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 Bloody Hell.

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  • Added 'Talk about Fertility' interaction
Talking about fertility has a chance of revealing information like: is this Sim on period, is the Sim approaching the ovulation day, or is the Sim nowhere close to their fertile days.
If you're planning on impregnating some NPC Sims, talking about fertility will allow you to plan the actions for the best results.
  • Added 'Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level' setting
Just like selecting the percentage chance of becoming pregnant with Simple Pregnancy Mode, this setting allows you to boost the fertility chances with three predefined settings.
The 'Realistic' option imitates the real-life chances of becoming pregnant. The 'Boosted' option increases these chances by more than double closer to the ovulation day. And the 'Extreme' option guarantees pregnancy towards and at the ovulation day.
  • Made Fertility Treatment persist through the cycle and decay slowly
  • Made fertility potions and fertility massage affect Sims chance of becoming pregnant
Fertility Treatment will now boost the fertility chance by 2.5 times and slowly decay for 3 days. This approach is a lot easier to understand than before and with the boosted fertility level you get a guaranteed pregnancy at the ovulation day.
And you can push it even further with fertility potions and fertility massages, which don't stack, that increase the fertility chance by 20% of the base value.
  • Made 'Pregnancy Duration' setting allow the number of days with decimals
Pregnancy Duration can now be set to numbers like 1.25 which will result in the pregnancy lasting 1 day and 6 hours. I don't recommend doing this but if you really want to, you now can.
In addition, if you alter Pregnancy Duration with MCCC but you keep WW at 3 days, conflicts should not occur anymore.


PMS & Period

  • Added first period warning notification
Periods can now have consequences if not handled properly and if you don't know how to handle them, things can get pretty bloody. The notification about Sim first period should be a good reminder that you need to prepare.
  • Made Sims period not occur for the first day of the game
Right when you start the game with WickedWhims, Sims period will be delayed by 24 hours. This gives you time to prepare for it and not have Sims walking around with bloody pants right from the start.
  • Made Sims period delayed after giving birth
Sims after giving birth will have their period delayed by half of the pregnancy duration days. Although the duration should realistically be longer, it doesn't fit with the Sims lifespan.
  • Reworked PMS and Period behavior
Sims Premenstrual Syndrome and Period itself now share a collection of symptom moodlets that indicate Sim current Menstrual Cycle situation.
Sim most noticeable days of their PMS and Period are indicated by sporadic symptoms that change every few hours. Including no symptoms from time to time.
  • Added 8 new PMS/Period Symptom moodlets   
    • 'Nauseous' Uncomfortable moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 15%, faster 'Energy' decay by 5%, and slower 'Hunger' decay by 5%) 
    • 'Irritated' Angry moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 10% and faster 'Energy' decay by 5%) 
    • 'Dizziness' Dazed moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 5%) 
    • 'Oversensitive' Sad moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 15% and faster 'Social' decay by 10%) 
    • 'Cramping' Uncomfortable moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 20% and faster 'Energy' decay by 5%) 
    • 'Anxious' Stressed moodlet (faster 'Fun' decay by 20% and faster 'Hygiene' decay by 10%) 
    • 'Aroused' Flirty moodlet (faster 'Hunger' decay by 10% and faster 'Social' decay by 5%) 
    • 'Neutral' Blocked Period moodlet to indicate Sim period when it's blocked 
When Sim period is blocked by using Birth Control Pills it will display as a moodlet to indicate Sim avoiding its effects.
Custom moodlet icons were made by PhaseLotA and writing was done by Jarl44.


Tampons & Pads

  • Added Menstrual Bleeding with different bleeding strengths
Sims can now bleed lightly, heavily or just regularly. The bleeding strength affects how quickly tampons and pads are used up.
  • Added Tampons and Pads to the Computer Wicked Sex Store
Tampons and Pads can now be ordered using a computer in one of the three types of boxes. You can order tampons and pads separate or together in one box.
  • Made Tampons And Pads absorb blood and leak when overused
Tampons and Pads slowly absorb menstrual blood and if not replaced frequently enough will leak. You should always keep a tampon and/or a pad on your Sims.
  • Added 'Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Absorbency' settings
  • Added 'Extra Absorbency' trait to improve tampons/pads absorbency
Altering tampons and pads absorbency setting allow you to lower the chances of them leaking. Normally tampons should be replaced every 8 hours and pads should be replaced every 6 hours unless used in pair with tampons.
If you want specific Sims to have fewer issues with leaking tampons and pads, purchase the 'Extra Absorbency' reward trait and gain extra 24 hours of fresh tampons and pads.
  • Added 'Ask for a Tampon or Pad' social interaction
In case you forgot to order or take a tampon/pad with you, try asking other Sims for one. Some friendship is required but you know that befriending a Sim should not be an issue.
  • Made Menstrual Bleeding cause clothes to get filthy
If menstrual bleeding is not prevented or Sim tampon/pad leaks, Sim clothes will get dirty. This works only with the Laundry Day Stuff Pack.
  • Made sex, masturbation, and cleaning interactions temporarily suppress menstrual bleeding
To avoid Sims being constantly attacked by the menstrual bleeding moodlets, performing some actions stops it for a while.
  • Made used pads start smelling after a few hours
  • Made Sims around react to smelling used pads
Pads that have been used for a while have a chance of starting to smell bad. And when around Sims, that bad smell will cause your Sim to get embarrassed and make other Sims around uncomfortable.
  • Made Sims automatically remove their used pad when undressing pants to nude
When undressing or simply taking a shower or a bath, any used pad will be removed automatically. This is especially useful when the currently used pad starts smelling.
  • Added 'Menstrual Cycle Tampon/Pad Auto Use' settings
Tampon/Pad Auto Use is enabled by default on the 'Realistic' option. This means Sims will use tampons and pads when needed and attempt to replace them when the risk of leaking is the highest. To be completely safe from leaking use the 'Cautious' option, but then you should stock up on more tampons and pads.
  • Made vampires desire increase be affected by the menstrual blood flow strength
Do you smell that blood? I mean... plasma? In addition, vampires don't mind smelly pads.


Birth Control

  • Made Birth Control Pills work fully for 24 hours and decay for the next 24 hours
After taking a pill Sim will be on full birth control for 24 hours. After that 24 hours pass, Sim will still have some protection for the next 24 hours of the effect decaying.
  • Made Birth Control Pills require taking them for at least 3 days to take full effect (Only on Realistic Birth Control Mode setting)
Preventing Sim Period/PMS and Pregnancy requires taking Birth Control Pills for at least 3 days. When using the Perfect Birth Control Mode, pills will have an immediate effect for preventing pregnancy.
  • Made decaying Birth Control Pills not affect 'Simple Pregnancy Mode' setting
Birth Control Pills will have an effect even after Sim stops using them but only for a day. Simple Pregnancy is not affected by that anymore and only currently used Birth Control Pills work.
  • Made Sims with the 'Clumsy' or 'Lazy' trait sometimes forget to take the Birth Control Pill
  • Fixed Sims taking the Birth Control Pill even when sleeping



  • Made Sims stop sex when panicking about fire



  • Fixed nudity permission checks causing errors



  • Updated support for MiniGiles CAS content
  • Updated support for Nemesyms CAS content

.134.1 Fixes

  • Fixed auto use of tampons/pads causing errors

.134.2 Fixes

  • Fixed period moodlets changing every few minutes

.134.3 Fixes

  • Made sex autonomy blocked during interrogation and going to work/school interactions
  • Fixed period notification being displayed on Simple Pregnancy Mode

.134.4 Fixes

  • Rewritten all Nudity and Relationship settings
The writing for settings is all over the place and not always very clear on what it does. Sometimes it's not even clear if you want the setting enabled or disabled. Nudity and Relationship settings now follow the new format that should be much easier to understand. It will take a while to rewrite all of the Sex settings...
  • Added 'Respect Native Interaction Undressing Rules' nudity setting
Sims performing activities that require changing their outfit are currently following the native rules of the game and changing to the appropriate outfit when needed. If this is not the behavior you want, disabling this setting will keep Sims undressed for any activities.
  • Made pregnant Sims in the third trimester not be counted towards sex autonomy
  • Fixed tampons and pads not being removed after the period
  • Fixed period warning notification not being displayed in some situations

Where are painkillers? Where is visible blood? Where is teen first period? Where are different types of birth control? Where are morning-after pills?

I'm mentioning these because I simply didn't have enough time in the month to do it all, so they are still planned. I might not work on them right away and try to focus on something else instead of dedicating yet another update just for menstrual cycle related stuff. This definitely isn't type of content that you would expect from a sex mod, even though related, not directly sex related. I can't be working just on this kind of content, although it's crazy popular. But I hope you will enjoy what is now available.

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True AI

Thank you for all your hard work on this!


Love the realistic period update!

LaDonna Bugg

You truly ROCKED the realistic experiences with your mods...LOVE IT!!


oh thye update i have been waiting for yay


I am SCREAMING over this update! I love it!!!!!


This just made me so happy! lol


Hello, now that I'm on patreon and being French speaking my version is no longer completely translated and I have a little trouble understanding some things of the new version of the mod would not have a French translation on patreon. Thanks to those who answer me


Hey! If you're looking for a translation to the changes begin done on Patreon, that won't happen. The translation text changes constantly and without releasing translation templates it's very difficult for people to make translations. I'm sorry to say but it's very unlikely someone will translate Patreon releases.

Sarah Kamar

Oh Wow! I bet you're beat! That's alot of work!


Fantastic. Thank you!


Wowowowowowow! I can’t wait to update! 💕


Awesome!! Love the realism that this'll bring to the game! I just have one wish and that is the addition of a periodcup aswell...

Brian Zaenglein

Hey cool, something came of my rather hilarious fire incident! Think I'll be sticking with simple mode though...


Thank You! I haven't actually planned it, but I thought about it, and it would be a pretty overpowered way to prevent bleeding. Both with low cost and long lasting. So you know, I don't know about that. :D


FINALLY YESSS but are you saying no bloody pants? awww


an option in setting for kids period because usually the earliest is 12 for first period and...12 is a child sim sooo.. 👀👀👀 anyway i hope there's cool pad/tampon/period/pain killer icons in the future to make this part of the mod look cute if there's not any already lol


Thanks for the work. I don't know if this is not a feature yet or if I'm just missing something, but can we control initial virginity for sims? Cause it's a little weird that my married sim with kids is losing her vaginal virginity the first time I run an animation.


Hey! Making pants visibly bloody won't work so well, especially with CC content. Texture work is problematic and for any special models things will simply break. I can, and probably will, add blood on the body itself, because that is doable, but making it on clothing would be too buggy.


I am aware periods can start very early but it's just not worth it. Child Sims have such vastly different structure in the game that it would take so much extra work for not much result. And what do you mean by cool icons?

Katchioga Bediako

Although I aint mad at the level of intensity you've put into a menstrual cycle, this is more to deal with than my own period... and I'm on my period right now. So...uh...(ew)...uh...Thanks? ;-P


This is so exciting, thanks for all your work!


can the periods be turned off sorry id just rather not have to deal with that portion


was the period moodlet fixed instead of being stuck I haven't been in game so I don't know


Coming from someone who enjoys realism in my game, THANKS! :-) And great job!!!!!


DUDE this is awesome. My only criticism is that other people really can't smell it when you've got your period. The fear that people can makes those on their periods feel really self-conscious, so I dunno if it's a great idea to include that in the game. Just a suggestion from someone who gets them lol


Yo! You're amazing! Your dedication to creating dope content is appreciated. Thank you!

Carla Randall

Omg You are the best. Super excited for this mod. Keep up the awesome work.


OMG !!! I love everything youve added sooo amazing

Lilac Lover13

You are truly the best!!


The tampons and pads vanish when I put them in my sims inventory. They're all bloody messes any fix for this?


The mod is in clearly in effect for me... however, I have spots for all of the options in settings, but they are blank so I can't tell what they are. Also, I don't see the items on the computer to be ordered.


Hey! This happens only if you let your pad go and soak all of that juice to the point of being almost overloaded. I wouldn't fear it that much, and, if it smells, until someone actually smells it, you will never know it does. :D


Hey! Could you please tell me more? How do you put them in your Sim inventory? Where do you get them?


Hey! Sounds like your need to clean up your Mods folder. Open it and remove ALL of the WickedWhims files, every single one, all of them. And then install the mod again, you can't have more than 3 files from WickedWhims. If you have more, stuff will break.


Thank you!!!


My god this is amazing. Thank you truly!!!!

Carol Branciforte

Amazing, this mod has come along way from when i first started using it, thank you so much....

LaDonna Bugg

O M G!!! This is off the chain....Had me playing an all nighter...lol Thank you!!!!

D Love

Ok...enough with the Menstrual stuff...Gross and not popular...Fix when Sims kiss so it looks real, not like they're sucking each others cheeks or missing the mouth all together...You do a fabulous job...the Best of the best!!! :)


That EXCELLENT! add woman day, fix more better...


i personally LOVE the menstrual stuff. as a woman it make simming so realistic! your mod is my absolute favorite!!


im looking for the "talk about fertility" options. what is that under? if there a mood they need to be in to discuss it?


Hey! I wonder if you're serious because the gross menstrual stuff is actually the #1 most popular content I have made so I'm taking the opportunity to do it right. Don't worry, most of it is done.


Hilarious..so is the post title here..bloody hell. lol i love this update.Thanks so much for the time and work. Appreciate you :)


Hey! It's under friendly. The only big thing is that they can't be pregnant at the moment but can be impregnated. And this isn't an interaction for child Sims.


Not really for me, but it's cool that you made this :) this can all be turned off, right?


Hey, I have the birth method set at Simple mode so it just follows the chance settings that I have set. Well while I was playing, the period warning popped up. Are they supposed to have their periods when when on simple mode?


I love your work! Took an otherwise boring game and made it interesting to play. Keep up the good work.


my sims do not react to sex like they use to at all.


Amazing! Thank you :)


loving the new additions, just one question. The game is saying WW is out of date but I have the up to date files. Any ideas?


They updated it again today, so if you downloaded it yesterday thats why its giving you that message. Same thing happened to me :)


Hey, even when I replace my sims pad the dirty pad moodlet persists. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? :)

Brian Zaenglein

Got the period warning while in simple mode. Nothing happened, just made me check and make sure the settings hadn't been reset. Nope, still right where I had them.


Hey! Dirty pad moodlet? You mean leaking pad or smelly pad? Because if it's smelly pad, that stays, it happened and the Sim has to suffer through the embarrassment. If the leaking one persists then we have a problem.


Ok ty much I love it the reactions make me laugh. Thank again


Hello Following the last update, I have an error message (WickedWhims animations collisions) when starting to play. This message only concerns Lupobianco's animations. Can you tell me what to do. Thank you. Bye


Sorry, I found the source of the error message, I forgot to delete a folder. Bye


thanks for this update. i think it's extremely important to incorporate all aspects of sexuality into the game (and into a sex mod) and i think this could help improve understanding of the difficulties and challenges of managing a period for male Simmers. this is SOOOOOO important. 10/10, and if i could <3 this post 10000 times over you bet your sweet ass i would!

Athena Apollos

I have been waiting for this functionality ever since you first toyed around with the idea of adding menstrual functionality. Thank you SO much for adding feminine hygiene products and blood. Bloody Hell, indeed!!!


Why when I try to download today's update is it only downloading an icon that says 1?


Yeah. Same here.


K, I just downloaded as well. Same occurrence. However, the WW files are in the folder when unzipped. Not sure if it will unzip as is. I renamed it 1.zip and it unzipped fine.


Hello, I been enjoying my ww. thank you for all your new additions. I tried to update this latest one and I notice my zip file is not opening it or loading it correctly. 7zip and it is wicked whims is not recognizing that I have it. It just started with this new update today. I just downloaded basemental and it recognized my 7zip but ww did not. can you give me so tips of what can possible be happening. thank you.




Thank you so much! Stay gold!

Brian Zaenglein

Oh, awesome, can't tell you how many times they've started off for work, then I notice that they haven't gone to work, they're about to have sex.


Hi there! I don't know if you mind me saying this, but I wanted to post an FYI for those who may not know.. For those who use the Basemental Drugs mod along with your Wicked Whims mod - smoking weed helps to relieve menstrual cramps and increases your mood. Every time my sim starts cramping or is in an angry mood, she smokes a joint. Though, I still can't wait until we get some actual painkillers. :D

juliette tango

I second Brian's comment. Funny how sims seem to get amorous right before work or school ❤


Not sure if it's intended or not but I get the "fine" buff from using a AND and a tampon at the same time even though I disabled auto use for pads, which is a bit strange.


Not sure if it was because I had both pads and tampons in the sims inventory but I removed all pads and now only have the tampon buff.

Diamond Rose

Does the female sims get notifications when the periods are over?


when I have an error that show up and it want lsave the game what should I do?


When my guys are wanking standing up it will change To the lady one after it how do I stop this from happening


Hey! No, there is only one period related notification and it's when Sim had its first period. The best way to tell if Sim is not on their period is looking for a few hours if there are any period symptoms.


Hey! If you have an error then you should go ahead and report it: <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/</a>


Hey! This all depends on the animations and animation creators. If they made animations that are meant for females but allowed to be used on males, there is nothing you can do other than disabling that animation. Or you can inform the animation creator about it.


Ok cool thanks


TURBODRIVER: You are an incredible creator. Your insight of what your supporters want is so in tune. Thank you for all your hard work an continually improving your mod. Thank you!!


Is there a way to customize the nude because she doesnt have any ears because of the other mod i have added on her


Hey! I don't know who is "she" but the best you can do right now is to use MCCC MC Dresser and create a new outfit that then you can copy over to the BATHING outfit category. Ways to modify the body with mods and in CAS is actually in development right now but I don't know how much it relates to your issue because I have no idea what it means that a Sim doesn't have any ears.

Dianne Duchow

Is the Spank Bank part of WW? I am not getting it to work. Also, I am not seeing the tampons and napkins in the perv store.


Could it be that adolescents can confess their pregnancy to their parents and give the news to their partner? because none of these options comes out. regards

Brian Zaenglein

Everything under Tam Explorer is part of Nisa's mod. What you're looking for is under the Wicked Whims tab.


Hey! No, teens can't "Share Big News", that's blocked because the default state is that adults disapprove of teen pregnancy. So you can't share it and then have them be angry at you.


<a href="https://pastebin.com/iTQyMjrE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/iTQyMjrE</a> This showed up as an error in game and I tried to go and solve it myself on Lastexception.com


Quick question, I downloaded this file but for some reason its not popping up in my game, any way I can resolve this issue?


<a href="https://pastebin.com/ugc6CcEQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/ugc6CcEQ</a> hi , this is showing every 1 or 2 minutes while playing in the game and it keeps on going, could you help ?


Hey! Depends what the problem is. The installation process is very simple but it's very easy to make a mistake. <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/</a> <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/installation-mistakes/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/installation-mistakes/</a>


i have a problem. after i installed .134.3 update my sim doesn't get period moodlets at all.. that's weird cuz in .134.2 everything was fine


Hey! Period moodlets have a 50% chance of appearing every 3 hours, so it's possible for your Sim to be on their period but not have any symptoms.


Do NPCs have pads &amp; tampons or this is only for played household?


Hey! No, NPC Sims don't use them, there is really no need for it because you wouldn't be able to even know they do. They do have period symptoms though.


since the period aspect is becoming more detailed, will there be a feature where we can control the period, ovulation, etc? (such as duration, when it starts, and so forth)


the wicked whims isn't working for me anymore since you updated it. when you first updated it it loaded me to the world selection saying your wicked whims is outdated. so i updated and downloaded the new one after removing the old one and now every time i try to load a household it keeps taking me back to the world selection, but when i completely remove the wicked whims out my game it works just fine. what do I do ?


Nevermind, just took out all my mods and only put in the wicked whims and it works so there's two mods conflicting. now just to find out which one.

Brian Zaenglein

It's hard to tell for sure, but near as I can tell, birth control pills are not working in simple mode. This latest pregnancy, they had been in use for a good week. Mom suddenly sprinted upstairs, and the only time I've ever seen sims move that fast is to throw up. Sure enough, she's pregnant. Dad's already waddling around with an alien baby, this is going to get interesting...

Brian Zaenglein

I'm pretty sure pregnant males are infertile, but Mom fooled around with one of the kid's friends.


YAY!!!! Did you add an interaction, Mean : Throw Used Pad at... LMAO Or perhaps, it's a friendly interaction for use on a vampire?


Can you add a possibility of add miscarriage for lack of attention of needs, are being too tense too often. Also different moodlets for pregnancy and abortions?


Hey! You have some basic control already but the main issue with controlling it more detail is how many different things in the menstrual cycle depend on each other. Duration is somewhat matching how long Sims live, but when it starts is controlled by a seeded random generator which doesn't really allow to decide when it starts unless you're looking for an option on the Sim age.


I just updated my version and when I enter 3rd stage of opening the game I get a immediate script error code. I had no errors before. I don't see anyone posting last.exception should I? And by the way super huge fan!!


I seem to be having an issue with the periodic stench changing clothes and showering does not remove the moodlet. SO her husband and kids are just annoyed by her poor Girl


Can you exclude active DJ's and Bartenders from reacting to / watching sex? I have created a stripclub with Azmodans Dance-Cages in front of the DJ Booth and everytime one of my girls is dancing there, the DJ stops working because he reacted to Sex.


I have just come back from a 3 month break of The Sims 4 and updated all the mods that needed updating. I have an issue with the settings of WW. There is no penis settings and there is an option that I can't see as there is no writing. I took every mod out besides WW and it was still doing it. I removed files that I had in the WW file like TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Animations.package that were from 2017. All the missing text came back and the pop up in notifications when starting a game came up, my male sim is now sporting a ken doll appearance and any new males I create have pants on in creation. I have not tried the female sim. I put all the files back and the settings have missing options and no penis setting again. Any advice would be great as I am stumped on what to do now. Or does someone have a list of the files that are meant to be there, as I know a while back the files were consolidated.


Hey! Totally, always post your lastException file, you never know what could it be and it gives me a better idea on what are common issues people encounter.


Hey! That sounds pretty bad. So you're saying that taking a shower doesn't remove the pad and the bad smell with it? Or maybe you're mistaking it by the after effect reaction to the smell that will disappear on its own after a while.


Hey! Hmm... that's problematic because it makes a special exclusion that some people would not want. Maybe I could introduce a cheat interaction under the shift click that lets you exclude Sims from reacting at all.


Hey! To run WickedWhims you only need THREE files, the PACKAGE, the TS4SCRIPT and the cas_parts file. If you have any less or any more then things will get bad. To fix up Sims nudity try using the 'ww.fix_all_sims_nude_outfit' command, it should refresh all Sims in the game.


okay my female sim took a shower and the period stench moodlet will not go away also undressing didn't do anything either. also how do you take off pads and tampons i tried everything i could think of except sex please help. the period stench moodlet did not have a timer either.


You can't remove the tampon/pad unless you take a shower or simply not bleeding anymore. The last thing you can try, and this isn't recommended, is to use the 'ww.force_fix' command which will reset all of the Sims in-game WW data.


Hey, I become a patron because the free download wasn't working for me, but now the download won't even show up on my sims game as a mod it registers. I don't have it in a folder besides the mods folder. I use a mac :(


Can someone explain to me why i do not see the pad and tampon option when i shop on the computer ?


Nostalgic go to the computer and select wickwhim. It should show shop. Once you select the shop you should see it there. Hope this helps.


All i see is the birth control and the condoms and nothing else


Hey! Sounds like you don't have the right version installed of you have multiple versions of WickedWhims installed. The computer shop is all in the PACKAGE file and the only way for you to be missing it is if you have the old file in your Mods folder. You need to clean up your Mods folder.


Hey! Sounds good if you don't keep the WW files in an additional folder but directly in the Mods folder. The only thing that I can see being and issue is if you don't have the Script Mods enabled in settings. This instruction should still apply for MacOS <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/</a>


How can you remove a pad or tampon after period is over? My Sims Period has been over but she is still wearing a pad


Hello, I keep having an issue where every time I load my game I immediately get a last exception then when in game my sims just stand around even after giving them a command


Hey! It should remove itself once 24 hours from using it pass or you can take a shower. I will think about making it remove itself right after the period ends.


Hey! Well then you should go right away and report it! :) <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception</a>


You should make a mod that you can see up your sims skirts and dresses when they sit.

Jalessa Javis

Hi I have an issue.. I have the box of tampons in my sims inventory but I cant seem to get them open everytime I click on it it does nothing


I ordered a box of tampons (twice) and they never appear in my mailbox...


Hey! So you have the box in the Sim inventory and nothing happens when you click them, okay. Are the Sims adult? Are you receiving any error files?


Hey! How long did you wait? I think mailman deliver on Monday or Tuesday. It's a base game function.


I swear this is the only mod that cracks me up during the patch notes... I love WW so much haha


Is there anyway to add like a tampon/pad dispenser for buy mode? For emergencies.


Hey! I mean, you can by tampons and pads in build/buy itself, why do you need more?


I'm really looking forward to a teen's first period buff/debuff. Will it change based on traits, like family-oriented sims being excited that they can now make a family? This is a fantastic mod, thank you soo much!


Hello! Are the rosewater and towelettes active? Or just for show?


Hey! I don't think you can make a teen family oriented by default but sure. The buff outcome would mainly come from the Sim being educated about the period so they know what it is and expect it.


Hey! Yup, it's just clutter. I haven't really found meaningful use for them to make them functional.

Brian Zaenglein

BC pills working in simple mode now?


WOW, you are working hard for us! Thank you so much!!!


Hey! I was looking for your comment before but I somehow couldn't find it. I wanted to tell you that I haven't found anything wrong. Birth control pills should work fine. On the realistic mode it takes 3 pills to get the full effect and on perfect mode it's an immediate effect. Perhaps that's your issue with it?


First off I want to say thank you for everything you've done and all of your hard work. Secondly, I'm not sure if this has to do with WW or an animators work, but I no longer get the penis setting when I click on my sims.


Hey! There are only two reasons for the penis settings to not show up (unless the Sim doesn't have a penis in the first place). Once is if the sex data is stuck which you can fix with the 'ww.fix' command and the other is when you have very old WW files in your Mods folder that prevent it from working.


Hi for some reason I can’t get the period stuff to show up in my game? The pads + tampons show up in buy mode. I’ve been using WW for a long time so I know to delete the older versions, clear cache, etc? What settings in game are the period options under?


I missed your email and played today &amp; most of my females were on the pill. I play in simple mode with no females on the pill. Now I understand why. Hopefully the update will fix it. Thanks!


I played and my sims are both on the pill and having periods and using the pads and tampons. Should I update my version? I'm afraid it may mess something up. All of this adds so much more realism to the game. Thanks

Brian Zaenglein

I seem to have a bug in one specific game. I've mentioned before how Mom got pregnant while on the pill in simple mode. The baby was born, I adopted a couple pets, and the household is now full. But Mom is stuck in the doesn't-know-yet phase of pregnancy, thinking about baby stuff and throwing up after breakfast. I suspect she would be pregnant again if the household had room. How can I fix this?


Hey! Well both WW code and the game itself checks if there is space in the household before pregnancy is allowed so I don't even see this being possible. Can't you do a pregnancy test perhaps? That would push the pregnancy progress forward and then maybe something will happen.


Hey! Which option do you have Pregnancy Mode set to? For the periods to work you need to set it to Menstrual Cycle mode. That's all, it should be all good after that.


Hey! If you're using the Realistic Birth Control Mode then you need to use the birth control pill for a few days for it to take effect. You can switch to the Perfect Birth Control Mode to have it work immediately.


Thanks for updating this! It sure is useful that my game notifies me when WW needs updating


Hey, I was wondering how do I know if this mod is working in my game? I downloaded and added to my mods folder but don't see anything new related to this mod on my game.


Hey I just sent an email to the address you have on the help page for reporting... I have been getting the same thing for months .. I update all the time on everything, and have checked the animations for updates but I have not found any can you please help


Hi. Thank you for the fantastic mod, have really been enjoying the update! Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I said I'd ask for someone on YT who I think is younger. Is it possible to play the period element of the mod without the sex part? I'm guessing just not downloading animations will mess things up and what I'm asking is something that may need to be a separate mod so don't worry too much, I appreciate it's not as simple as turning things on and off. Anyway thanks again for the awesome work and also how great it works with other mods :-)


Hey! To know you load the game, unpause it, and then you should see a long purple notification telling you the WickedWhims version. Otherwise you installed WW incorrectly. <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/manual-mod-installation/</a> <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/installation-mistakes/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/installation-mistakes/</a>


Hey! Uhhh... which one is your email? I think I might be answering them today so you maybe will get a reply.


Hey! You can simply not install any sex animations and disable the existing ones. That will completely remove the sex function. As for it being separate, not yet.


"Made Sims stop sex when panicking about fire" Forgive me, but I think it would have been incredibly funny to leave that in - or make it an option. Now I have to set the house on fire before I patch to see what it looks like. Sims will ignore everything while having sex. [Enable/Disable]

Brian Zaenglein

What happened was that they bugged, they just stood stuck in the spot while animation errors spammed. It was actually the same thing that happened before having sex during a date got fixed.


Hello: <a href="https://pastebin.com/1F2ajE0H" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/1F2ajE0H</a>

Sandra Asare

So just because of your Mod and the extras i can only get on Patreon i created a PayPal account, maybe you remember me , i was asking you about a public release on Loverslab.... anyway i'm now trying it out. Thanks for your hard work


I have this version of the mod and it said that I needed to change to a new version when I opened my game today and I’ve had this Version for a few days


Alright, I found what may be a bug. One of my Sims did a fertility test and came back with a 0% chance of pregnancy. She and her boyfriend did the dirty without protection because 'safe day'. She did a pregnancy test the next day and BAM pregnant. I then checked her WW stats and it stated that she had only gotten pregnant once (she already had one kid). I checked the stats for the BF and his 'impregnated' stats hadn't changed either. So, is the pregnancy test gone rogue and playing by its own rules, something else broke, or did I just misunderstand the system? Help me Turbodriver-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!


Is there going to be a chance of Toxic Shock Syndrome by not changing out a tampon for way too long in the future?


Hi Turbo, for some reason I keep getting this LE over and over, not sure what is wrong. I've uninstalled and reinstalled your mod and still there's an issue. :( <a href="https://pastebin.com/2xAG5VPg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/2xAG5VPg</a>


Sorry not sure if this is where to drop the LE, if not, please direct me to the proper location and I will post this there. Thank You. Love your mod!


Bloody hell is right, the pad stench moodlet never goes away until the cycle is over, is it suppose to be like that?


Hey! So to make it easier on you try using the <a href="http://lastexception.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lastexception.com/</a> website. Just copy all of the error and paste it to the website, it will tell you what's wrong. Still, if you have issues with that, here are the results: --- Holiday Drama Node Error Base game issue with holidays. To fix this issue: 1. Load your family. 2. Open Game Options. 3. Open the Seasons tab. 4. Change Seasons Length to a different one than the current length. 5. Apply Changes. Save and Exit. The error should not occur anymore. You're safe to change the Seasons Length back to the previous setting. --- Posture Runtime Error Possibly base game issue with Sim posture. Sim staged posture is missing data to continue performing. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error.


Hey! Thanks! I hope you won't be disappointed. Let me know what could be improved!


Hey! The new version was released 3 days ago. If it says there is an update, there is an update. :D


Hey! I really wouldn't look at the statistics, at this point I doubt they work right anymore. I really wish there was a cleaner way of implementing them. Anyway, if it said 0% then it should have been 0%. Could have been that the Sim was on their birth control pill that was already gone but the remaining effect was diminishing the chances? Or maybe there was no space in the household but then you removed one Sim and that unlocked the chance to be above 0%? Maybe you use Basemental Drugs and she was on drugs masking the proper chance? Can't really see any other possibility.


Hey! I thought about it but in reality this is a fairly rare occurrence these days and it mainly happens with very absorbent tampons, where with WW you don't really have a choice of absorbency. The other side of this is that the shock is a really extreme thing and not only it won't be a fun to experience on a Sim but representing it would be problematic - that is if I don't under-represent it. Implementing something like this would be a way to nerf tampons in the gameplay though. Currently they are in theory better than pads, especially that pads can become smelly. Still, with the balancing I implemented, pads are better in the long-run because they have a much lower chance of failure/leaking compared to tampons. I might implement something of this nature purely for gameplay balancing reasons but it probably wouldn't be as extreme as the Toxic Shock Syndrome.


Hey! It's nothing big. It specifically mentions icemunmun objects but you can probably ignore it. Scheduling Hard Stop Error Base game issue with interrupting Sim active task. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error. <a href="http://lastexception.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lastexception.com/</a>


Hey! The smelly pad effect should go away once you change your pad but the embarrassment only goes away after few hours. I looks like I made a mistake by making the embarrassment moodlet not have a visible timeout, I will fix that.


i have my lady sims on birth control tables and then are still getting pregnant is that right i am a bit lost


Hey! Which Birth Control Mode are you using? Take a look at the Birth Control Pill moodlet. If it states it's "early" that means your Sim needs to take these pills for a few more days before they take effect. If you want them to work immediately you need to switch the Birth Control Mode to 'Perfect'.

Lupobianco Animations

Greetings TURBODRIVER. Don't know if i can ask this here, but i have problem with workout machine, I mean WW won't recognize it.. I made an animation for the workout machine, but on the XML I tried to put WORKOUT_MACHINE but didn't work (doesn't even appear the WW button in game) nor the WWID code, can you help me please ? Thanks in advance.


Hey! If the WWID doesn't work then you're doing something else wrong. The WWID has to work, there is no question about it, which means that the animation itself is not being loaded or validated. Look at the other variables. You can send it my way to take a look if you can't find it.

Brian Zaenglein

Is there a cheat or something to get birth control pills to full effect right away? Not only does my newly cloned sim have to start over, I have another sim who had them just vanish from her inventory. Oops, missed a day? Start all over... And no, she didn't run out, she hasn't even been a teen long enough to have used them all. I've also had homework and festival fireworks just vanish the same way.

Brian Zaenglein

Oh, I see your reply to a question just a few above. I'll just use perfect mode until they take full effect.


Hi there. I'm not sure If I missed it or if you took it out of the game, but is there a miscarriage switch/option? I watched a few tutorial online and they mentioned this, but I don't see it as an option in my game at all. Thanks for your help.


I'll give it a go, but OTR isn't really part of my game.


Anyway to shut off all the tampon stuff?


Hey! That is only if you use the Basemental Drugs mod. There are no natural causes of miscarriage.


Hey! Is this a reply to something? Sorry but I don't really know what you're talking about.


I can't find my comment from a few days ago, but I'm still having numerous females who are showing as on the pill and I have it checked for "Simple mode." It says "birth control automatic use" and I have that unchecked, but when I click on that, it says the same thing and it's impossible to uncheck it. I don't want any of my sims on the pill. There are no pills in their inventory, but the stupid pill moodlet thing is making it impossible for them to get pregnant. I've always used percentages to get pregnant. Nothing else. This tampon stuff is getting on my nerves and I'm a female. I can imagine how the guys feel. Sorry to be cranky. Thank you.


Hey! Pregnancy Mode has nothing to do with birth control. Are they NPC Sims? Because Birth Control Auto Use setting has nothing to do with auto use of birth control for NPC Sims. Birth Control content has nothing to do with menstruation content. There is nothing that would block changing settings and I want to know if changing any other settings fails to save as well. If they do then your computer has to be blocking modifying files in the Documents folder where the files are being saved.


They are my Sims who I play all the time. How do I get rid of the birth control moodlet? In the past I set it on simple mode and no automatic birth control, so I didn't have to deal with any of the female stuff, period, cramps, pills etc.... I just use the percentage if I want my sim pregnant and o% if I don't want them pregnant. For some reason there are birth control moodlets on many of my female Sims, which began last week. The pills are not in their inventory, but for some reason, they still can't get pregnant. This is the only thing that wont unblock for me. How do I fix that? Thank you.


Anyone have any idea why my sims won't completely undress? All my Wicked settings call for it. When I have them undress from their top, she has on a white bra, then I hit completely undress and she's in that pink bra...I'm not sure what is causing this. If anyone has advice, please share. Thank you in advance!


Never mind! I kept digging and looking through my folder. I accidentally deleted the female top setting that you need, my bb female top. I had everything else. You can ignore my previous message


Good Afternoon i just started my sims 4 and it says its out of date. can you please confirm this for me. Thanks


I'm lost in the labyrinth of settings :) Where can I find the right settings to control the Sims automatic use of condoms? Would it be possible to consider at some point a per-sim individual override? (this sim never uses condoms... this sim always uses condoms... that kind of thing).


HI there, I got this LE and not sure what it means? Hoping it's fine. <a href="https://pastebin.com/LCA1jVX4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/LCA1jVX4</a>


Hey! If WW says it's out of date... it's out of date. Just download the version linked in this post and properly install it by removing all of the WW files first.


Hey! There is a per-sim individual override of auto use condoms. Just click on the condom in the inventory and you have the option to disallow the use of it. The option to disable auto use of birth control is in Sex Settings -&gt; Pregnancy Settings.


So you're claiming that every other setting can be changed without any problems and only this one specific setting does not save when you change it? The only way for a Sim to display the birth control moodlet is if that Sim has a statistic allowing to display such moodlet. That statistic is set to 24 hours and when the 24 hours pass, that moodlet gets removed. Did 24 hours passed in your game? The only way to forcefully remove that moodlet is by using the 'ww.force_fix' command but you need to be aware that this will reset all of the data related to WW on all Sims in the game.


Hey i was wondering if you could tell me how you fixed this. I am having the same issue but i cant find anything that is causing the problem. Thank you.


OK so all of sudden my female sims are wearing the pink bra when they are breastfeeding and when i click compelely undress they are wearing the bra. however they will get totally naked while in the shower and during sex animations. am i missing a setting somewhere? ive looked threw everything i know how to change. Its really not that big of a deal but now that i cant figure it out. its driving me nuts. If anyone has a suggestion that would be awesome. thank you.


My game keeps crashing. My computer claims I don't have the latest version of this mod. is the latest, isn't it?


So i figured out it was Littlemssams no shoes at home mod that is causing the issue not sure why but thats it.


Hey! Yes, that is the latest version, but if your Mods folder is messy then you might have old WW files that will cause issues like so. Are you perhaps playing on a Mac?


no, a pc. So, it might be incompatible with another mod?


Alright, then you can read about crashing here - <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/game-crash/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/game-crash/</a>


I keep getting the message "Take a deep breath" and shut down because some other mod is causing errors. Only mods I have are some clothes and WW. I didn't see this before with the Can clothing mods mess things up? I've been playing with Sims 4 Studio and made a few recolors.


Hey! You need to report the error for me to be able to say anything at all about it - <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/</a> CC clothing and CC furniture can totally cause issues like these.


Hi, I'm cleaning up my packages with Conflict Detector, and I'm having a problem with a WW package. This is the Turbodriver_WickedWhims_Tuning.package, it conflicts with Madrix_WW_cum_mass.package and [BB] Skintones.package. So, I do not see at what level it meets conflict. So my question that would be the most logical: are these two mods included in the Tuning (hence finding the same resource ID)? If it's not that and it's serious, what do you advise me?


Hey! Conflicts don't equal to Issues, so removing everything that conflicts doesn't exactly help. I would guess the cum related package overrides the cum textures so they look different. And the BetterBody skintones are the same overrides that are already included in WW so it doesn't make any difference.


<a href="https://pastebin.com/Cnr3MU6v" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Cnr3MU6v</a> Hello, been a long time since I have ever received a exception notice...it have to do with the new version wicked whims. can you please help...I have another one I will send it as well but I think it is the same problem. thank you..other than that your mods been working fabulously so I was very surprise at this notice.


<a href="https://pastebin.com/6n7hUzaS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/6n7hUzaS</a> <a href="https://pastebin.com/nKWkXu1v" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/nKWkXu1v</a>


Hey! This error you can test using <a href="http://lastexception.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lastexception.com/</a>


These two seem to be related to holidays, perhaps custom holidays. I don't know what causes them or how to fix them, but they are related to holidays.


thanks for that lastexception.com site...one question, can I use it on all last exceptions notices? this will be great!


ok thanks


hey I had a question, if i don't do the menstrual cycle mode and I do the simple mode instead will my sims still get their periods? I want more of a chance of my sims getting pregnant.


Hey! No, Simple Mode disables periods, but there is a setting allowing you to alter fertility rates in the Menstrual Cycle mode, it's called 'Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level'.


Assuming no update this weekending including BB's updates?


Hey! There's still a lot of meshing and content porting work going on, so no. Animators got an early look at the new animations enchantments they will get and I'm making sure it's to their liking. And the upcoming Python Upgrade from Maxis is taking a little bit of production focus to ensure future scripting development will be possible at all.

Lakisha Walker

I bought a Tier now how do I install the menstrual cycle into my game?


Hey! The link to the ZIP file with the mod is right under the post. Make sure to delete all old WickedWhims files before installation. You can find more info about installation here: <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/help" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/help</a>


Hi everyone. If possible, I need help please with an issue that is occurring in my game. After installing Seasons, I am receiving the message: "The game failed to load. Error Code: 110:7de8fcb9:db69aecc." Here is the PasteBin link: <a href="https://pastebin.com/Cyd76vKk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Cyd76vKk</a> I have removed folders, removed individual mods that I thought might conflict. I am stumped but still trying. Any help is appreciated. :)

Yolanda Zanie

So i have a dumb question...im not that good at this so im not sure. You just posted an update but should i down load that update since its a lower update from the one posted here?


I have the problem that I can't order tampons from the computer. Everytime I try to order some I lose the money but don't have the items in the mailbox.


Hey! Are you saying that after ordering they don't arrive on Monday or Tuesday? The mailman only comes at these specific days.


the tampons in my game just shows a box i cant use it and its just blank. What do i do


Hey! Could you please give me more context to "its just blank"? I would like to know what is blank. Is the box in your Sim inventory? You need to click on it within your Sim inventory and then open it by doing that.


I would like user feedback with some empirical evidence regarding "using birth control pills." I have latest version of WW, and I have all of the expansions for the game including Seasons. I have been doing some experimenting to crunch numbers. I have witnessed the following: In a group setting allowing M/F sex of various Sims, I have (shift-RtClick -&gt; Wicked) checked their Pregnancy Info prior and after. Most prior have a variable chance of becoming pregnant. I am using Menstrual Cycle mode and have it at Normal Length (8-10 days), and i have the Fertility Rate "Boosted". I have Pregnancy Settings of "SOME Sims will have and use Birth Control." After sex begins I check the Pregnancy Info again and what I have seen after about 25 couplings is 100% of them show "TRUE" to Using a Birth Control Pill and pregnancy chance reduced to 0. SO......I'm leary of dropping it to "NO Sim has birth control" because I dont everyone getting pregnant all the time, but "SOME" doesn't seem to be registering as just some. Thoughts???


Hey! The "Moderate Mode" is a 38% chance of Sims not using birth control, and "Safe Mode" is a 10% chance of Sims not using birth control. The roll occurs once per pregnancy tick (and there are 10 of them) and I'm glad you looked into this because I can see the obvious flaw in this system. With 10 rolls the 38% chance is so inconsiderable that Sims will use birth control in most cases. I will have it redone to have the roll occur only once making this a fair roll and everything should follow the intended logic. Thank you!


Is anyone else experiencing some difficulty with asking npc's for sex? From what i tested the romance and friendship have to be really high (soulmates) before they accept and thats even with the sexually alluring trait my sim has