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  • FreyjasQuest60sec_nsfwwarning.mp4



Freyja, the Valkyrie queen and Vanir goddess of love, beauty and war.

Hi everyone,

Apologies for being quiet here the past few days.  I'm sure many of you have already seen on discord and in my instagram stories that I've been going through a time of stress and grief over my beautiful cat, Ukii's illness, and recent passing.  I won't go into it too deeply in this post,  but she did pass away peacefully yesterday.  You can read more details about it on discord and my insta stories if you want, and when I'm ready, I'll likely draw a memorial artwork that I have in mind for her.

It is an odd bit of synchronicity that I had started this piece of Freyja before all of these emergency veterinarian visits and everything began, and then dabbled with working on it at times when Ukii was resting, because the goddess Freyja rules over Fólkvangr, a place where half of those who die in battle go to rest, and because she is also a goddess associated with cats, it is thought that she also looks over passed feline friends there as well.  In addition, whenever I have drawn her with her cats in the past, the cats designs were always based off of Ukii.  It might all just be coincidence, but these were just a couple puzzle pieces I connected today as I finally sat down to finish this piece up.

Anyway, I hope you like this piece.  I loved how Artemis' background frame turned out in last month's Artemis piece, so I tried to do something with this piece of Freyja and also incorporate some Urnes style knotwork into it.


  • Just a heads up that because of the holidays and the postal services being closed, the first big batch of December print, sticker and spicy envelopes will likely be mailed out on the 27th of December instead of the usual 25th.
  • Latest tutorial: Rendering Chrissabug's Way
  • Upcoming Tutorial: Digital Sketching Like a Sculptor
  • Remember that you can grab the entirety of Art Pack 76 in one chunk by using your special Gumroad Code in the Latest Downloads and Codes Post!!

Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • NSFW version
  • TimelapseVideo
  • PSD
  • Sketch
  • Lineart
  • Process Shots
  • Wallpapers


All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3




I am soo sorry for Ukki's passing she seemed like such a beautiful steadfast companion. May Freyja hold and spoil her until you two meet again. Sometimes I fond the universe speaks to us, even when we don't see it readily. Maybe you were meant to be drawing the warrior goddess when it was that time. The loss of a fur baby is always so difficult you have my condolences and energy being sent your way. Just last year we lost 4 in one year, it never gets easier. ❤️ As always you've made another absolutely stunning tribute. This piece is phenomenal, I love the body on the fierce Valkyrie Queen. She looks strong and ready to take on the world in all her power and might.


Big hugs and wish you whatever you need to take care of yourself 🫂🫂 The piece is amazing and I love it but of course the usual freakout isn't appropriate. Still, amazing work, and yeah.. Much love.