far in as she could fit. Stewing in the Moblin's juices and getting a face full of his flatulence, Midna truly hoped that Link wasn't too far off from storming the castle to save her from her terrible fate.


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