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  • UnseelieForestWitchTimelapse_60sec.mp4



The unseelie fae witch, her ebony hair, a cascade of midnight over her shoulders, and her robes a swath of shadow, strides toward the edge of her forested realm.  The mist chilled air dances across her bare, moonlit skin.  A birdsong chimes, heralding the arrival of her small feathered messenger, landing delicately upon her outstretched finger. It's twittering song carrying tales of happenings from far beyond the unseelie fae's wild borders.

Hello my loves!  Here's a little self-indulgent artwork featuring a fae witch.  I'm really loving these color schemes that downplay all of the colors but one.  And I've been especially loving orange as an accent color!  Maybe it's the autumn mood!

I'm also playing a bit more with the frame design in the background.  I still feel like a bit of newb with these kinds of elements, but I want to get better at them!  So practice practice practice!!

Anyhoo, I hope you like her!

EDIT: I noticed I forgot to upload the layered psd file for this one originally!  oops!  It is added now and available to download at the bottom of the post.


Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • NSFW
  • TimelapseVideo
  • PSD
  • Sketch
  • Lineart
  • Process Shots
  • Wallpapers


All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3




Don't get to see her body type all that often, what a delightful surprise. ❤️


Yeah, I have been thinking that I need to incorporate more body diversity in my works, especially after last month's tutorial that was all about different female body types! ❤️


As a heavy person, I cannot thank you enough for having encompassing art. There's not much representation in art for us. And she is absolutely beautiful (full figured or otherwise) 😍 and so well done, she just looks so complete and polished. And absolutely mystical and magical


Omg! It’s my pleasure Brittney! I’m so glad you like her! I’ve felt like for a while I’ve been really needing to incorporate more body types into my works, especially after last month’s tutorial was all about body types!