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Known conflict:

🔶 Baby Momma by MuvaSimmer(NEW)🔶

(sim cant give birth)

▪ Any cc surgery machine

(sim cant reach the surgery machine when its time to give birth)

▪ Scientist work at home mod by YourFalseHope

(sim cant reach the surgery machine when its time to give birth)

▪ Any mods that "unlocks" the surgery machine

(sim cant reach the surgery machine when its time to give birth)

▪ Hot Girl Mod by SeSeSimmi

(sim cant give birth, game freezing )

▪ University - Required Degree... but for promotions! by Zero

( no staff at the hospital)

Possible Conflict:

▪ Birth Certificate mod by LittleMissSam

( animation for skin to skin contact will not play)

▪ Learn to read mod by baniduhaine

(give birth interaction cancels immediately)

Common Mistakes

Do NOT buy the child birth bed or surgery bed from build and buy and place them in your hospital, doing so will cause the give birth interaction to cancel itself, you can only place down surgery machines

If you cannot see the "Call Obstetrician" option on your sims phone even when they are in their second trimester, follow this tutorial to make sure the mod is installed correctly: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64133309 

If you are still having unsolved issues please join my discord and send a message there: https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX 




i guess it depends on your game, so far you are the only one who said it works with pirated


bonjour j'ai acheté ce mod, tout parait fonctionnel sauf que je ne peux pas aller faire une échographie, savez vous comment cela se fait ?


What if I already made a hospital with cc?


Just make sure you removed any old versions of the child birth mod and follow the instructions here https://www.patreon.com/posts/child-birth-mod-77485757?utm_medium=sharesheet&utm_source=sharesheet&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link


I have Syboulette’s Hippocrate, which is just a recolor. My sim made it to the hospital and through early labour. Now she is fully dilated , but can’t give birth in any way. And I can’t use the “Assign Patient Role”. What is wrong?


I don’t think you can use recolours either. Use the default surgery machine and use the give birth immediately cheat on your sim and try again


Where can I find the default? Shouldn’t I remove her cc first?


You have to use the show hidden object cheat and go into build and buy mod to purchase the default one, you should be able to find it by searching “surgery machine”. You shouldn’t have to remove her cc if they are just recolours


hi the water birth bed wont load onto screen


Mine works as normal but for some reason it conflicts with HQ mod and my female sims are blacked out.


im trying to place the ultrasound machine but its not showing up in the build/buy items in the hospital


Where's the link?


the mod is either not installed correctly, or you still have old versions of the child birth mod in your mods folder, or you didn’t turn on the cc filter after installing better build and buy


hello? Where can I download the v3 version? I sponsored it, but I can't see the v3 version

Coco Mocha

Hello PandaSama I love your mods does this Realistic Pregnancy Conflict with Private Practice By Sim Realist☺️


Hi! private practice by sim realist conflicts with this mod as well!


Mine doesnt give the option to have the support with the ball. When I click the bed, I see the options for ask for epidural, and check dilation, but the third option is just the hospital sign. When I click the sign, my sim doesnt do anything


You likely still have an old version of the child birth mod in your mods folder, try doing a file search and get rid of the old files


is at home birth an option for this? i see pictures but not an option in game


Hi there, for some reason your mod and only yours isn't showing up for me in the game. Any ideas?


if its installed correctly it should show up, have you tried following this tutorial? https://www.patreon.com/posts/64133309


Hi there , my sims still can't give birth. I have taken out all my surgery cc but when I go into buy mode it still shows that its cc. Do you have any suggestions on what it could be?


If it still shows as cc then the override file is still in your mods folder, there’s no other way to fix it besides finding that file and removing it, im also not sure what it could be, there’s too many cc out there for me to keep track : /

Aniis Le Neve

For some reason my sim, who just gave birth, is not able to breastfeed the baby. When I go into the family tree the baby is not showing. Have you ever heard of this, and if so, any ideas what might be causing it?


unfortunately I haven't heard of this issue before, but it unlikely caused by the child birth mod since the child birth mod only changes the give birth animation and noting else. you could try taking all your mods out to see if it is mod related

Alexandria Walker

Hi Panda. Thank you so much for this mod. Adds so much realism. Truly is my favorite...and I've used many. Question. I'm looking for a mod to slow down weight loss in general. I've found a couple, but not sure if they'd conflict with this mod? Due to your weight gain after birth feature, I'm wondering if the same files would be modified and thus cause an issue. Below are the tuning files that are edited in the slower weight loss mod I'm considering. Thanks for your time :) 03B33DDF!00000000!7BA748BAA80C63D4.objects.components.consumable_component.Tuning 339BC5BD!00000000!00000000000040CD.commodity_Fitness_Fat.StatisticTuning 339BC5BD!00000000!00000000000040CE.commodity_Fitness_Fit.StatisticTuning


I play a household with more than 8 sims, an important part of my story. I guess I cannot update to the latest version for now. Will you fix that? And thanks for one of the best mods in existence :-)


Ah, the there is no problem. Thanks PandaSame, you are a litle miracle...


Where do we find the module if we don’t have it??


im getting a posture issue with this mode

N3rdy Zuki

Hi there, I've downloaded the most recent mod and when I try to purchase the pool or pillow, the funds are pulled out but the item doesn't spawn.


Can you post the whole LE here so that I can verify it’s coming from the child birth mod?


Hey, for some reason when I call the obstetrician it doesn't show me the option for home birth.


is there plans to update this mod to work with llazyneiph's royalty mod?


it works perfectly with pirated, wdym?