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This is a work-in-progress post to show you what I am currently working on. The twin and triplet animation has not been released 

It's that time of the week again! Earlier this week I finalized the natural birth twin animation and added the necessary sound effect, and then I got started on the natural birth animation for triplets. This is what I have so far : )

your sim will push for the first baby as usual. I tweaked the animation a little bit so that it doesn't feel like they are doing the exact same animation all the time

the first baby will come out 

then the second one..

with one more push the third baby will then come out 

the obstetrician will hand over the third baby for skin to skin

and your sim will spend a little time to cuddle all three.

to make this animation I actually had to shrink all three babies by 20% because there is just no way I could fit all three otherwise 😆 I actually think its cuter when they are smaller like this. but I can't decided whether or not I should shrink them even more because it still looks pretty crowded when they are all laid out on my sim's chest : /

Next week I will finish the rest of this animation and finalize the c-section twin animation. when that is done I still need to make the C-section triplets animation. I can't wait to be done with all the triplet and twin animation because there are a lot of other new features I want to implement including adding more interactions for the pregnant sim and their companion during early labor, more early labor moodlets, and more ways to induce labor. 

I have been getting a ton of good suggestions in the past few weeks and I will create a poll when the time comes to see which feature you guys want the most.💗

Hope you all are having a good weekend! 




As always, looks awesome!!!


I love this mod so much i can’t wait to see these new animations fully in action!! It’s been such a game changer for me I’ve put my more historical saves on hold until there’s a home birth option lol. Of course there’s no rush I have plenty of modern saves I can bounce between since I know your work is always so good it’ll be worth the wait!! You’re so talented and I’m so glad I joined your patreon 🥰


I love the mod and i wish one day we will have the same animation for home birth .

Heidi Wilde

It would be realistic to shrink them a bit more if you wanted to. Triplets are generally smaller (and come earlier) than singlets. (NICU RT <-) You're doing such a fantastic job with this! It's amazing 🥰


I'm so excited to finally have all of your awesome animations in my game! Keep up the fantastic work!


Triplet babies are commonly born small. Many times they are born smaller than half the size of a healthy single baby at birth. (At around 3-4 pounds) So making them smaller wouldn't be inaccurate. 😊

Wendy Hubble

Oh my gosh. That is so cute. Now I want triplets in my 100 baby challenge.


I think it is good that the triplets are smaller because in real life triplets are always smaller due to the fact that they have less space and get born early.


I want to start by saying that your cc and mods are beyond incredible. Your content is truly game changing and adds so much depth to our toddlers especially and now to the birthing process with this newest mod. I don't want to take away from the brilliance of what you've already created and it may not be possible anyway so that is completely fine if it isn't lol but I'd really love it if we could have a home birth option with a mid wife as the doctor or something like that? I feel like that would be pretty complicated and again, totally cool if it doesn't come as this mod is impeccable as is lol truly, I think its amazing. I just don't love having to leave the lot for child birth because my loading times aren't the greatest and in general I really love the idea of a home birth option.


hi thank you so much for your kind words. a home birth is planned for later this year once im done updating the hospital birth1