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How big is Baelohr? Pretty big! But if you stretch high your fingers might reach the tip of his horns.

Meanwhile I work with an animation artist.
Yes - it is time for a collaboration.

Baelohr (without human silhouette) becomes a x-ray image.
I created a sfw and nsfw sketch. The final coloured images will be put together and when you move your mouse cursor over this big oni you can see him nude and the content of his bags.

Isn´ t that great?! As my patrons you get the interactive image with your rewards while non-patrons will have to buy the x-ray.

I keep the nsfw version a surprise so you will have a reason to use the x-ray. ^^
Do you know that song where the lyrics say "big in Japan"?!
I think it is from the 1980´s...




He really is a big oni~ :3 And he looks super cute on these clothes hehe. That x-ray animation idea sounds very interesting to see! =D