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Purchasing System Overhaul Mod

Unfortunately, I noticed that the orders by letterbox and phone call no longer worked because I changed the references to the interactions in the last update. Now it's fixed. Please download the mod again. There are no other changes in this version.

I also wanted to draw your attention to the following! Yesterday and today several of you asked me if the Purchasing System Overhaul Mod is broken because you see blank lines instead of texts in the game. My answer to that: No, the mod is not bugged, you simply didn't copy the strings :)) Therefore, I would like to remind you again here (this is also in the update description) that since this version all strings from the core Mod are taken out and are in a separate file.

So the Strings folder is now mandatory. All the strings are there, not just translations, but the English ones as well.

You can delete the two translations (FR and PT, the files that start with 1) if you don't need them. But the third file (STRINGS) is absolutely necessary! 


There is a Discord channel. It's all quiet there so far, but please don't be shy and take advantage of it. I usually reply within 24 hours (this applies to both Patreon and Discord).

Simple Real Estate Menu

A small update of the mod Simple Real Estate Menu to version 1.0.2, with which the interactions are now blocked even if the PC is broken or the household is on the grid. Now it's more realistic. No more interactions that shouldn't be. Somehow I overlooked that earlier. You don't need to update it if that doesn't bother you.


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