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Here's a casual tutorial for you!  It was mentioned in discord that a braid tutorial would be cool and I thought so too!  Braids are one of those things that are surprisingly hard to fully grasp and I've spent many years struggling with them until fairly recently!

So here is a tutorial on the foundations of how I draw braids!  I hope it is helpful to some of you out there! 

0:00​ What are we doing?  

 0:28 Lets understand braids.  No Hacks  

2:20 The flow of a Basic braid  

5:12 Lets draw a Braid  

13:58 Line Weight 

17:16 Drawing a Character onto a braid   

22:03 Closing and Mochi Meowing in the background


How to Draw a Braid Tutorial for Beginners

0:00​ What are we doing? 0:28 Lets understand braids. No Hacks 2:20 The flow of a Basic braid 5:12 Lets draw a Braid 13:58 Line Weight 17:16 Drawing a Character onto a braid 22:03 Closing and Mochi Meowing in the background



How did you know? 😳 I’m working on a piece with a character with a braid! Will be very useful, thanks! ☺️


That's a nice tutorial! Also, can I ask you somehow make a tutorial about shading (sculpting?) hairs? I just finished watching your webinar, and you kinda skipped it there and I wanted it so much LOL I'm not demanding, I'm sorry if it sounds like that, it's just that you might have an idea or an opportunity for hair.


Yeah, the tutorial of the month is determined by vote, so I'll definitely include some hair options in the next vote!