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Hi Guys! I hope you all are well!

First of all this week I added a NICU piemenu and put all my interactions there, I think its more organized this way 😊

 I also added the "Tube Feed Breast Milk" interaction😘

Then I worked on and finished the "Sing To Baby Interaction", sims will sing one of four songs to their baby🥺


Then I tried to work on the "Read To Baby" interaction again


The good news is the baby is selectable now :D

The bad news is sims are refusing to pick up the book and is reading an invisible book to their baby D : why must I suffer this way, Im going to poke at it again next week and hopefully find a fix🤞

you guys gave me really good suggestions last week, 😍there were alot of comments, and I know I don't respond to every single one but I always read all of them. based on your suggestions I want to see if its possible to add a digital display screen to the incubator so that it can change depending on the health condition of the baby

I also want to make it possible for sims to ask the doctors for update their baby's condition, I think this should be doable, hopefully it doesn't throw me another curve ball.

I hope you all are having an amazing weekend!




This is amazing thanks so much for the time and effort to make this mod. Can a baby possibly have a setback or two? I know a lot of NICU babies tend to take one step forward and two back before they are well enough to come home?? Again your work is brilliant!!


My daughter had to stay in the NICU, the details are spot on, thank you for this.