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Prompt: Not happy with her breast size, a woman learns of a secret underground breast enhancement operation led by a well-endowed BBW. The large woman’s breast milk has some sort of magical property that can cause breast growth in others.

   Through various sites on the black web and rumors at shady bars, Donna found herself being escorted down a set of stairs by a muscle bound man that acted as both a bouncer and a receptionist. Reaching the dimly lit room, she was surprised to find a cozy sitting area, complete with a white shag rug and soft music emanating from a radio. Just as she was about to sit down in the overly large reclining chair, the bouncer grabbed her shoulder and told her to wait for the doctor to arrive.

   Donna didn’t have to wait long before she heard someone larger than the bouncer coming down the stairs. Each press of the person’s cankles against the stairs made it clear that they were well over the 1000-pound mark. The girth of the person’s belly was adorned by a frilly, pink apron that was tightly wound around their hips. Donna was left speechless at the sight of the pair of massive, sagging breasts hanging atop the woman’s belly. Staring at the medicine ball-like mammaries, Donna reached towards her own flat chest to remind herself why she was going through with this in the first place.

   Finally reaching the bottom step, the woman flung back her brown curls to show off her cherubic cheeks and warm smile. “Well aren’t you cute?” she asked, running her hand through Donna’s hair. “Shame about your chest. Don’t worry, Momma is going to take good care of you.”

   Momma effortlessly lifted Donna off of her feet and carried her towards the chair. Plopping down her wide rear, Momma ensured her patient was comfortably positioned atop her lap before she undid the clasps from around her apron. Nothing left to hold them back, her breasts were free to smother Donna’s face. Shuffling back and forth, Momma managed to push one of her plump nipples into Donna’s mouth.

   Massaging her breasts, Momma let loose a flood of milk into Donna’s mouth. Forced to either drink or drown, Donna latched onto the nipple and suckled like a new born baby. Finishing off the first teat, Donna was quickly switched over to the next. Just as Donna was about to burst from the excess of creamy milk, Momma pulled her breasts away with a loud pop.

   Lost in her liquid feast, Donna had failed to notice that it wasn’t just Momma’s weight that had been pushing down on her. Sifting through the remnants of her burst open top, Donna groped and squeezed the luscious pair of F-cup breasts that were now hers. Handing off a hefty sum of money to Momma, Donna made her way up the stairs, groping her new set of tits with appreciative fingers.

   “Another satisfied customer,” Momma commented as she stowed the wad of cash into her pocket with several dozen others.


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