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Prompt: A knight escapes a dragon’s den with sacks of treasure and a beautiful, but irritating princess in tow, though he lost his steed in the process. Unaware of the treasures’ enchantments, the Princess’s constant complaints of tired feet and having to carry heavy gold are answered by magic when she’s transformed into a fat, smelly horse.

   Fame, glory, treasure, and the company of a fair maiden should have been more than enough to make up for the loss of Sir Edward’s steed. However, he had begun to curse the cowardly horse more the further he had to trek away from the dragon’s lair. The sacks of treasure upon his back were an easy task for his strength, but not even the patience of a saint could handle Princess Murla.

   “Move it, you idiotic oaf,” Princess Murla commanded with a swift kick to Sir Edward’s behind. “The air around here is absolutely horrid for my hair,” she said, waving about her golden curls. “Not to mention, I expect you to wash out the stains from my skirt. You’re going to have to work extra hard to get dragon blood out of pink fabric.”

   Sir Edward let out a sigh. “With all due respect your highness, I’m going as fast as I can. Without my horse, I have to carry back the family treasure myself. Perhaps if you carried one of the sacks, we could-“

   Another kick to his back sent Sir Edward falling into the dirt road. Picking himself up, he watched Princess Murla rip open a sack and start throwing out the precious jewels and treasures.

   “You honestly would risk your princess’s life for these ancient things?” she asked, carelessly tossing about family heirlooms like yesterday’s rubbish. “They don’t even do anything. Just look at this golden horseshoe. My father probably bought if of some filthy merchant for no more than a few silver-“

   Princess Murla’s tirade was interrupted by a neigh emanating from her mouth and the sound of her dress ripping apart. Forced onto her hands and feet by an unknown force, her body fattened up to five times her old size. Her elongating face swiveling about at the sight of her hands and feet turning to hardened hooves, her panicked cries only came out as more neighs.

   Approaching the equine princess, Sir Edward had to cover his nose from the horrific fart that burst from the princess’s fat ass to wave about her long, blonde tail. Powering through the awful stench, Sir Edward looked upon her corrupted form with a sinister smile. Much to the former princess’s protests, Sir Edward began weighing her down with the rest of the treasure. Climbing atop her broad back and grasping her golden curls as makeshift reins, he gave her a quick smack to the rear to get her obese form galloping down the road.


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