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IMPORTANT: you may need to install my Sims 4 Package Blocker (from version 1.1.0) if you don't have all the EP, GP and SP! Otherwise LE error messages will come. Please read the instructions carefully!

Patreon Release:
September 5, 2022
Public Release: September 5, 2022
Last Update: October 21, 2022

Update Notes Version 0.8.2

Thanks to your feedback, another bug that caused an LE error message has been fixed. Your feedback is very important! This is the only way I can fix small errors that are sometimes very difficult to detect. The bug that has now been solved only occurred, for example, with users who had deleted the addon for the visible political positions.

Update Notes Version 0.8.1

A very small update that should fix an LE error message. Thank you for your error message! This really helps to find and solve problems!

Update Notes Version 0.8.0

Many users have complained about LE error messages. It works fine for me now. I hope that most of the problems have been fixed in this version. However, I would like to point out that the mod is still in the testing phase. Also, please don't expect it to be completely bug-free.

General Changes:

Many other characteristics have been taken into account in the automatic generation, which make the connections even closer, e.g. a sim who prefers fashion style rockers should also like the rock music and the black color. This work is still continuing, but requires me to have knowledge of the content of all sim traits (including hidden and game play), so progress is slow.

Other changes are tied to new features introduced in High School Pack:

  • University Degrees can now also be cheated and randomized for teens!
  • The fashion likes and dislikes  are now also taken into account in randomization.
  • Added ability to remove body hair from sim (instant shave) in Deep Cleaner.

Update Notes Version 0.7.0

Smart Randomizer Modul

The following intelligent randomization features have been implemented:

  • The number of decor likes and dislikes generated by the mod has also been reduced to 1 (instead of 2 in the previous version). The reactions to furniture are otherwise too frequent and inappropriate... The randomization of decoration preferences has also been banished to an addon. If you don't want a deco like and a deco dislike to be generated for every Sim, you have to delete the "Auto Generate Deco Preferences" addon!
  • Some users have also asked if auto-randomization could be turned off entirely for select Sims. Now it is possible! There is now an interaction “Enable Automatic Randomization” and “Disable Automatic Randomization” in the mod menu. This is then done via a picker by assigning the trait "No Auto Randomness". With the deactivation of the automatic generation, the affected Sim is ignored by the mod.
  • All Sims from Teen to Elder are now automatically given a random trait related to their political position (Left, Right, Neutral), EP City Living required. Older Sims tend to look to the right and younger Sims tend to look to the left. There are also some other influences (e.g. from Traits Proper, Rebellious, various eco-Traits). Otherwise it's more of a coincidence. I'm open to your suggestions as to which sims should be right wing and which should be left wing.
  • All Sims receive a hidden trait for whether they like or hate eating mayonnaise. The assignment is random. However, vegetarians and lactose intolerant Sims tend not to like mayonnaise. This trait remains invisible. If you want to display this, please install the Chingyu's Unhidden Traits Mod, for example. Please note that some of my addons (e.g. to display the movie preferences or political position) are also available at Chingyu. So that there are no conflicts, please only select those components from Chinguy that are not available in my mod!
  • All Sims from Young Adult to Elder receive an automatically intelligently randomized generated character value, EP Parenthood required. However, if Sims already have some character values, they will not receive new ones. Thus, your pilled Sims are not affected.
  • The new intelligent randomization of university degrees is in trial! The degrees are not assigned automatically, but by clicking in the mod menu.

Cheating Modul

The mod's cheating module has expanded significantly, so the mod actually needs to be renamed now. Maybe "Smart Sim Cheater & Randomizer" (working title). What do you think?

Also I've added a lot to the mod's cheat options:

  • I made the mod's pie menu more beautiful and stylish. I like it better that way!
  • The mod's cheat functionality has been greatly expanded! Now there are many new options for controlled selecting (adding or change) and deleting (removing or deep cleaning) different properties (personality, aspiration and gameplay traits, fears, werewolf temperaments, fame perks, character values, punishment rules for children and teens, degrees, walkstyles und more)... Certainly there are other mods that do the same to some extent. But I needed my own controller to clear and reinstate certain traits when testing randomization.

✒️ Main Mod Description

The main feature of this mod is an automatic smart fill of empty sims generated by the game and all other NPC sims in the neighborhood. Also part of the package is a cleaning tool that I created to test this mod. Maybe something like that already exists, but I like my realization better than someone else's.

The mod has some addons! Please install the addons only if you need the following content! The detailed instructions for the addons can be found on the mod's page:

More information: https://andirz.itch.io/smart-sim-randomizer


I currently only have the English strings.
I don't intend to do a translation until there is a stable 1.0 version.

Your feedback is important!

This mod cost me a lot of time and energy. Please give me your feedback on whether it works for you the way I hope it will!




This is the coolest mod ever. Instant personality that has rhyme and reason! It's what I deeply wish they would integrate into the game because it would truly make a sims seem to have whole lives! Thank you so much for your hard work!