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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Male and Female Persona 5 Characters Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

A mysterious object hovering over Shibuya gradually transforms the populace into one that values living as overweight, gassy slobs. It's up to Joker to try and fight against the the slobby society before he falls victim to it.

This is a commission for EMann1984 on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/emann1984


   Joker passed the time in Takemi’s office by constantly glancing out the window. Adjusting his glasses and fixing his short black hair, he stared out at the strange object hanging in the sky. Like a creature peeking down on the on the city, the eyeball’s pure white sclera and black iris had appeared after a mission gone wrong in Mementos. Putting his hands inside of his uniform pockets, he cursed his failure to defeat the overweight creature bearing the same eye and unsettling aura.

   Seemingly to worsen his fears, he felt a quake echo through the area. It was similar to several others he had experienced over the course of the day. Only the Phantom Thieves and himself seemed to notice, Morgana hypothesizing that the pulses were the eye attempting to alter reality. Sliding his fingers against his stomach and feeling an extra bit of pudge, he wanted nothing more than to finish his check up and meet up with the gang to dive back into Mementos before the situation got any worse.

   Joker enjoyed a moment of relief as he heard the door open up. His need to learn the cause of his belly bloat was pushed to side by the wide pair of hips that squeezed through the door. Rubbing his eyes, he once again looked over the woman’s bob cut, dark blue hair to confirm she was Takemi. However, that made it all the stranger once he noticed her once pristine lab coat looking worse for wear with multiple food stains and straining to contain her flabby, 500-pound body. Joker’s question riddled brain was deafened by a loud fart slapping out of Takemi’s chunky butt cheeks. Paying little mind to Joker’s coughing fit, she sat down on her chair and spread out her legs. Pulling out a cigarette, she lit it and popped it between her plump lips.

   “Just got finished UUURRRPPPP going over your results,” she belched, tapping her pudgy fingers against the clipboard. “Sorry to say, but it doesn’t look good.”

   Leaning forward in her seat, she simultaneously ripped another fart and showed Joker’s weight measurements as 50 pounds heavier than they should have been. “You’re well below the national average when it comes to your size. Not to mention, I haven’t heard you expel any gas since you arrived. Are you UUURRP eating enough? It’s not good for my guinea pig to be malnourished.” Pulling away her clipboard, she produced a stack of orange coupons from her exposed cleavage and handed it off. “Take these. They’re good for a dozen deluxe, meat-stuffed pizzas. Should be more than enough to increase you BMI and get your digestion flowing.”

   Holding his breath to avoid breathing in the foul stench surrounding the doctor, Joker accepted the coupons and placed them in his pocket. Finding himself unable to take the odor of smoke and flatulence much longer, he gave an excuse that he was running late for something and made his way to the exit. As he stepped out into the alleyway, the momentary relief he felt from getting away from the slobified doctor was offset by what awaited him outside.

   Everyone that walked by looked they had attended an all you can eat buffet, each of them sporting sizable bellies that jiggled with each step. Their outfits seemed specifically chosen to be one-size too small to emphasize their flab and plump derrieres. Watching a young couple walk by with both the man and woman carrying sagging bosoms, his vision shot towards the sphere in the sky.

   A blink of the eye sent another ripple over the town. Joker braced himself from the impact, but it did little to stop the effects. As the last of the wave passed over him, he heard something snap. Looking down, he noticed that in place of one of his buttons was handful of stomach fat peeking out from his mid-section. Giving the unsightly bulge a squeeze produced a burp that reminded him of the awful gas he had experienced in Takemi’s office.

   Trying to take his mind off his worsening condition, he started running towards Leblanc. Along the way he had to deal with a horde of overweight slobs going about their day. While they didn’t intentionally slow him down, he had to keep his mind focused on avoiding each of their rotund forms. Multiple times his body bounced up against another person to unleash a stink bomb around the two of them. The person who produced the horrendous gas acted as if it were completely normal to enshroud him in their horrid stench. On more than one occasion they used guttural belches as a form of greeting as he ran by.

   Managing to get to Leblanc, Joker felt himself winded by the short sprint. Sucking up what little fresh air still existed in the alley, he pushed open the door. Stepping inside introduced him to an even worse stench from a familiar, fattened up face.

   The café was empty save for a single woman with long, greasy, grey hair that marked her as Makoto’s older sister, Sae. Her massive rear seated upon two barstools, she helped herself to a bowl of curry three times the side of her head. Betraying the dignified image Joker had of her in his head, she devoured her meal like a pig, with multiple stains dripping down her chins to further besmirch her skin-tight, grey sweater. Reaching the bottom of her bowl in a matter of seconds, she paused to let out a burp that sent quakes through her prominent belly and revealed the lack of a bra for her heaving mammaries. Reaching into her pocket, she put a cigarette to her mouth. Just as she lit the tip, one of her farts sent Joker into a coughing fit that caught her attention.

   “Hey UURRRP there,” Sae said, lazily waving her hand at him.

   Powering through the smell, Joker asked where Sojiro was.

   “Did you already forget?” she asked, taking a long drag from her cigarette. “He went on a trip to gather new curry recipes. Said he wanted to get something to solve your malnourishment problem.” Shifting over to the side, she patted her pudgy hand against the free seat. “Come sit down. I may not BWOOOOOORRP be as good as him, but I’m sure I can whip up something to improve your weight and gas output.”

   Shaking his head back and forth, Joker made his apologies and rushed up to his room.

   Ascending the staircase at a snail’s pace, the thought of getting to discuss the strange occurrences with his fellow thieves helped to push him forward. When he finally reached his room, it was like he had stepped into another world. The once organized space was a mess worse than when he had first come to town. Piles of empty food containers, filthy clothes, and video games were plentiful, but they did little to make up for the lack of any of Joker’s friends.

   Shuffling through the mess to sit on his bed, Joker pulled out his phone and texted the group to find out where they were. The response he got from most of them was that they were at their usual hangout. A back and forth between him and the others made him realize that the altered Phantom Thieves had made the Big Bang Burger the place for holding meetings.

   The new location for the Phantom Thieves’ home base was confirmed by the picture of a triple bacon cheeseburger sent to him. He could feel himself growing sick just having to stare at the mess of grease and cheese that coated the burger. However, his initial revulsion was repelled by another wave of energy from the eye in the sky.

   In the blink of an eye, Joker saw his room had filled with even more empty food containers. Following a trail of discarded clothing ripped by his hefty form, his vision fell upon the king-sized bed that had replaced his old futon. It took a moment to realize the sudden change due to the fact that his body had grown alongside it.

   Feeling the strain of the buttons against his bulging belly and sagging man boobs, he didn’t know how much longer he had until he changed like the others. Daring to slide his fingers against his gut forced out a reverberating fart from his chunky rear that threatened to burst his wide hips out of his pants. Forced to inhale a belch reeking of whatever this version of him had eaten beforehand, he turned back towards his phone. The image of the burger took on a new light, one that made his belly rumble with hunger and his mouth salivate at the thought of sinking his teeth into it.

   Shoving his phone into his tight pocket, Joker waddled towards the stairs before he could dwell on his sorry state. Upon reaching the staircase, he was somewhat relieved to see a chair lift waiting for him. Riding the contraption down to the bottom floor of Leblanc, his fattened form was once again tempted by a spread of various curry dishes along the counter.

   “Go BWOOOOORRP ahead,” Sae said as she dug into her own helping of curry. “I made plenty.”

   Chewing on his lip to hold back his urges, Joker waddled as fast as thick thighs would allow to escape the café.

   Making his way outside, Joker turned his attention towards finding his friends. The added heft from his gradual transformation helped him to push through the throngs of people swarming about in the busiest part of the day. He only realized how puny he was in comparison to the rest of society as he descended into the subway and shoved himself inside of the first shuttle headed towards Shibuya central.

   Feeling the doors shutter with mere inches between them and his backside, he was forced to step into the stale air of the subway car. Trying to find a seat was deemed impossible by the fact that each person took up the space of two with their wide rears. Despite being packed in like a group of overweight sardines, the riders didn’t seem bothered by how close they were to one another. They freely broke into conversations that were interspersed with burps and farts to make their points. While the rest of the crowd was happy to wallow in each other’s flab and various odors, Joker could feel himself growing lightheaded from the condensed stench.

   At the first chance he got he threw himself out of the cramped compartment and ran out of the subway. Walking back onto the city streets, he leaned his corpulent body against a nearby wall to catch his breath. Letting out several deep gasps alongside forcing out a minute-long fart, he slowly realized he had mistakenly gotten off at Electric Street. This was confirmed by the sight of a familiar face waddling towards him.

   Using her time off from her official job as a teacher, Kawakami was adorned in her maid outfit with her black hair tied up into twin pigtails. The once pristine French maid outfit was slathered in multiple food and drink stains to help emphasize her gluttonous belly. Practically skipping her way down the street to hand out fliers, she made sure to give every potential customer a chance to see part of her bubble butt with each fart that fluttered the hem of her skirt.

   “Why hello their young UUURRRRRRP master,” Kawakami said as she stopped in front of Joker. “Can I interest you in our lunch special? We have a deal where whatever you buy, we eat double for you. If you pay extra, we’ll even let you get a full frontal of our post-meal flatu-“

   Kawakami paused upon realizing who she was talking to. “Oh, it’s you,” she said, losing some of her earlier pep. Tucking away the fliers beneath her sweaty pits, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes from her cleavage and placed one in her mouth. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she lit the cigarette and inhaled a mouthful of smoke. “I told you that if you want to come to the café, you need to do it later in the evening so no one from school will see you.”

   “Who are you talking to?”

   Joker managed to turn his attention away from the sight of Kawakami shoving the pack back between her meaty breasts to greet the recognizable voice. Distracted by the presence of a messy maid outfit that looked painted onto the woman’s obese form, it took the sight of a red ribbon tied up in her greasy black strands to identify her. Opening his mouth to call out Hifumi’s name, he was interrupted mid-way by a belch rolling up his throat.

   “Oh it’s BWOOOOORRRP you,” Hifumi commented. “I’d know that burp anywhere.”

   Kawakami brought his attention back to her with the help of a sputtering fart. “You know him?”

   “Yeah, we play shogi from time to time. Every time he loses, he has to buy me a bucket of fried chicken.” Taking another step towards Joker, she unflinchingly sandwiched Joker’s face within the folds of her belly. “I got a job at the café to pay you back for all your help. I know how much you say I earned those meals, but I don’t feel right stuffing myself without giving you anything. Especially since you’re so small.”

   The longer Joker was cradled by her pudgy flesh, the longer he felt a strange comfort sink into his body. He barely noticed the pulse of another reality altering wave, paying little mind to the added layer of fat that threatened to pop him out of his clothes. Various smells from both him and the two women were treated more as delicacies rather than atrocious gas. Inhaling the combination of his own fart mixed with a belch from Hifumi and the smoke clinging to Kawakami’s breath, he entertained the idea of accepting a new, slobby Shibuya.

   Yanking himself away from Hifumi, he waddled away from the two of them as fast as possible. Each step he took into the subway let him feel the hundreds of pounds of fat trying to weigh him down. Squeezing himself back into a subway car to Shibuya Central, he begrudgingly thanked the fact that his slobification progress had gifted him a resilience to the various awful odors that surrounded him.

   Reaching his stop, Joker shuffled along with the rest of the passengers towards street level. His attempts to remain focused were hindered by thoughts in the back of his mind that grew louder with every jiggle of his gut and gas expulsion that escaped his hefty derriere. Forced to stop by a belch shaking about his three chins, his eyes lit up at the sight of the Big Bang Burger down the street.

   Breaking into a light jog was the fastest his body would allow. As much as he wanted to get there to check on his team, he couldn’t deny that he only moved faster upon hearing ravenous growls from his stomach. Arriving at the front door as a mess of sweat-drenched clothing and exhausted fat, he stepped inside and was simultaneously relieved and horrified to see the rest of the Phantom Thieves waiting for him at a table in the corner.

   Each of them were dressed in their school uniforms, sized up just big enough to fit them while still small enough to show off the wealth of fat packed onto each of them. Ryuji was occupied stuffing his face with fries, the crumbs tumbling down his chins to sink into the expanse of his man boobs and belly fat. Between chugging milkshakes, Ann would pause to let out belches that sent shivers down her gelatinous body. Licking up whip cream from around her lips, Ann reached down to drag her pudgy hand across the blob of black fur. The act produced a small yawn and squeak of gas before Morgana went back to a restful slumber between Ann’s plush thighs. Yusuke slicked back his greasy hair with a flourish as he devoured a bucket of chicken nuggets, hanging on to the more uniquely shaped pieces between his belly folds to savor them for last. In-between studying a textbook and taking hefty bites from her chicken sandwich, Makoto let out a deluge of flatulence from her doughy backsides to constantly ruffle the hem of her skirt. Sinking her teeth into a burger to let a variety of sauces tumble down her pink sweatshirt to be caught by her breasts and belly, Haru was the first of the group to finally notice Joker.

   “Oh there you BWOOOORRRP are,” Haru announced, drawing the group’s attention to him.

   “About time man,” Ryuji said, sliding back his seat to the tune of a boisterous fart, “I was about to eat your food.” For his honesty, he was rewarded with a swift punch to his love handles from Ann.

   “Come have a UUURRRP seat,” Makoto said, gesturing towards the three empty chairs placed in front of the table.

   Glancing at each of his friends and seeing their sorry states, Joker wasn’t sure if it was even possible to tell them the truth. However, his mind turned to other things as a waitress waddled by to place a platter of some of the biggest, greasiest burgers he had ever seen. The smell drifting off of the indulgent meal was carried along by one last pulse from the eye in the sky. He still felt an urge to tell the group something, but he was finding it difficult to remember what it was or why he was so anxious in the first place. Arms going limp, he shuffled his way over to the table and plopped his 800-pound body down onto the chairs. Freeing up some room in his belly with a prolonged PHHHHHRRRRRRRRRTTTT, he grabbed a burger and let the taste of greasy meat wash away whatever was left of his old self.

   “Now that we’re all BWOOOORRRP here,” Makoto spoke up over the noise of Joker’s loud chewing and burps, “could you please go over the target so we’re all on the same page?”

   Looking up from his meal, Joker noticed a laptop amongst the remnants of empty food containers. Pictured on the screen was a dark room lit by the faint glow of computer monitors. Through the diminished light he could see a pile of flab that outsized even him that was sporting a set of massive breasts and a pair of ass cheeks engulfing several bean bag chairs.  The sight of Futaba’s long, orange hair dripping with grease and wide glasses shaking from a hearty belch, barely registered for him. It was how he had always known her of course.

   “I managed to find out more about the target on some dark web forums,” Futaba replied, her sausage-like fingers pounding against her keyboard. “This sicko has been,” she paused, to let out a loud BRRRAAAAAAAAAAPPPP from her rear, “coming up with a way to force people to lose weight.”

   “For UUUUUURRRRP real?” Ryuji asked.

   “Yeah, it’s pretty weird. He keeps claiming that the world used to be one that favored skinny, clean bodies that barely let out any gas.”

   Haru let out a billowing fart. “That sounds absolutely awful.”

   Yosuke heaved himself into a standing position. “This certainly won’t do. Are we all in agreement that we should BWOOOOOORRRRP beat this man and his rubbish mentality into submission?”

   “As long as we finish it before my photo shoot tomorrow,” Ann spoke up, sliding her finger through her greasy ponytails.

   “That all depends on our leader,” Makoto answered, her and everyone turning their attention towards Joker.

   Finished licking up the grease from his palms and face, Joker realized they were staring at him. Letting a belch part his lips, he put on a wide smile to go with his sly eyes. He nodded his head in agreement, more than ready to lead the Phantom Thieves in protecting the ways of their slobby world.


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