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This week the child birth mod v1b  has official gone public, I hope you all are enjoying the game play. 🥰

the most common issue people have is still not seeing the call obstetrician option on their phone. if you are still having this issue be sure to follow this tutorial step by step https://www.patreon.com/posts/64133309 (your sim has to be in at least their first trimester for the option to show up) 

if you are absolutely sure you did everything right and its still not showing please send a message in my server https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX 

Note: this mod does not work on legacy edition or games that are outdated 

Im currently working on fixing an issues that causes the game to freeze when playing in a big hospital. if you are having this issue, the best thing to do is to downsize your hospital for now to allow normal game play. you can expect an update to come out sometimes next week with a fix.

This week i started on the twin C-section animation, this is still a work in progress, so please excuse the baby and the mother for looking very dead inside. 

during the c-section your sim will give birth to the first baby as normal

the ob will then pull the second baby out, this one is coming out upside down : D 

but the doctor will flip them over 

the baby will then give you a death stare (for now) 

(mom is not looking super impressed D: 

This is all i have for now, once again thank you all for your support, have a good weekend!

here is a bts gif of "when you change your mind about having a baby"




Is there a way that it can be updated so that the sim does not constantly switch hospital beds? Like if you're in labor you choose a bed, and then the only time you'd be in another bed is when you're actively delivering? My sim keeps jumping from bed to bed to bed and won't just be still somewhere.


where is the link to download it?


Hi! How can i play this mod with legacy edition?


The post from April 6 that's titled "Childbirth Mod V1b Update" has the script and package file to download.


Thank you so much for this amazing mod. <3 You can see the hard work put into it! I saw above where you were talking about wanting to work on assigning the sim a delivery bed. I know ZERO about making mods or anything along those lines (I just recently figured out how to categorize my files LOL!) but I wonder if you could utilize the "assign this side of bed to" option? I'm sure you've probably already thought of that and it's MUCH harder and deeper than that but just in case I figured I would put that out there. Keep up the amazing work! I love all of your content! :)

HaitianC Da Simmer

love love love it thank you so much. You nailed the realness (coming frm mother of 2)


the twin animation is still being made. this is a development update post


Hi! My sim is stuck in labor despite not being pregnant! Not sure exactly whats going on


my sim is in labor and fully dialated. every time i click give birth on the OB nothing happens, she just keeps laying in bed in labor. please help


there is a machine of each type (surgery, natural birth and c-section) and no i am on regular


So excited for these! Once again, an amazing job well done! I would absolutely love to see realistic after birth too, like the stomach not shrinking straight away - having a bump that takes a few days to go, but not all over weight gain. If you catch my drift :p


Do this mod works, if you got more than 3 babies with other mod?