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Time to cast your print votes AND September is gonna be special because HOLY GUACAMOLE, you guys!  

We reached over 500 patrons supporting in August! 

 I am so humbled and can hardly comprehend it!   SO, we are going to do do a BONUS print in September to celebrate!  

My instinct is to just choose Artemis and Medusa without a vote so that we can continue the goddess series and those of you who are collecting the whole series can have both.  BUT,  I want to make sure you guys have a say in what gets printed, and sometimes the poll results surprise me!  

That being said, feel free to vote for your favorites (you can vote for more than 1). 


An update on the upcoming artwork.  I wanted to finish Athena in time for print voting but I realized that to do that I would have had to really rush her and I didn't want to do that.  Athena is one of the most well known goddesses and I want to do her justice!  So she is not included in this print vote since she's still in progress!  I think she will be done before the end of the month, just not in time for print voting.  We'll have to include her in next month's vote.

For those of you that recently joined this month, WELCOME! 

 The print for August is Hecate.  If you joined before the 15th of the month, your prints should be on their way to you!  If you joined after the 15th, your prints are being sent out today!



Wow congratulations!!!! You deserve it all and more!! 💜


You KNOW this is what I’ve been waiting for!!! 🎉🎉🎉




Haha! I know! Last month I felt so bad when both of the goddesses couldn't be printed


Congratulations, with that quality and love you deserve much more <3


Don't mind me, just voting for all 4 so my vote doesn't do anything but keep the status quo :D

