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It was an early, overcast morning in the Hinterlands and the small camp was just beginning to wake.  Fen’an, morning tea in hand, settled herself down on a log near the small, recently lit, campfire.  She shivered slightly and worked to banish the drowsiness from her eyes.  
She took a slow first sip from her tea.  The bitter, almost medicinal, taste of elfroot combined with the warmth of the liquid helped wake her up and ease the morning stiffness in her joints.  
The steam that was slowly drifting up from her cup was clearly visible as it mixed with the brisk air.  Fen’an glanced up through the steam, to study the eleven man who sat across from her.  He was also a mage and one of her travel companions.  They had quite the rag-tag team so far, but this man was certainly one of the strangest, not that Fen’an minded.  She was just glad to have another elf with her in this whole human mess!   
Fen’an quirked her brow slightly as he accepted his own mug of tea from a passing soldier who was helping ready the camp.  It had not escaped Fen’an’s notice that he always accepted tea when it was offered to him, but then failed to take even one sip.  She was fairly certain that he couldn’t stand the stuff, but then why would he always accept it when offered?  Was it really just out of politeness?  She didn’t think so, he had no problem turning down other offers.  Fen’an half wondered if he accepted because he hated tea so much and enjoyed dumping the liquid into the campfire every morning.  She smirked to herself, lips still on the rim of her mug before taking another long sip.  Her elvhen travel companion’s mug sat beside him, untouched.

I had a lot of fun working on this one and quite like how it turned out!  I got a lot of the process recorded as well, so I will include what I have in the upcoming art pack.  

Rewards for this piece will be in Art Pack35:

  • Full Res Art
  • PSD with Layers
  • Sketch
  • Lineart
  • Time lapse process (there are a couple gaps in the timelapse, but I at least was able to capture most of the process)

  When will I receive rewards for this piece? These rewards are part of ART PACK 35 released in early May 2020. Sign up or change/stay on your pledge for May to get these rewards.  




Absolutely love it!


One of my favourite pieces you’ve done! 😍


This is so pretty!!! Do you have a list of brushes you use anywhere?


Thanks. Yes, if you scroll down to the brushes section of this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/index-34442010