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Thank you so much for your patronage in November! Here are your rewards. If you have any issues accessing the content, I am happy to help! Please do not share links, passwords, or content.

Reward Link (password is below): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3pp3spc0vem7fis/AADqVT1F6G0WNI_bjJY15tbHa?dl=0

Password: 5tFMY8S4ranaWYVp

If you'd like a month free, please consider buying prior content on Gumroad (show me proof or purchase if you do so I can reimburse your pledge): https://pantheradraws.gumroad.com/ . 

Have a lovely day!
Published: 2021-12
Hey guys. There's a little typo on Page 18 (forgot to change one of the "Dante"s to "Pan" but it's fixed now on both the low res post on my timeline and will be updated in the high res DM reward distribution at the end of December.
Published: 2019-12
Please join the new VIP room -- sorry for the inconvenience https://www.patreon.com/posts/27228984
Published: 2019-05
$3+ Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9zwxkmxqtszbnu5/AACPr-squ-SG4tUCMIvTr0xpa?dl=0

Password: F!m@%DjY*Kpv

The password is the same as above
Published: 2019-10
Hey there!

Thanks for pledging on my Patreon! Here is the Dropbox link to the rewards and content from the last month.

Download your content here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1tve9r48frmzkff/AADTqbXFTiXHxh8ttLUNVVqda?dl=0

Password: FTMUHNA@xFPr

For more information about rewards and their distribution, check out this post. www.patreon.com/posts/panteras-patreon-23370477. If you are having trouble accessing the content, please message me so I can address it quickly. 


❤ Pan
Published: 2019-11
Hey there NineLife Knights!

Thanks so much for your pledge. Here is your folder access! 
Content will be added through out the month for the July folder so excuse the slight emptiness.

Here’s the July folder
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nswzn0qz4czsgbn/AAAAA1xCxrDawRhvda1JuvOFa?dl=0
Password: 6tv#tzYKn2!n
This folder will expire on July 31st. Content will be added to this folder through the end of July.
Keep checking back through the end of the month. I’ll notify you when I add more content <3.


Here’s the 2017-June 2019 folder
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r5x18tk2cx2aq9e/AABAXkfoVOnEG4ZdYV60Z0Qba?dl=0

Password: Sdpe6NC*@jfN
This Folder will expire on August 15th. No additional content will be added to this folder. 
This is a thank you gift for being patient with me so all my current patrons regardless of how long they have been pledging can access this.


Enjoy. Please let me know if you have any questions or if the above doesn’t work and I’ll address those issues.

❤ Pan
Published: 2019-07
Hey there!

Thanks for pledging on my Patreon! Here is the Dropbox link to the rewards and content from the last month. $3 Patrons please note that sketches and low res comics/alt will be posted to my Patreon feed starting in December (no more reward DMs, $5+ will still have reward DMs for high res art)

Here’s the low res comic post - pages 1-18 https://www.patreon.com/posts/riding-lessons-1-31973272

Download your content here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bsaxpxcp7k88jgs/%243%2B%20Kitten%20Pauper%20SXFPANTERA.zip?dl=0

Password: yHDUx#&Q2wsJ

For more information about rewards and their distribution, check out this post. www.patreon.com/posts/panteras-patreon-23370477. If you are having trouble accessing the content, please message me so I can address it quickly. 


❤ Pan
Published: 2019-12
It seems there’s a problem with the file. Some files can’t be accessed. I’ll trouble shoot and get another link up in 24 hours 
Published: 2019-10
Riding Lessons Page 16 https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3yrqkjxwzc5uws/A.%20Riding%20Lessons%20PAGE%2016%20LOW%20RES.jpg?dl=0 Password: snowbooty

From now on I’ll be doing comics at the end of the month to reduce the wait time. Page 17 coming later in October 
Published: 2019-10
Hey there!

Thanks so much for your pledge! I really appreciate the support in aiming to reach my goals! Please be sure to review my reward guide here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/panteras-patreon-23370477. 

Access your content here
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qkqo9pyfvajhj4j/AAD5N5YWfws6hOYRUXGkz3_Xa?dl=0
Password: cxW6#VvP47SA

Please do not share this link and password. Folder link, password, and content will be refreshed on the last day of the month. Content will be added to this folder through the end of the month so check back after new Patreon posts!

For real-time notifications of new content added to the folder, please join the Club Pantera VIP Lounge if you haven’t already:    https://discord.gg/2A47tXT

Let me know if you have any questions or issues accessing the folder. And as always, enjoy!

❤ Pan
Published: 2019-09
Hey there!

Thanks for sticking around for the month! Here is a ZIP file containing content from the month. For more information about the ZIP, check out this post. www.patreon.com/posts/panteras-patreon-23370477. 
If you are having trouble accessing the ZIP, please message me so I can address it quickly.. Enjoy!

Download the ZIP here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qgdiv3d8950ox7m/Kitten%20Pauper%20%243%20SXFPANTERA.zip?dl=0

Password: F!m@%DjY*Kpv

❤ Pan
Published: 2019-10
Hey there! 

I hope you are having a lovely holiday season! I wanted to thank you again for your past support. 

In the last year, I've done 20+ series from Scolipede to Elias to Kass and more. I plan to continue doing those series into the new year including personal works of my OCs. I have also introduced timelapses for those who want to watch my entire process in quick videos.

If you're interested in series, timelapses and more, it would be my honor if you'd return as a patron. My goal is to keep improving as an artist and to create cool content; I would love if you'd continue to be part of the journey. Of course, no pressure at all since it's been a privilege to receive your support earlier.

Have a great day and best wishes in the coming New Year! You're the best!

Pan ❤
Published: 2022-12
Hey there! I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to make sure you're aware that Club Panthera (on Discord) is accepting subscriptions now as well with plenty of perks over and above Patreon as well as ones that aren't available on Patreon. Please give it a read & consider subscribing there if you haven't already: https://www.patreon.com/posts/subscribe-on-for-76046422 . If you have any questions, please ask! Have a lovely day! ❤

Published: 2023-05
Hey everyone! Thanks for your current & past support. I know many of you know already but I wanted to keep you in the loop regarding my Patreon situation. The TL;DR is that I am moving my rewards to Club Panthera (Discord) subscriptions due to content piracy on Patreon ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/very-important-86964197 ). My Patreon will still be here for tips (without rewards) though. 

Please consider resubscribing on or moving your sub to Club Pan on Discord if you haven’t already: https://discord.com/servers/club-panthera-268273217771274241 . I’d be forever grateful! (on request, I can also refund you current month pledge if ya move so you aren't charged twice).

Thanks so much and if you have any questions, please ask (this is not an autogenerated message so I’m here)! Have a lovely day! 

Published: 2023-08