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Sweet size difference and daddy fun between Claudus and Tygra. <3
There will be a garden background, mostly green and blue to stress the red and orange colours of their fur. You´ ll see the result in your next pack rewards.

I also think about drawing more Thundercats images in the future.
For example one showing Lion-O together with Javon (Tygras father).

Or Lion-O with Panthro, the big, beefy, blue guy.




This pic is so sweeet and cute!! I would love to see more Thundercats on the future! I'm still sad the show was canceled due to lack of public watching... but on another thing, they really did a bad marketing, like, most people discovered about the show, on the canceled announcement.


Thank you. :3 I also missed the show, but I read an article that said, that the show was ahead of its time - meaning if it would be aired today it could be successful. The character design is very good - way better than the original one.


That sounds interesting, I will look for this article. And yeah! I also really love the character designs on it.