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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Chun-li (Street Fighter) Weight Gain and Nerd TF

Whilst exploring an abandoned Shadaloo facility, Chun-li stumbles upon a strange door leading to an even stranger library. Following the words of a mysterious woman, she begins to explore a familiar tale from a much different perspective.

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   With Shadaloo dissolved and its leaders defeated, it fell upon people like Chun-li to take care of cleaning up the remnants of the organization. Her mission for the day was a standard one, rummaging through an abandoned base to find any leftover pieces of technology. On occasion these visits had her run into some of Shadaloo’s former members still clinging to the belief that their leader would return. Even powered by lingering psycho power, these grunts were nothing compared to the strongest woman in the world.

   Chun-li stood out amongst the bases cold, metal walls with her usual attire of a blue qipao lined with gold trimmings. Her brown, skin-tight leggings showed off every muscle of her shapely legs as a warning to any foe she encountered. Completing her attire were her white combat boots that had crushed many of faces, alongside the pair of spiked bracelets she used for both intimidation and weight training. Coming up around the corner, she brushed her hand through her black hair until she could feel the pair of ox horn styled buns neatly contained with her white adornments.

   Stepping into the corridor, she paused as she spotted an enigma that looked completely out of place from the rest of the facility. The ornate double wooden doors appeared to have been forcibly pushed through the metal. Stepping up to the oddity, she ran her fingers along the various pieces of finely crafted décor. Continuing to examine the doors revealed the strange absences of any doorknobs or ways to open it. As her hands reached the impression of a black and white eye in the center of the piece, a shiver went up her arm. Reeling her hand back, she watched the doors begin to creak open.

   Awaiting Chun-li inside was a desk dimly lit by a small lamp. The desk went along with the muted red carpet and beige walls to create a sense of enclosed comfort. Looking past the desk, Chun-li was left awestruck by the sight of seemingly infinite shelves of books stacked up to the dizzying heights of the ceiling. So lost in trying to comprehend how and why there was a library in a Shadaloo base, she almost didn’t notice the woman sitting behind the desk.

   Hearing the woman clear her throat brought Chun-li’s attention to the pair of silver eyes partially obscured by her square-rimmed glasses. Her dark brown hair was tied into a neat bun that doubled as a holder for two red pencils. A red necktie stood out from the white blouse and black pencil skirt that showed off her hourglass figure. The woman carried a knowing smile across her lips, an eyebrow raised against her light brown skin as she watched Chun-li approach the desk.

   “Hello,” the woman said, giving a polite bow towards Chun-li. “My name is Lochana Jaanavar. If you would prefer, you may call me Lochana.”

   Chun-li got into a battle stance. “Who are you? What are your connections to Shadaloo?”

   Lochana stood up from her seat and walked around the desk. “Apologies, I have no idea who this Shadaloo is. I am merely the caretaker of the All Seeing One’s grand library.”

   Chun-li let herself relax. “You’re a librarian?”

   “And an excellent one at that,” she replied with a beaming smile. “I have a knack for finding just the right book for anyone who manages to discover this place. For…quite some time, I’ve had the pleasure of sharing knowledge and fantastical experiences with visitors.” Taking a step closer, she leaned forward to have her face mere inches from Chun-li’s. “If you would like, I can direct you to exactly what you’re looking for.”

   “Is that so?” Chun-li asked, taking a step back to watch Lochana nod in approval. “Do you have information pertaining to Shadaloo?”

   “Perhaps,” Lochana replied. “The only way to find out though is to look for yourself. The library tends to only give out what it believes is best suited for its visitors.”

   “If that’s the case, can you point me in the right direction?”

   Lochana put a finger to her chin. “Well, I typically don’t let visitors peruse the shelves without a library card, but I can make an exception.” Walking back behind the desk, she pulled out a folder of papers and removed one of the pencils from her hair. “I’ll go ahead and write you up a library card while you’re browsing. I’ll bring it to you when you’re done.”

   “Thank you, my name is-“

   “Chun-li, I’m aware,” Lochana replied without looking up from her paperwork.

   “How did you-“

   “No need to worry about it. Go on ahead. You’ll find what you’re looking for in section NDTF, shelf one.”

   “Where is that?”

   “Just start walking that way,” she said, waving her hand in a general direction. “You’ll find it eventually.”

   Figuring there was small chance of getting a straight answer from the librarian, Chun-li began walking. Left without a logical means of guidance, her only option was to go down each aisle in search of something that would lead her to what she was looking for. Her journey through the seemingly endless bookshelves was helped along by dim bulbs from overhead lights and the occasional desk lamp. The methodical searching didn’t help much as she soon lost sight of Lochana and the front entrance. Becoming concerned if she would even be able to leave the library, she could swear she heard the shelves moving when she wasn’t looking.

   Her wandering came to an end as she noticed familiar sets of numbers and letters plastered across the shelves. Going down the line, she found herself staring down aisle NDTF. Unsure how or why she had managed to find the spot the librarian had mentioned, she kept her eyes trained on the bottom shelf to try finding something worth the time she lost aimlessly wandering.

   “She’sh here!”

   Chun-li stopped to turn her attention towards the excited, husky voice that seemed to have called out to her from the bottom shelf. Squatting down to examine the books, she traced her finger along the spines until she found one titled, “The Strongest Woman in the World.” Sliding the tome from its spot revealed an elaborate cover of blue and gold similar in style to her qipao.

   Turning over the book to glance at the summary, her interest in the novel gradually replaced her drive to search for information on Shadaloo. The story claimed to tell the tale of a woman of extraordinary strength that used her fighting skills as an international police officer. As the summary dove into the sheer evil of the force she fought against, she couldn’t help feeling like she had heard the story before. Intrigued, she turned to the first page and began to read.

   Keeping her vision focused primarily on the book allowed her to absorb every bit of information in exquisite detail. Lost in the scene of the woman having her village overtaken by a ruthless crime lord momentarily made her lose track of her surroundings. So engrossed in the tome, she barely noticed that she was starting to move. In the back of her mind she realized she was walking, attributing it to her subconscious trying to find a way out of the library. Predictably, her distracted locomotion led to her blindly stumbling into a book shelf.

   Reeling from the impact, she winced at the sound of books falling to the ground. Glancing around revealed she had somehow stumbled into a reading area, with a long table lined with lamps and chairs. Observing the chaotic pile of books before her, she found herself chewing on her nails. Something in the back of her mind told her that it was unlike her to be so disrespectful considering how politely Lochana had treated her. Placing her book on the table, she got to work trying to organize the disheveled mess.

   Squatting down brought out an unknown creak from her body. Putting it off as just being tired from her walk, she powered through the slight pain to pick up the books. An attempt to put the books back in alphabetical order was hindered by a strange blurriness that plagued her vision. Picking up a book, she had to practically press it up against her face to see through the fuzzy sight.

   Just as she entertained the idea of putting the book back in a random spot, she heard the sound of someone scribbling a pencil against paper. Dropping the book, she once again took up a battle stance only to see that she was still alone. Keeping herself on the lookout for where the sound had come from, she instead spotted something lying next to her novel on the desk. Picking up the pair of glasses, she held it up to the light to examine the wide, rounded lenses. Twirling about the spectacles and wondering if someone may had lost them, she experimentally placed them on her face.

   Chun-li blinked a few times to confirm what she was seeing was real. Picking up one of the fallen books, she was able to read even the smallest print without any difficulty. Putting on a confident smile at her discovery, she returned to the mess she made to properly replace the books on the shelves. With the last tome slid into place, she gave her glasses a slight nudge. Intending to return the glasses to Lochanna on the way out, she once again turned her attention towards her book.

   Sitting down at the desk, she continued her reading with renewed vigor. The pages seemed to fly by as she read, going over the details of the fighting woman’s training under an old man. Reaching the story’s halfway point, something in the back of her head tried to relate it to something she had heard before. However, her train of thought was disrupted by a hunger pang emanating from her stomach.

   Too busy rubbing her mid-section to try to calm her appetite, she nearly missed the same sound of graphite running across paper. Looking over her shoulder, she fixed her glasses to assure herself that she wasn’t hallucinating. Getting up from her seat, she approached what appeared to be a vending machine loaded with a wide selection of sodas, energy drinks, and plenty of snacks to satisfy any cravings.

   The machine’s only downside was a lack of a way to feed it money, not that she had any on her to begin with. Out of curiosity, she tapped her fingers on a random set of numbers. Seconds later, a loud clunk echoed from inside the machine to tell of the arrival of a soda can. Picking up the soda, Chun-li popped off the top and took a sip. The flavor was a refreshing mix of lemon and line that popped against her tongue as it slid down. Encouraged by a few more swigs of her beverage, her free hand got to work tapping against the machine’s keypad.

   By the time she finished her soda, Chun-li reached into the machine to pull out a small feast of salty snacks, candy, and another drink to answer the call of her growling stomach. Bringing her impromptu feast over to the table, she popped open a bag of pretzels and shoved a handful into her mouth. Letting herself enjoy taking a break from her usual diet, she chugged down a mouthful of soda and dove back into her book.

   Only leaving her seat to gather more food and drink, she completely immersed herself in the story. Reaching the final few pages and reading of how the evil dictator narrowly escaped, she couldn’t help herself from empathizing with the woman’s struggle. As the text described how the woman clutched her fingers to temper her fury, Chun-li mimicked the motion. Her hands only managed to stay locked up for a few seconds until she felt something soft rubbing against them.

   Leaning back in her seat, Chun-li was left speechless at the sight of the potbelly protruding from her mid-section. Pushing her finger into the orb of fat to prove it was hers, she glanced around the table to see the mess of empty cans and wrappers she had left behind. She was unable to determine how long she had been sitting there, but she doubted it was enough to warrant her gaining so much weight.

   Standing up from her seat shook about her newly acquired food baby. In the process of cleaning up the remnants of her snack session, she had plenty of time to feel her gut jostle against her thighs. More than a little worried, she began to wonder if the library itself had something to do with it. Her lingering thoughts were put on hold as something in the back of her mind tried to convince her that she had always been chubby. Shaking her head to dismiss the strange voice, a strand of her hair fell out of her bangs.

   Putting the unruly strand back into place, she found her gaze once again drifting towards the book. Turning over the last page, she found a list of various sequel novels alongside where to find them in the library. Considering the strange occurrences to her body, her logical side tried to get her to forget about the book and continue her search for the exit. The longer she tried to force herself away, the more her curiosity got the better of her. Picking up the book between her arms, she told herself she would try to find the exit once she got her hands on the next volume.

   The second book in the series was found in a fraction of time it took to find the first, Chun-li having grown somewhat used to the library’s strange organization method. Pulling out the tome, she turned it over to skim through the summary. Her eyes gleamed with interest as the book told of the powerful woman entering a fighting tournament to track down and defeat the dictator. Tucking the novel beneath her arm alongside the first, she shuffled her way back to the reading area.

   Placing her books on the table, she was halted by a growl from her stomach. Sliding her hand against the prominent belly, she found it hard to believe she could still be hungry. Scratching her chin and failing to notice the extra pudge around it, she assumed she had once again lost track of time. Tapping her fattened fingers against the vending machine, she pondered finding Lochana again to ask for the time.

   Arms burdened with a plethora of drinks and snacks, she spread it out along the table and got back in her seat. Clueless to the creak of the chair mixing with her ravenous stomach noises, she turned to the first page of the book and popped open a bag of chips. Putting a chip in her mouth and taking a bite, she felt something was off. As the food tumbled about in her mouth, she tried to figure out if she had somehow lodged the chip between her teeth. Sliding her tongue along the roof of her mouth, she paused at the feeling of something that wasn’t supposed to be there.

   Grasping a soda bottle, she held it up to her face to use it as a makeshift mirror. Bringing the reflective surface up to her mouth, she let out an involuntary gasp at the sight of her enlarged buck teeth. Bringing her fingers up to the added length of her incisors let her confirm they were real. As she drew her hand away from the protruding teeth, her instincts screaming that this wasn’t normal became silenced by the sound of pencil scratching against paper echoing through her ears.

   Continuing to stare into the bottle’s reflective surface let her watch a set of braces appear in her mouth. The metal links wrapping themselves around her teeth should have increased her need to escape the mysterious library. A voice similar to the one she heard before spoke up to calm her down. Thoughts alien to her own popped into her head to reassure her that she had always worn these braces. While the metal mouth was unsightly, it was a necessary measure to realign her teeth and hold back her enlarged incisors. Put at ease with false memories of visits to an orthodontist to adjust and maintain the braces, Chun-li shoved a few more chips into her mouth and continued reading.

   Helped along by the novel’s writing quality and her large supply of food and drinks, Chun-li rapidly made her way through the book. Her interest in the tale grew with each new friend and foe the woman faced in the tournament. The fights themselves were written in exquisite detail, but she enjoyed most of all the interactions between the woman and the other characters. During her occasional breaks to restock her supply of snacks, her mind went wild with ideas of the woman being paired with the other fighters in terms of friends and perhaps more.

   Lost in the final scene of the woman returning to her father’s grave to celebrate her victory over the dictator, Chun-li was forced to stop to acknowledge a creaking sound echoing through the library. Though she tried to ignore it, the sound seemed to amplify as she shuffled about in her seat. Grinding her teeth at the annoying noise, she got up from her chair with fury in her eyes.

   “Shtop making that noishe!” she shouted, her frustration making her overlook her recently gained speech impediment.

   As she turned her head around the area, the only company she saw were the same shelves of books that surrounded her on all sides and her leftover pile of food wrappers. Fixing her glasses to ensure her vision was correct, she went to sit down and heard the creaking noise again. Unable to deny it any longer, her gazed drifted towards the source of the chair’s pain, herself.

   The thin tights around her calves were stretched to their limits across a layer of pudge that had enveloped her leg muscles over the course of her reading. Shaking about her legs to confirm they were hers let her feel the part of her chubby rear hanging off the sides of the seat that had caused the chair to cry out in agony. Holding out her arms let her see they had taken on similar amounts of weight, her bracelets looking ready to pop from the strain of her meaty wrists. Along with the bracelets, the rest of her fighting garb had a hard time dealing with the added heft of her bosom and the bountiful blubber of her flabby belly.

   Getting back up from her seat, Chun-li twirled around her morphed body and grimaced at the feeling of her fat slowing her down. Stopping at the sound of seams starting to rip apart, she turned her attention to the remains of her indulgent snacking. Voices in the back of her mind told her that this was normal. They spoke of how she grew up with a ravenous appetite and a slow metabolism. It wasn’t her fault that made her bigger than the other girls. That was just how she was.

   As the false memories tried to implant themselves in her head, Chun-li fought back harder than ever. Trying to tell herself to ignore the strange thoughts did little to stave them off. In hopes of defending her identity, she tried to focus on finding an exit. Her desperate eyes swiveled across her book and discovered an extra page she hadn’t seen before. Daring to let a plump finger turn the page, she rapidly read off the description of a mysterious woman in purple with a glowing eye. Captivated by the new character’s description and the big, TO BE CONTINUED at the back, she stored her books beneath her arm and began her search for the next tome in the series.

   Gifted with familiarity with the library’s organization system and imbedded with instinctual knowledge of how to move her hefty form about, Chun-li once again waddled between the shelves to continue reading her story. A few minutes into her journey she could already feel her clothes beginning to break apart from her weight. Unsure of how or why she had put on such a ridiculous outfit, she wanted nothing more than to change into something more comfortable. Her prayers were answered by the scratch of pencil against paper emanating through the library.

   The tightness around her chubby belly was alleviated as her dress was replaced with a blue hoodie that mirrored the design of her qipao with gold colored lines that traced her girth and a pair of laces flanking her thick neck. Her chunky butt cheeks were given ample room to breathe as her tights were swapped out for a set of brown sweatpants that went well with her pair of comfortable, white tennis shoes. Jostling about her droopy breasts in an effort to get them under control without a bra, she slid about the collection of wristbands along her arms denoting various character pairings from the novels she had been reading. Finally feeling comfortable, she brushed her fingers through her unkempt, greasy black hair and let the long, unruly strands hang down her back.

   Just as Chun-li got ready to continue her journey, she heard a series of strange noises from down the hall. Following the siren call of the sound brought her towards a set of rooms. A faint glow could be seen between the blinds of one of the door’s windows, a myriad of colors drawing her in like a moth to a flame. Putting her need to find the book on hold, she turned the handle and pushed her wide hips through the doorway.

   Inside she found a lounge sporting several bean bag chairs and a wide array of vending machines similar to the one she had discovered earlier. Walking right past a stack of books bearing the same markings and titles as the ones that had enraptured her attention, she made her way towards the center of the room. Wiping the smudges from her glasses, she couldn’t stop her jaw from hanging open to show off her metal wrapped, buck teeth to the arcade cabinet in front of her.

   The cabinet was in pristine condition, as if it had been yanked right out of a 90’s era arcade. Everything from the character artwork on the sides to the satisfying click of the buttons made her shiver with excitement. Wrapping her fingers around the joystick, she spent several moments just watching the intro movie made out of finely crafted pixels. Peeking up at the top of the cabinet, she read over the words, “Street Fighter 2: A New Vision Edition.” Bringing her eyes back to the machine and glancing at the character select screen, she instantly reached out and pressed the free play button.

   Moving her cursor over to her fighter of choice, she marveled at the depiction of the woman she had sunk so much time reading about. Picking her character and going into the first fight, she was overjoyed to see the woman striking her opponent with a flurry of kicks from her muscular legs. Throwing a fireball let her take in the sight of the woman’s intimidating, spiked bracelets hanging from her slender arms. Waiting for the right opportunity, she sent the woman twirling about in a spinning kick that simultaneously beat up her opponent and flipped about her blue qipao. Hearing the announcer claim her victory, Chun-li couldn’t help herself form smiling alongside her character.

   “Are you enjoying yourself?”

   Chun-li turned on her heels to see Lochana in the doorway. “I-I’m shorry. It wash jusht s-shtanding here and I-I couldn’t help myshelf.”

   “It’s quite alright,” Lochana commented, looking over Chun-li’s form. “This is here for a reason. Count yourself lucky you were able to find it.” Reaching into her pocket, she produced a laminated card. “I came here to give you your library card. Take a look and let me know if I got everything right.”

   Accepting the card within her pudgy hands, Chun-li held it up to her eyes to be met with her transformed face. Everything from the unruly hair, to the wide glasses, and even the sheen of grease on her chubby cheeks were present. Glancing over at the information, she nodded her head in agreement upon reading her weight of 327 pounds. Upon seeing the name Chelsea Lin printed across the top, she couldn’t help marveling at the librarian’s accuracy.

   “Yup, that’sh me,” Chelsea said, unafraid to show off her braces in a beaming smile. “You’re pretty impresshive.”

   “No need for flattery, just doing my job,” Lochana replied, greeting the compliment with a more reserved grin. “With that you should be free to enjoy the library at your leisure. Whenever you’re ready to leave and return to reality, just let me know.”

   “What do you mean by that?” Chelsea asked as she shoved the card into her pocket.

   “Sorry, just a turn of phrase,” Lochana said, making her way towards the exit. “Enjoy your stay.”

   Left by herself once more, Chelsea turned her attention back towards the lounge. Her eyes swiveled back and forth between her collection of novels to read through and the plethora of snacks to try. In the end, a call from the cabinet asking if she wanted to continue is what won her immediate interest. 

   Pressing the free play button once more, she effortlessly went through fight after fight without breaking a sweat. Reaching the final boss and defeating him just as easily as the others, Chelsea took a deep breath and stepped back. Watching Chun-li strike a pose, she attempted to mimic it. Though she was far from matching Chun-li’s physique and balance, it was just enough to let her momentarily feel like she was the strongest woman in the world.


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