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I have decided to make some changes to my rules, affecting both tiers and prizes, starting May 1st, 2022. Read the rules carefully and decide whether and with which levels you want to support me from May 1st, 2022.

First of all I want to thank you all again for supporting me! you are wonderful! Without you I would have no motivation to further develop my mods. I grow with you and my mods grow with me. All thanks to you! 

I am of course aware that I cannot request comparable prices that the mod monsters we all know demand. I'm a beginning creator. Nevertheless, I have to say that modding is a very complex and time-consuming process. And my current prices don't even cover a fraction of the time invested. Additionally, my existing tiers don't offer clear differentiation (so no matter what you choose, you get everything anyway). This also needs to be changed so that patrons can consciously choose between different tiers. 

New Tiers

I looked at and compared many Patreon pages from other Sims 4 Mod Creators. Based on this knowledge, I would now like to run the following tiers from May 1, 2022:

  • Little Patron (1,00 EUR)
    - Patron-only polls, posts and messages
    - Donation as your thank you for public content
    - Occasional early access to minor updates to existing mods
  • Little Patron + (1,50 EUR)
    - Patron-only polls, posts and messages
    - Early access to all updates to existing mods
    - Preference for wishes for existing mods
  • Patron (2,00 EUR)
    - Patron-only polls, posts and messages
    - Early access to all updates to existing mods  
    - Early access to the newly featured mods
    - Preference for wishes for existing mods
    - Access to the All-In-One Download Page
  • Gran Patron (4,50 EUR)
    - Patron-only polls, posts and messages
    - Early access to all updates to existing mods  
    - Early access to the newly featured mods
    - Requests for individual mod adjustments
    - Mod-making requests (limited)
    - Access to the All-In-One Download Page
  • Super Patron (10 EUR)
    - All of the previous benefits
    - Plus even more of my gratitude!

Reasons and Background

Even though these new rules don't cover nearly all of my working hours, I'd like to try to adapt my rules at least a little bit to the other creators in the future. I'm not ruling out the possibility that I'll have to further increase Early Access pricing at some point. I hope you can understand that. But here I assure you that all my mods will always remain free for everyone after the end of the Early Access period.

I realize that most of my patrons are of the low tier Little Patron, so I risk losing many of you right away if I deny early access at the lowest tier. But that is the common practice of all modders. And honestly, after paying fees, I earn less than 1 EUR from it. This is really depressing for me. So that the transition isn't too painful, I'm introducing an intermediate tier called Little Patron Plus, which only costs 0.50 EUR more, but gives you earlier access to all updates. So I have at least about 1 EUR from each patron.

The development of new mods (including initial ideas, research and testing) takes a lot of time. Much more than an update to an existing mod. I can't deliver something at the beginning that has no content. Also, I often find that the mod won't work the way I first thought, then everything is discarded and the work starts all over again. That's why I will no longer provide the completely new mods (no matter if big or small) to the Little Patrons in early access from May onwards. I hope you understand.

The All-In-One download page will also no longer be made available to Little Patrons and Little Patrons Plus. On the one hand, it's just practically necessary as Little Patrons and Little Patrons Plus won't have early access to absolutely everything. On the other hand, it is an additional service that is not modding, but only for convenience. So it has to be paid extra.

Gran Patrons & Super Patrons

For the last tiers, Gran Patron and Super Patron, I'm introducing the ability to order direct mod customization if you want it (if it's possible).  

This currently applies to the following:

  • Embedding any object from any mod you want into my SimSim Express Online Shop in the Purchasing System Overhaul Mod. You ask, I'll do it for you. This change will come in the form of an extra add-on, which will initially go into free access for three weeks only for Gran Patron and Super Patron tiers. After completing this phase it will either go into public access as a normal addon or it will be directly included in the next mod update if I deem it necessary. I will not do an exclusive addon creation that will never go public access as it is against EA policy.  
  • Extra adjustments in Better Pie Menu Mod are also possible. Talk to me and we'll see how I can meet your needs. For technical reasons, I cannot enable everything here.

Gran Patron and Super Patron tiers will also get the ability to order the following item and CAS mods:  

This means that I can create street signs, posters, pictures and t-shirts according to your wishes according to the given patterns but with any motif of your choice. You can even send me specific links with images (preferably from Pixabay in PNG format). The custom content created in this way will initially only be available for Gran Patron and Super Patron levels for three weeks, but will then go into public access for everyone. 

One or two CC mods are offered per month. You don't have to be at Gran Patron or Super Patron level to make a request. All patrons can do this, regardless of tier. However, you will need to upgrade your membership to Gran Patron or Super Patron levels to collect the finished file. With Super Patron, your request will be prioritized.

I wish you a nice weekend and stay healthy!


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