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Let’s talk money!
Specifically, let’s talk about building revenue streams as an independent artist.  In this article I’m going to show you my current personal strategy for building revenue streams for diversifying my income as an artist.
The end goal being to make enough of a stable income to do artwork full time while living a comfortable life, but there are also some ideas you can take and use for your side hustle as well!
Now, I don’t want to bullshit you, this isn’t easy.  Just reading an article like this isn’t going to magically give you a bunch of passive income.
Building streams of income takes time and effort.  But I hope that this article will help give you some perspective on how I do it and might inspire you to come up with your own plan and structure to start building revenue streams for your future as an independent artist!
If you haven’t read my article on “ways to make money online as an artist”, I recommend also popping over to that article since it gives more of an overview of some options that we have available for earning income online.
Standard disclaimer that I don’t know everything, and the info that I include in this article comes from my own research and experience!

✹The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!


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Someone believes in me! đŸ˜± Thank you for sharing this information with us, it was super clear and down to earth! I really like those little graphs, things start to make so much more sense once they are written or drawn down! But questions must be answered beforehand!


This was extremely helpful! I've been thinking about starting to sell my art, and while I knew I should do multiple revenue streams I didn't really think of the pyramid structure.


Ooh! So glad you found it helpful! Yeah, it can be really overwhelming if you try and tackle everything on the same "level" or at the same time, which is why the pyramid is kind of what I prefer to go with. Otherwise, my attention is just way too scattered!