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Game patch 1.45.62 released on July 31st is safe to use with the current version of WickedWhims!

Warning! On July 31st a GAME PATCH will be released! If you want to avoid issues, disable auto-updates in Origin. In any other case, be aware that mods may very well break and require updating or simply removing.

Taking a week off definitely doesn't help with finishing things, but it makes an incredible difference with how you feel. Especially after 2 years of work, and yes, WickedWhims is already 2 years old. I should take these breaks more often... I mean.. I will be productive and all. I swear. Really. 😅

Anyway. This update was a nightmare. Figure out how to dynamically add new screens to computers. Figure out how to dynamically add new object states to objects. Figure out how to unlock traits animation script machine names for animations. Figure out how to make tunable tests with random results. And where most of these ended up being hacks, they work!

And meanwhile, I'm working on a new online tool for reading lastException files so you can diagnose issues yourself. It will take a while before it's actually helpful, though.

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Watching Porn

  • Added 6 special porn videos for computers in the spirit of The Sims 4
These new video clips were a total pain to get, edit, convert, and test... and the end result is painfully laughable, but for the most part I think it was worth it. Unfortunately, because of limited tools and knowledge, playing them randomly all in one is not possible, so you have to live with the short loops. Oh well.
Raw footage of these videos was recorded by thesimsxxx.
Lupobianco did an amazing work with these animations, so if you haven't already checked out his work, you should do it now!
  • Made Sims be able to get caught masturbating and prevent finishing
When caught, there are two possible outcomes, which depend on your Sim edging it. You can imagine what happens.
  • Made solo sex autonomy favor watching porn
Sims solo sex autonomy will now favor using the computer instead of playing animations in random locations. The ratio is now 75% to 25%. Still, computers in non-private places will not be used.
  • Made watching porn relief sexual tension

Sex Reactions

  • Improved and extended the sex reactions system
  • Added 16 new reactions to sex  
    • New strong reactions to incest
    • Special reactions for children, teens, and parents
    • Special reactions for locations, relationships, and situations
New reactions depend more on the context and include more context. All new 16 reactions are extra descriptive and meaningful. Writing for them was done by Jarl44.
  • Made jealousy reactions affect relationship based on the strength of jealousy
  • Fixed sex reactions interrupting Sims animations

Sex Autonomy

  • Added solo sex autonomy for watching porn on the computer
  • Made 'Block Around Children Switch' setting count for teen Sims when 'Teens Sex Switch' is disabled
  • Made bedrooms considered a lot more private (especially if they contain a claimed bed) and even more comfortable
  • Made kids rooms only considered as risky
  • Made living rooms more comfortable and more risky
  • Made risky locations more common for exhibitionist Sims
  • Improved location style picking to make private locations more common compared to comfortable locations
  • Made location style picking respect seasons when testing for night time
I've spent some time tweaking sex autonomy location picking and found out a lot of inconsistencies that you have previously reported. Comfort, risky, and private locations detection should be a lot more accurate. With that, I've added a new command (ww.test_sex_locations) that will display you some Sims-specific information for the currently loaded lot. You might learn what some rooms in your household are considered as and what are the chances of picking a specific location style. Note that these variables change depending on a lot of factors, especially other Sims being around.

Sex Pregnancy

  • Made elder Sims allowed to get pregnant using the Pregnancy Simple Mode
Obviously, this is not available with the Menstrual Cycle Mode, elder women don't have their periods.
  • Made the potential pregnancy notification display for all Sims in sex
Having sex with an NPC Sim and want to know if they could be pregnant? Now you know. 

Cuckold / Watching Sex

  • Fixed watching sex sometimes failing to route
Where to sit? Where to stand? Why does this even matter, just look!

Sex Goals

  • Fixed dates not being completable

Sex Miscellaneous

  • Made hygiene need decay slower during sex
  • Fixed sex store not properly displaying notifications text

Nudity Undressing

  • Fixed clothes piles being created even when Sim is naked
Did you notice Sims strangely creating piles of clothes even when naked? Now that's impossible.

Nudity Reactions

  • Fixed nudity reactions interrupting Sims animations
Some reactions would result in Sims taking it as a compliment and playing out a grateful animation. That would end up being more problematic than not, so it's gone. 

Sex Animations System

  • Implemented new animations query system
A "query system" in this case is simply like a search engine for the animations. It significantly speeds up things and because of the way it is built, it's very flexible with tagging for special situations.
  • Added ability to tag animations for context
Tagging animations is the first step to extending the functionality of sex interactions. This allows creators, and me, to give their animations context. Does it include kissing? Is it rough? When should it be used? With this knowledge, you can create sex interactions that focus on using animations that are meant for special occasions. And more.
But don't get too excited. It's a long way ahead before these functionalities come into play. There are so many animations that have to be tagged in the first place...
  • Improved animations identification
    • Unfortunate reset of Disabled Animations, sorry...
Oops, sorry. New way of identifying animations means that the disabled animations are now not disabled anymore. It's a necessary step to push things forward.

.133.1 Fixes

  • Made 'Random Interaction Undressing' respectful to native game mechanics
Sims randomly undressing to interactions like yoga, working out, meditation or sleeping is now only going to work when the Sim is fully dressed. This is to avoid issues with Sims performing interactions with outfits partially undressed which just doesn't look right.
  • Fixed elder Sims not getting pregnant when they should
  • Fixed disabled animations not actually being disabled


.133.2 Fixes

  • Fixed sex reactions between parents and children
  • Fixed 'Recognize Males/Females as Both' settings confusing genders

.133.3 Fixes

  • Fixed sex reactions causing errors when reacting to Sim watching porn


.133.4 Fixes

  • Made rooms with half-walls/fences not be considered as private
  • Made computer watching porn affect fun, social, and hygiene needs
  • Made Sims keep their undressed outfit when going outside in hot weather
  • Made Sims scold club members for having sex when it is discouraged
  • Made Sims always dress up after watching porn
  • Made reactions and autonomy interactions less aggressive towards already queued interactions
  • Made Sims who live alone and are alone at home masturbate anywhere they want
  • Fixed Sims getting negative sex reactions and then joining sex anyway
  • Fixed club rules tests returning negative results
  • Fixed Sims never climaxing from watching porn after getting caught once
  • Fixed autonomy watching porn not wanting to sit down in front of the computer


.133.5 Fixes

  • Fixed underwear mannequins causing issues
  • Fixed individual joining to sex not working

Reporting Exceptions | Help Center

Reporting Exceptions | Help Center

Reporting Exceptions | Help Center

Please don't use the Community Tab to contact me or report issues.




y'know, I was wondering where you'd gone, turbo! glad to know you've been taking a break from this stressful shit. sometimes, you just need a vacation. hope you had a good, relaxing time. :) cheers, mate, and thanks for the update and all your hard work!


Hey! Yeah, taking a break definitely released some stress. My neck doesn't hurt all the time now. And coming back to work felt nice but it was a lot to handle so I'm trying to implement some solid schedule into my life to make things flow better in the future. Thank You! :D

Yanique Salmon Dunn

Yessss I love this update. Please take all the breaks you need. I would be so stressed if you ever got burnt out and stopped making mods. This is Phenomenal as always. Thank You!!!!

Brian Zaenglein

Oh, sweet! One of my families, Mom and Dad seemed to really have a thing for doing it in the twins' room, even with the kids home. It got interesting, trying to watch the fun, and also keeping an eye out to try to head off the little ones if they looked like they were going to go to their room.


Hey! I might have ruined your fun a little then. Things got balanced a lot around children so it might be a very rare sight.


AWESOME!!! Thank you for your creativity and hard work and to keep the mind fresh and focus please take many, many, many, many breaks! I agree with the Yanique, I would be very stressed if you were stressed and didn't keep making


OOPS! Hit the enter too fast...as I was saying..." - making Wicked Whims the best and most awesome mod ever! Thank you!


Thank you for your hard work! If this mod was even a 1/4 of what it was it’d still be amazing.


im set to ...simple mode..... player and NPC.....set to 100% ...... but elders still don't get pregnant


thanks for the new update turbo, I love it but for some reason now everytime I enter my game I got an big blue textbox that says: wickedwhims animation collisions. that's the first time I ever saw that text box

Martin VG

Terrific update. Thanks a lot TD.


After today's update, if a Sim is partially nude, and you send them to sleep or swim, they will do it in their current outfit instead of changing into the appropriate outfit or stripping down completely.

Martin VG

BTW, I don't know the exact day of WW birthday but what I do know is that I stored every version in a Hardrive since WickedWoohoo_1.1.1.026b_04_September_2016.zip. All in all, happy birthday for this awesome mod and hoping for more years to come

Lupobianco Animations

2 years of WW and im very glad to be part of all this! And Awesome work as usual TURBODRIVER you are the best! I've been waiting for this update :PP


was the period moodlet fixed also it would stay there and never go away


I can't imagine not having your mod in my game! You are the LAST person we would want to see burn out! Take as many breaks as you need, we'll be alright, besides, those horny a** sims need a break every now and again! They're always at it! Lol!!! Thanks a mil!


Sex store? What am I missing?? lol


Hey! That's a good sign, sort of. The new animations identification detects collisions. It would be grateful if you could show me that notification. I don't have it so I can't fix it, but we can figure it out together. Just to clarify, a collision is when two different animations end up being recognized as the same animation. Even though they might be different in practice. The computer can see only so much.


Hey! It's technically 26th of June, but I prefer to think it's 27th because that's when it was first showed to public. Thank you! :D


Hey! I have not made any changes to how the periods work, at least not yet, but I will be working one a few improvements to that now. If you're having issues, your best option is to use the 'ww.fix' command. I'm aware of the reports for stuck moodlets, I will make sure to have that fixed once I looked into the subject. Thanks!


Lol I was about to be all sad that I didn't know there was a store haha. Ok that makes sense.


Awesome update! One minor issue I've noticed is that when parents walk in on a kid doing something sexual or vice versa, the flavour text on the embarrassed moodlet is assigned wrong. Kids get the "oh they're all grown up" from seeing a parent, and parents get the "ew, brain bleach pls" reaction from walking in on their kids.


Hey! Thanks! :D Ah! I knew this would happen, I should have checked that. Testing relationships is a one-way process and you can never know which way it goes.


this link will not work for me.


Sooooo I'm having a problem with incest interactions, and they've been going on since the July 2nd update. I have a dad and his adopted daughter trying to get at it for a while and they both have the Incest rewards store trait. With either Sim, trying to initiate a sex interaction fails with a message "____ refused ___ proposal for sex." Any ideas? A last exception doesn't generate when I try this.


Hey! I'm not noticing anything from what you're saying and text is being displayed correctly. Here's my test: <a href="https://gfycat.com/SpeedyBrokenAustraliansilkyterrier" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/SpeedyBrokenAustraliansilkyterrier</a> (don't mind the random notifications) I'm not really sure what could it possibly be unless you have some odd files related to WW in your Mods folder.

Luci Martin

take as much time off as needed. this kind of work requires a rested focused mind. The work done here is valuable and if not for your mind, this game may have died out years ago for me, so i think its a good thing to keep you all healthy loll..i forgot once to disable auto updates once and game was screwed for weeks with me having to reinstall and find which mods were broken and which weren't. I have to thank azmodan22 for his tips on organizing mods..big help now so things are easy to detect, so great suggestion there, thanks. since update is tomorrow, should i wait before installing this WW or go ahead and install now? figure you may have to tweek some things. i dont mind either way, its not so complicated.


I'm having a problem with pregnancy. My Sims will have the eating for 2 for half a day then it disappears. The try for baby doesn't pop up, the terminate pregnancy is grayed out but if I go into create a sim the game will tell me I can't edit a pregnant Sims and mccc says she's pregnant with a male. I did the ww.fix tried resetting her I'm just at a lost with what to do


beim Wasserballon Schlacht komme ich einen Bericht


Hi Turbodriver! How do I set gender preferences? I am a little lost as to how to do that in the relationship settings? Or am I in the wrong settings area? Thank you!

Martin VG

Hi, you can find the information here. <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/relationships" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/relationships</a>#/relationships-gender-preference/


Im having an issue with the incest settings in my game. Im not seeing any reactions or special moodlets in my game. Everything else seems to be working but none of the new updates for reactions seem to be working. Could this be a conflict with another mod?

True AI

I started getting LastException errors with this update. I can provide you the error and any animations you need to troubleshoot. Let me know what you need, please.


My sims were outside with umbrellas and I told them to have sex on a double bed when this generated. <a href="https://pastebin.com/Q98vUVMz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Q98vUVMz</a>


Turbo, can we still swap character sex positions? I'm not seeing the option popping up, did it move?


Hey! I obviously can't take as much off as I want, who will work then. :D This update is safe to install, no problem. And shout out to Azmodan22, he's a really helpful guy. :)


Hey! Seems like you're talking about a water balloon fight being broken? I'm not aware of anything like that and without more details I don't think I can do anything about it.


Hey! Could you please tell my what are you expecting so I can tell you if we're understanding the situation? Reactions to incest are when Sims encounter incest sex. Are you saying it doesn't work?


Hey! Go ahead and report the most recent lastException file - <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/</a>


Found collisions : name hash :3269326099 :Author AOS How can I solve the problem?


Hey! Yup, Sim was reset, a soft task on an umbrella was interrupted and an error file was created. This is not anything important, you're okay to ignore it.


Hey! Do you have more than one AOS package? Perhaps you should update it. My package from AOS doesn't cause collisions. I will make the notification include an explanation why this happens just in case.


Hey! Looks to be working for me - <a href="https://imgur.com/uMbxYm3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/uMbxYm3</a> Perhaps you couldn't swap them in the currently playing animation?

Barry Wilson

some of the settings are blank but I believe work. Are there any screenshots of the settings and subsettings? Pregnancy settings would be good to read. Thanks for the great work


Hey! Sounds like you have very old files in your Mods folder. Try removing ALL WickedWhims related files and make sure you install ONLY THREE files from the mod.

Katz 52

Hey Turbo! I just updated and got this ww exception..,can I do anything to get rid of it? <a href="https://pastebin.com/HiSt2YFc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/HiSt2YFc</a>


there seems to be a problem when trying to unload sims from the new gallery to CAS tho, it just soft locks


Hey! Hmm.. I see the error and where it happens... but I can't see how. This one is a little confusing, but I will see what I can do. Thanks! EDIT: Never mind, got it, fixing it right now.

Brian Zaenglein

Got a weird reaction, but it was before today's update and it might be a pain to try to re-create the incident. Anyway, two NPC's autonomously went at it on my sim's bed. She walked in, angry reaction and "Too Welcome" angry moodlet as she walked out... then she turned around and joined in! She does have Nisa's "Sex Addict" reward trait, maybe that explains her changing her mind?


I got a message stating I'm usig an outdated version of WW. I just downloaded the new one. Go figure.


Hey! Yeah, it is right now possible for a Sim to have a negative reaction and then join. There is a test in place to prevent that from happening but I will have to improve it.


What are your upcoming plans?


Hey! When it comes to future additions, because right now I'm going through everything and fixing things up, I have only one specific thing that I want to do. That is redoing and expanding the Menstrual Cycle content. I have a lot planned and prepared, stuff that was supposed to be done a long time ago, so I want to be done with that first. And once that is done, it's going to be something specifically sex related. I don't have many things that are strongly focused around nudity. And besides my plans, there are few things being developed on the side that might come into play at any moment. :D


Hi, I just encountered some insane errors and am having a little trouble finding your discord. Can you link it please?


Actually here is my link to my last exception. I had to shorten it. It showed up more than 200 times! It was really weird because they weren't having sex. They traveled to a different lot to have a Christmas party and then the last exceptions started popping up. They did have sex a few hours before the party though, but I didn't get any errors until I traveled to the new lot. <a href="https://pastebin.com/ua1BStPK" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/ua1BStPK</a>


Sul Sul Turbo! the past few days ive been trying ww.set_nudity_skill &lt;level&gt; but cant for the life of me figure out why i am getting incorrect level variable every single time. Ive tried the following: ww.set_nudity_skill &lt;5&gt; ww.set_nudity_skill &lt;3&gt; ww.set_nudity_skill &lt;level5&gt; ww.set_nudity_skill &lt;level 5&gt; ww.set_nudity_skill&lt;level 5&gt; Pls tell me where the typo(s) are


Don't use &lt;&gt; in the commands. Try ww.set_nudity_skill level 5


I got some LE <a href="https://pastebin.com/PQ1vybNN" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/PQ1vybNN</a> it was like 5 errors one after another


Edit: Huh, turns out it's the Olala animation package that caused this and deleting it made everything work again. I didn't even know that animations could fuck your game like this, the more you know. Anyway, keep up the good work, can't wait for the next version of WW! Just got a huge Last Exception, it was during a thunderstorm and it seems to be related to weather, that's all I can gather from the log file. Save is unplayable now, time jumps like crazy. The scriptmods I have active are Road to Fame, Hoe it Up and WW. Here's the log: <a href="https://pastebin.com/5zNyHQib" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/5zNyHQib</a>


Hey! It's issues with running the 'mixer_Dartboard_CheckForTurn' interaction. Whatever happened with the dart board caused issues. Just reset it back to normal and you're good.


Hey! Animations are for the most part fine. This is a very rare occurrence of a conflict related to data identification. The animation creator had nothing to do with this. I'm glad you resolved the issue.


So far this mod is working great, I just wanted to thank you for your hard work and for fixing the clothes pile issue I complained about.


Hey Turbo, first of all: Thank you for your great work! I think EA should pay you tons of money for making sims 4 interesting again. But I want to ask carefully: Do you plan any forced sex-additions? I know a lot of people don't want these additions and I truly understand that. I hate sexual violence in real life. But in fact the forced section adds some reality to the game in my opinion... and as a woman who knows things like that I think I'm allowed ask...

James McGoey

Hey Turbo, first, great job you're doing. I'm getting the "Drama_Node" error again on every lot change. It happened just as the season changed to winter. I tried the workaround of loading the family, changing the season length, save and exiting but it still happens. Any ideas? <a href="https://pastebin.com/9rAJJZJq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/9rAJJZJq</a>


Thanks! And yet I have a list of 10 fixes and improvements on the way for tomorrow haha.


Hey! Thanks! :D The answer to most "controversial" topics is probably yes. I'm not one to stop myself, but I am one to prioritize different kinds of content and have different approach to them. I question a lot of the suggestions with "what's the point", but after a while I figure out ways to make them worth a while. Some things are fairly straight forward, things that Patreon wouldn't be happy to talk about, and these things might not be something I'm particularly a fan of, but that doesn't mean I won't do them. One thing about creating content is that, I don't want to creating things that I don't find enjoyable to create, pretty logical, so until I'm confident I can make something fun, I leave it for later.


Hey! Thanks! I can't say I do have any idea. Until a friend figured out a solution, I had no way of helping with this. The main reason for it happening is if you have a holiday that fails to properly load. So perhaps that holiday is still persisting in your game and you need to be more violent with season changes. I will leave the instruction below just in case. To fix this issue: 1. Load your family. 2. Open Game Options. 3. Open the Seasons tab. 4. Change Seasons Length to a different one than the current length. 5. Apply Changes. Save and Exit. The error should not occur anymore. You're safe to change the Seasons Length back to the previous setting.


hey turbo when my sims are watching porn on the computer they don't get any fun. is it intended, a bug with my game or an oversight on your side?


I found a bug I found after having sex with someone while my sim is wearing her party outfit 2, as soon as the sex ends she is standing there with her party outfit 1


Hey! I have no idea how to trigger this bug. I have a Sim in Outfit #2, and I end sex, and it's still that. If I undress the Sim, Sim stays undressed. If I have Auto Dress Up enabled, Sim dressed up to the correct outfit. How do I do it?


hi turbo im having a issue with the ww when my game is done loading. I get a error stating I have a later version of the ww and I just put the new updated version in my mods already and I doubled checked I don't have any outdated versions.

Brian Zaenglein

Is there an existing setting for sims to not ask specific sims for sex? I have a teen living in the same household with 3 adults, long story but she isn't related to any of them. The one who is supposed to think of her as a little sister has suddenly started asking her for sex. They don't have any romantic relationship, pink bar doesn't even appear between them. At least once, I've noticed it as the teen had apparently said yes, as the WW icon popped up and they were apparently walking to the location.


Hey! So when the game loads, and you unpause time, could you look at the purple notification and read what version are you running? It should say


Hey! Yes, there is. Open the cheat console (CTRL+SHIFT+C) and type 'testingcheats on'. Then hold the SHIFT button and click on the teen Sim. Under 'Wicked' you will find an option to disable that Sim from autonomy. You can do the same for individual objects too.




I've got a weird one. So I was changing sims underwear. I change the underwear in the WW underwear cas. (I don't know what else to call it. Your underwear cas that has the dark purple mannequin ) Now.. when I click the check mark to go back to the game, sometimes instead of going back to the game, I'm back in the change underwear cas again. Once that happens it will never let you back in to your game. It will just keep returning you to the choose underwear mannequin. You can from there click the manage worlds selection which the game will warn you that you'll lose changes made but you can get to the world. I went back to the original house of sims who's underwear I was changing and there was a purple mannequin standing in the house. (which can be removed in build mode and sold for 1$)


I say sometimes because I change a number of my sims without a problem. At first I thought the key was changing a sims underwear that was NPC's visiting the house but it seems it can happen for active sims as well.


Thanks Turbo Keep up the good work. Any chance your going to add more kink for the expansion packs?


Hi TurboDriver, I love your mods but currently I'm experiencing a weird glitch in my game that I need help with. When my sims have intercourse, the penis is stuck in the middle of the screen and it looks really weird and the skin from the sim is stretched all the way to the penis.

Brian Zaenglein

Getting this, seems like every time sex happens. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/hu0j118ic9otli5/lastException.txt?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/hu0j118ic9otli5/lastException.txt?dl=0</a>

Ken Stockwell

Having trouble logging into this site


Hey! Check out this page - <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/penis-issues/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/penis-issues/</a>


Hey! It's a Scheduling Hard Stop Error. Base game issue with interrupting Sim active task. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error. And you need to update the Nisa K mod.


Hey! I'm not sure what do you mean, you're commenting so you had to be able to log in. In any case, for Patreon related issue, I would recommend contacting Patreon - <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new</a>

Ken Stockwell

I can log in from my mobile but not my PC


Got it, still, there is nothing I can do. I would recommend contacting Patreon with the link I included.

Ken Stockwell

I love your work..thanks for responding


My sim won’t undress when he showers. :( But he does get out of his pants when he uses the toilet. This wasn't ever an issue before. It appears to be only this particular sim. Everyone else is working fine. It's weird, he doesn't even do the "spin around" thing to change clothes when he steps into the shower. I tried your fix outfit command but it did not work. Edit: turns out he also won't change into bed clothes now either.


Hey! Well, I'm sorry to say, but I can't really do anything about it with just this information and from the testing I did, everything works as expected. You need to do more testing on your own, perhaps it's a different mod. Please let me know when you learn more.

Brian Zaenglein

Thought of something after one of my sims did something pretty gross. Hygiene check for low hygiene or cum, won't autonomously do oral if hygiene is low or person has cum on them. And maybe refuse outright if hygiene is Grungy or Filthy. Inspired by husband/wife having sex, husband gets to the shower first. Wife gets on the treadmill in the meantime. Husband gets out, asks for seconds... and goes down on her!

Emma Byrne

Hi, Thanks for the update - this mod is so awesome! Just wanted to ask if there's anyway you could allow the mod to work with the Pregnancy Mega Mod? I know there's issues between you and the creator. It would be great to be able to use both without effecting peoples game play. Unless you were planning to bring more pregnancy control aspects into Wicked Whims. Just thought I'd mention it, because it's such a shame! Thanks again though! :-)

Brian Zaenglein

I thought I was using it, but I don't see it now. I did delete everything after the seasons patch. At that time they didn't seem to conflict, although the only feature I ever used was a couple of abortions-- the vanishing inventory issue seems to make B/C pills disappear. WW used to tell you the female sim might be pregnant every time, on the pill or not, so that didn't make you panic and check her inventory.


Hey Turbo, quick question. Have you put a limit to how many female sims can be pregnant at once? Or how many one male/transgender can get female sims pregnant at once? I'm asking 'cause I had one sim make several females pregnant at once and on the next one the "[target sim]might now be pregnant" message never popped. I had pregnancy mode set to simple and both NPC and Player Chances set to 100%.


I Want to thank you for the elderly SIMs fix. Works great. Again thank you very much.


Thank you for the best mod ever! The "watch porn" - feature is great! Will you do something similar for TV? Maybe even make it possible for 2 or more sims to watch together? ;)


Hey! I'm not really big on implementing any ways to block user inputted actions. There are few that follow Sims logic, like the relationship check. Something like a hygiene check could be a thing, it's not a bad idea, but I find it more of an annoyance when you just want to have Sims bang. Maybe in the future? Sims hygiene and other needs are checked with autonomy though.


Hey! Thank you! I am considering extending it for the TV. It shouldn't be too difficult to do technically, especially that I have the hard parts figured out with the computer one. :)


With the update, Teens cannot have sex with WW anymore. I have it enabled but none of them show up as sex participants.


Hello! I recive this LastException when i was in a Bar. It is a Mod problem or a Base Game problem? <a href="https://pastebin.com/QDFSQtYP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/QDFSQtYP</a>


I have been having some strange issues since downloading the 08/09 update. <a href="https://pastebin.com/szLYC8Ku" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/szLYC8Ku</a>


I'm not getting a last exception message, but whenever i choose an animation nothing happens


hello, turbo. Could you check the cum visible setting with buff? sometimes female sims get 'cum whore' buff after animations, but can't see the visual of cum.


Hey! Are you trying to initiate sex between adults and teens? If so, you need to disable Age Restrictions in Relationship Settings first.


Hey! It's an Animation Missing Transform Joint Error An issue with the animations rigging system. An animation failed to find and use an object slot on the animation rigging skeleton. In most cases, you're safe to ignore this error.


Hey! It's a Posture Runtime Error Possibly base game issue with Sim posture. Sim staged posture is missing data to continue performing. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error.


Hey! So you click on a bed or something, select a sex animation category, select Sims, then select an animation and nothing ever happens? Have you tried using the 'ww.fix' command?


Hey! I don't seem to have an issue with it displaying <a href="https://imgur.com/7YvINBR" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/7YvINBR</a> But maybe you can provide me with more details. What sort of animation did you use, when the cum is applied, what sort of cum (if you know), and is the Sim that receives cum a male or a female?


Hi, I'm trying to have my female sim have sex with her boyfriend. They're in the same house. When I click on an object is says there are "no viable sims around (my sim) to perform sex at the picked location". It says it everywhere I click on in the house.

Brian Zaenglein

Sex Privacy Switch doesn't appear to be working. I have it on, and sims will walk in on sex, react briefly, then go ahead with what they were doing. Such as using the computer, which is on the desk that the couple is using to make little sims.

Brian Zaenglein

Also, in at least one case, sim in question had no romantic connection at all with either participant. In the past, they would leave the room and refuse to come back in. I've had my own controlled sims stuck out in the rain that way, OK with their partner doing other people, but the other person was a stranger.


Hey! This can happen in two cases. First is if you don't have enough animations because you would at least end up with the ability to pick your own Sim unless you don't have any solo animations. Obviously you have to have some animation to even be able to display these interactions. So the second option is if the Sims involved are not available. That can be because they are no of age, family related or their gender settings cannot match available animations. The last possibility is that their data is stuck, for that just use the 'ww.fix' command.


This LE is showing up in game and don't know what it could be and in other post that got deleted by mistake was wondering if teens can give baby up for adoption in next update. And incorporate the wicked woohoo into the fitness skill if that makes sense now sorry for the way I wrote it ;) <a href="https://pastebin.com/4Wwte7Y5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/4Wwte7Y5</a>


Hey! The LE is a "Posture Runtime Error". You can use the <a href="http://lastexception.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lastexception.com/</a> to check it out. About any adoption related content, I can see the point of disposing unwanted children because of bad choices in Sims life, but I don't think WW is the right place to focus on it. Doesn't LittleMsSam have a mod like that? Maybe you could ask her for it? You want the Fitness skill to grow from having sex? That's a little problematic to balance but I think with the new tagging system, once I get to make it more useful, that can be a animation specific function. Where some animations are helpful to improve fitness.


got an LE dunno why <a href="https://pastebin.com/eG2BnL8k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/eG2BnL8k</a>


<a href="https://pastebin.com/eG2BnL8k" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/eG2BnL8k</a>


ok we ll now im seeing issues my commands wont come up i keep clicking and takes hours to get my list to show up


Strange.. I'm updated to this version yet it's giving me a notification that I need to update when I start playing a household.


Also, When my sim purchases condoms from the computer it says "Thanks for ordering! The sex items {0.Firstname} purchased will be delivered to {M0.his}{F0.her} mailbox.


Hello Here is an LE <a href="https://pastebin.com/hKP4i6rG" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/hKP4i6rG</a> Bye


Inventory Object Loading Error Base game issue with loading an object in an inventory of a Sim or a container. This error can occur when an object that is being loaded has changed its data structure. This can result in the loaded inventory being empty. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error.


Hey! Are you getting any new lastException files with it? There isn't really anything that can be said other than maybe your computer not keeping up with the game, and not because your computer is weak, but because the game is going crazy.


Hey! Scheduling Hard Stop Error Base game issue with interrupting Sim active task. For the most part, you're safe to ignore this error. You can check these easy to recognize errors with the <a href="http://lastexception.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lastexception.com/</a> website. Check it out. :D


Hi! I'm getting a few little errors regarding clothing/and relocating the right uniforms I think... My chef sim just returned home, and he's wearing a police outfit instead of his normal one, and I immediately got a Last Exception regarding it being a file path to locate clothing I /think/ at least. My only problem is that before this I had a huge bug that really screwed up my game, and during that time he was a police officer, so I don't know if this is more for you, or perhaps I should address it with BaseMental? I don't know how these work I'm sorry! <a href="https://pastebin.com/egCK6Mhv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/egCK6Mhv</a>


Hey! The error is from WickedWhims and it's something I can fix. It came from not being able to recognize instanced Sim. I assume Sim go reset and that triggered that Sim outfit change which failed to fetch the new instance after reset. Your game should be fine, try resetting that Sim with testingcheats.


Hi, I’ve noticed that under nudity the “special” bathing outfit hasn’t been working properly. It’s not based on their current clothing.


Hey turbo, having a minor issue when choosing underwear for teens. The selection doesn't stick and reverts back to the default white underwear immediately. The random underwear command worked and didn't revert but then it becomes impossible to change from what the command chose for the same reason. Tried the mannequin cleanup and ww.fix as well with no luck, adults working with no problems. Not sure if it's from the latest update or something on my end maybe.


Hey! Looks to be working just fine - <a href="https://gfycat.com/FreshLikableBoa" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/FreshLikableBoa</a> As you can see Sim keeps her hair based on the current outfit. With the default setting she would always revert to the original short hair.


Hey! What are you setting it to? You are required to set both top and bottom, no fullbody and no nudity.


Hi, I noticed the sex skill disappeared a while ago. Was this skill eliminated?


Hey! Yup, the skill was pretty much useless and it wasn't used as a skill. Once skill based sex gets introduced, and that is with job/career related content, then it will be properly used.

Damier Don

when I add this it won't let me switch between sims. I took all of my mods out and used just this one to see if it was only this mod.

Bre G

i am having the same issue, sims and time keeps freezing.


Hey! Any lastException files? What's your game version? - <a href="https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wickedwhimsmod.com/exception/</a> I can't say or do anything without more information because the mod itself works.


Hey! What version of the game are you running. Maxis said they worked on improving the game performance in recent updates but there are things they screw up. There's nothing about WickedWhims that specifically slows down the game.


16.08.2018 – PC


My game keeps telling me I should restart it when trying to choose a household to start playing. <a href="https://pastebin.com/vmh8UJqZ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/vmh8UJqZ</a> here is the exception file.


Hey! This is a Holiday Career Time Off Error Base game issue with holidays. Proper way to resolve this issue is unknown. Try changing seasons duration in game settings and restart your game.


LE <a href="https://pastebin.com/EAUZqnGX" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/EAUZqnGX</a>


wret11Getting LE after I load Nisak Mod. During sex scene, I try to change from say Oral to Anal, I get Orange warning from MCC that its caught an LE ... Seems if I remove her Mod the LE does not come back. Thanks <a href="https://pastebin.com/NdzZLWDr" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/NdzZLWDr</a>


Hey! So I never seen this error before and it's not clear what's happening, but unless you have it happen at all times, you can ignore it. Looks like an issue with loading a zone. Perhaps the game had some unexpected issues. Hopefully this is a one time thing. :D


Hey! I guess it is the NisaK mod, try updating it. I can't really read the file because you seemed to send it all cut and scrambled. I hope that won't be an issue in the future. :)


Still having problems with the sims having sex on double beds. Have updated all mods and mc command center and its still not allowing this action. Makes for annoying game play. Do you know what is possibly happening to cause this or if a mid is conflicting with it


I haven't played the sims 4 for a while, I completely uninstalled the game, reinstalled (with seasons) and the only mods I have are Wickedwhims and wickedwhims animations listed on your website. For some reason my sims cannot get pregnant by wickedwhims interactions, I used to get a notification that says the sim could be pregnant but that does not appear, it also gives no option for pregnancy test after they are finished.. i've tried to look in the options but can't figure out what might be causing this. Any help would be appreciated!


I've just tried it again and just got the notification but my sim had 0 days until ovulation whereas before every time they interacted it would give the notification so I guess it only shows now when they are ovulating?

Brian Zaenglein

Hey, just had a fire break out during sex-- Mom and Dad having fun in the bathroom, daughter experimenting on the science table. Didn't know the science table could catch fire! Anyway, WW had no idea how to handle it, so the adults were stuck standing in the toilet with animation error messages spamming. "ww.stopsex" fixed the problem and Dad put out the fire, but maybe something to fix in the future.


Hey! Well none of this sounds like something I can identify so the best thing we can try doing is you sending me your save game and me trying it in my game. Do you need instructions on how to do it?

Luci Martin

That's hilarious, not for your game of course but still pretty funny lol


Hey! I'm sorry for a late reply. Thanks for letting me know, I will look into it! :)

Brian Zaenglein

I found it hilarious myself, to be honest. Also that Mom was in the middle of the street naked doing the panic animation. In the end only the science table itself was destroyed.

Nathalie Hill

for my game with this update im not seeing take pregnancy test or fertility test via the toliet

Brian Zaenglein

Come to think of it, I had the same issue with my family. When Mom first started puking her breakfast back up, pregnancy test didn't come up when I clicked the toilet. Added a couple of extra days, because the countdown doesn't start til your sim figures out she's pregnant. But oddly, I noticed she was thinking about baby stuff last night, pregnancy test WAS an option, and now she's expecting no.2. Yes, totally separate pregnancy, the first one is a child now (she's the one that set her science table on fire lol). Actually, it's possible this new one was conceived during that very incident...


You're an amazing creator!!


Hi I got this last exception not sure if its anything but thought you might want to take a look <a href="https://pastebin.com/Ajmr3Nhu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pastebin.com/Ajmr3Nhu</a>


Hey! Looks like it's an issue with holidays. Hopefully it's just a one time thing. :D


Hi, after watching porn i looked at my sim's statistics and the Times Masturbated had not increased when it should


Hey! Statistics aren't very well handled by the mod so issues like this happen. I really need to figure out and implement a better system for it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Neroli Portofino

Can We have sexual transmitted Infections for STDs?


Hey! I don't know why are you writing in a post from few months back, but you can vote on that here - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-progress-21682972">https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-progress-21682972</a>