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In Kings Journal I write about places I visited, Bara, Furry and art.
This issue is about Beards, a bit Bara and FF8.

What has happened?
Square Enix recently announced FF7, FF9, X, X-2, 12 and Crystal Chronicles.
But where is FF8?! It has not been announced.
I checked the internet to remember some of the guys shown in the game and except for Seifer (blond guy above), they all look very feminine.
Guess what?! I do not like that. xD

Beard magic
Let´ s use the magic of the full beard to make them look at least less girly and a little bit Bara.
For Squall and Seifer I sketched some more muscles and edited a few things. But before I go into detail about what makes a guy manly or girly in art (and reality) you might have a look at the other guys with beards.

FF8 guys

Why do they look so feminine?! (Look at original Squall above)
Except for Seifer all heads follow the same shape: a circle.
A round face (small chin) is usually used to draw children or women.
Tiny, smooth noses also support a young or female look.
The shape of the eyes with a thick black lineart resembles make up and the thin eyebrows complete a feminine appearance.

What is Bara?!
A square face, a bigger nose with details like a humpback, a big chin, a bigger neck, thick eyebrows, beard or stubble, chin bones, eyes without thick black lineart, muscles.

Progress without progress?!
I am aware, that many Final Fantasy characters are created on purpose to look girly. Although the Bara content grew stronger with Basch in FF12, Gladio and Cor (Nyx) in FF15, Kingdom Hearts Squall or Auron, Wakka and Jecht in FFX, I doubt, that we will see a Bara main character in a J-RPG soon. The common recipe for those games is: Young guy follows his fate, bla, bla, bla, love interest, save waifu.

Not each guy looks better with a beard, but most do.
The end xD




Hahaha the power of beard, at least for some of them, really work! xD I did read a bit into this situation, and what people are speculating is something to do with, the others are polished versions of the old games, while FF8 don't have one, but at the same time, they don't want to make a remaster because they selling it well as the original version. It's a weird and very thinking on money excuse, but maybe that's it. =/ There is a good video that talk a bit about the situation, at least about the remake part, here is the link! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUXt1TobnEA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUXt1TobnEA</a>


Thx for the link. I will have a look at it. Honestly I thought Square Enix really, really loves money - especially easy money, so I wonder if they will change their mind soon.