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Hi Guys! Hope you all are doing well. 

This week I added the animation for the partner sim, which allows them to sit next to the birthing pool and support the pregnant sim. 

Here is what the animation looks like

I know this next one looks like they are dabbing but really they are wiping their tears lol

they will have this reaction when the baby is born.

and that is basically the whole interaction. 

However this week I also found an issue with the animation. Right now the first half of the labor animation is 57.8 Seconds long, and that is causing there to be a really long pause before the baby is born, sims are frozen in this pose for about 30 sim minutes before the naming screen pops up

so as much as I love the labor animation, I will have to cut it down by 10-20 seconds 😭 I will try to speed up parts of the animation to avoid cutting things out as much as possible 

 it looks like next week I will be working on shortening the animation, remapping the sound effect, and summoning midwives. 

I hope you guys like what you see! : D Talk to you guys soon! 




My partner doesn't seem to do this for the bed version at the hospital.. I've never had them comfort the person giving birth


I adore this!


I am so excited for this, your talent is through the ROOOOOOF! haha. Will we be able to have them naked like the other two animations?


i adore this, i am so excited


can't wait!


cant wait


this is so awesome ! I sooo cannot wait for this


OOOh the anticipation!!! Thank you for all your hard work.


Ich freue mich schon so sehr auf das Update. Wann wird es veröffentlicht?


I'm kinda new to mods but I have your birth mod. Every time you add something new does it automatically update or do I download the whole birth mod again?


wann kommt den das Update zum Download