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In my view, the core purpose of creating and showing artwork  is to make some sort of emotional impact on someone.  Making that emotional impact is what helps people actually connect to your work.  It is what will make someone stop scrolling to actually look at your art and connect to your work. It may even move them on a deeper level.
Of course, the emotions don't always have to be deep.  It can range from despair to joy to even something as simple as “aww! How cute!”  Even quick shallow emotions like that make an impact on someone and might be exactly what that person needed to see that day!
Now let’s go over ways to incorporate more of that emotional impact into your work!

Here's the article of the month!  This one was really fascinating to write, and I hope that you find some helpful nuggets within!  There is an exercise at the end of the article that I hope will be helpful for you as well!  

✨The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!


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Lia Graf

Thank you!


Amazing article! I was literally just having a heart felt conversation with my mom the other day about how I want my art to be more emotional and impactful, so this article has really come at the perfect time ! It’s like you can read my mind 😅 What I haven’t ever considered is how I render out my pieces. I’m ALWAYS rendering every piece out to perfection (which is exhausting), so I need to get out of my comfort zone and basically leave a piece “unfinished” - which us going to be a huge challenge for me! Also, I do enjoy what I draw but it doesn’t come from an emotion really, just the challenge of drawing whatever I can to push my art further so I can become better at it. I enjoy the emotional wheel a lot, so it’s a brilliant starting point - THANK YOU! 🙌


Ooh! Danni!!! Thank you so much for the kind feedback! It makes me so happy to hear about what was helpful in the article to you!!