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Hi Guys! I hope you all had a wonderful week! 😊

First of all thank you for your wonderful comments last week, I read through all of them and I really appreciate all your input. I still need to go through them again to write down all your suggestions. But I just want to say thank you all for always being so patient with me and always encouraging me 🥺

This week with the help of the wonderful Lot51 (what would I do without you Lot) I now have a working script for the baby incubator ‼️

this is still in very early stage but now when your sim give birth at the hospital using the childbirth mod their baby will automatically spawn in an incubator

if you place down empty incubators ahead of time and your sim gives birth to more than one baby, then the other babies will automatically be spawned in one of the empty incubators.

 you can drag the incubator to the designated area in your hospital if you have one and create a cute little NICU area. again this is still in very early stages of development and its currently being held together with duck tape. But this is honestly very exciting to me.

Next week Im going to work on the incubator model a little bit to make it look nicer, and work on an interaction that allows adult sims to hold their baby, sorta like this, I will have to experiment and see if it's possible to have both parents do this at the same time. fingers crossed 🤞

 I hope you all have a great weekend!😉



Babs Rickman

This is incredible!