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... Suck that dick vampire! ^^

By coincidence I learned, that "Vampyr" is the Swedish word for vampire and it sounds actually exactly like the German "Vampir".
And I thought the word "Vampyr" is a creation of some super-smart-creative developers. ^^;




He is sucking it reeeally nice~ :3 Hahaha yeah sometimes creatures, species, etc on games are mostly based on other languages, which is interesting to see, two big examples that come to my mind right now that I always found funny is on FFXII, that had a wolf enemy that was named "Lobo", and Lobo IS Wolf in Brazilian Portuguese. xD Another one that I remember laughting a lot was on FFVII Dirge of Cerberus, when a biiig blue enemy appeared, he had blue clothes, eyes, hair, everything basically. And I remember the dramatic pause when he said "My name.. is... Azul." For me was sooo funny because, blue in Brazilian Portuguese is Azul, so I imagine people of other languages playing were all "Ohhhh" and I was like "Ah yeah, you azul alright." XD