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Hey there friends and fans, have another warm welcome from here on beWilder Island! Maybe even try sweltering, because it’s getting hotter out here all the time, even as we reach December, damn. It’s me, your hostess Caroline here again with mic in hand, ready for another postgame interview. First time I’m accompanied by a woman from the AoH side of the match-up, but oddly… *heh*… not the first time I’m sitting beside a girl with superpowers… Even so, I’m sure it’ll be interesting all the same!

Is that what you dragged me to this place for, to be your circus freak?

… I… I wouldn’t have put it that way… More like to shake your grove thing? To bask in some camera time and fun for the fans…? That kind of good thing…?

As one who’s true self lives in the shadows and right under people’s noses for years, that’s not an answer I’m going to be quick to warm up to… Let’s get this over with…


… Right… We were bound to get a sore loser at some point, I was just hoping it’d be one of the relatively harmless teens… Ok, I’ll get on with it. Don’t shoot the messenger though, seriously.

With this we’re calling a close to our 4th match, the left side of the brackets for Round 1, and the first half of said round all at once. That’s 4 matches down and 4 to go before we see the winners back on our screens to re-compete for higher stakes. As it stands, the NTR girls pulled one back today making it 3-1 thus far between the games and putting a pause at least for now on AoH grabbing one side of the finals for sure and locking it down… Yes, charming Asana has beaten the versatile Mystique in popularity! Both girls came into the contest as #3 seed for their respective game branches, but one has fallen while the other rises in what was a technical upset as the last contest’s 4th place winner is ousted from this one by the then 7th place… Now, it also pains me to say it wasn’t all good news for the boys back in the studio, as turnout dipped again by just a little. I guess we’ll see if things start to tick up for the right-side bracket girls as we look to some more of the supposed fan favourites and less of the no-show girls…? We’ll answer that next week, but for today the answers all come from our most recent loser, Mystique. Let’s chat!

If I must show my face here, let it be this one… Like you’ll ever find me again to rub it in. *Hmph*

I’m sorry you’re taking it so personally, it’s only a fun contest. I don’t even get to take part in it… But lets talk about your match first anyway, since that’s why we’re here. You lost 16-8, but you lost to Asana. We had to have security turn her away before this as she wanted to hug you so bad to say sorry. That’s not so bad, right? Tell me about your impressions of the match?

How am I supposed to not take it personally? It’s a popularity contest where we’re judged on how we look and act, how else am I supposed to take a loss? And not even a close one at that! I’m a damn movie star, how can I lose to a no-named nothing from some dingy East coast city…? She’d never make it to anything but a casting couch “screen test” in L.A. and that’s out of pure novelty value too. I’m Genna-freakin’-Lorrey!

I’m sorry…? Hold on, let me take a glance back on your bio a second… Yeah. It says here you currently live in New York City with your… Your mother? Ok… So what’s this about L.A.? Oh… Wait. Under aliases you are listed as also being Genna Lorrey too, so… Oh shit! You… You didn’t just copy her look, you’re the real… You’re Genna Lorrey in the flesh! I love your movies! My niece and I… I… Oh my God, I’m actually star struck right now…

Thank you, love. It’s all for the fans… And the money. The money’s good too. And the fame… It’s all resources and connections I can funnel back to my moth-*err*… my Lady… M-Miss Ivy… I… Who…? *Uuggh*… *Blank staring around*… Where am I? Who are you…? Who am I…?

*Eehh*… I’m wondering some of that myself here… Can I get a live link with the boys upstairs sent to my earpiece please? This isn’t going to work without an explanation I can understand, I think… I’m sorry fans! We’ll be back in 5…

… And welcome back to our interview. Sorry about that, we had some wires crossed here… Some in our set up and some in our interviewee’s brain. Before we bring Mystique back into the area, I’m being told I need to explain something to you all as you’ve not yet ever had a chance to see her in canonical action… Our Mystique has… Well, bipolar and disassociate disorder don’t quite cut it, but that’s essentially it. Put simply, she’s so good at mimicry, and between that and her Ivyspawn transformation tolling her mind, she often thinks she is the person she’s pretending to be… She’s even so wrapped up in her “lives”, one of her personas is an actual beloved movie star… Go figure. So, I’m sitting with a woman who has pretty much lost her mind and her original identity, meaning this will be… It’ll be something. We’ll try keep this on the rails as much as possible, but who knows. We all on the same page? Let’s bring her back then…

… Welcome back, Mystique… Or Mysty? Is that better? Let’s get back to the tournament… In fact, let’s go back to bWW!18 and see if that works as an anchor for you… As one of the returning girls we’ve got data on you, data that inspired some high hopes at that. 4th place last time… Congrats. Out in the first round this time… My condolences… You could have been a contender for the podium this time around, but it seems not. Any thoughts on what happened?

Not really. That feels like several lifetimes ago, I barely even remember…

… I do remember winning once though. That felt great… Then I lost to N-…Natasha…? N-Noemi…? *Hrrm*…

The records I was supplied said you lost to them both. But go on… Sorry…

*Growl*. Thank you. *Hmph*. I guess that’s right. This body did at least. Now it lost to that Asana woman too? I think I might have to discard it permanently and start over again… Once I’m finished with my mo-… *Tsk*. My Lady’s… plans… Y-Yes. I know she’s not my mother, she’s just my mother, like my sisters aren’t my sisters they are only my sisters, and my brothers are monsters and pets-

Mystique! Mystique, darling, we’re starting to lose you again. Take a pause. Breath. You alright? We were talking about the difference between your 2018 and 2023 runs, you remember? Please, tell us about that… And please, don’t take away the career work of Genna Lorrey, ok? Please…? For me and my niece…?

My performance? Y-Yes… My point was I’ll get my revenge yet on some of those girls and others might just be worth stretching my talents for… *Hrrm*…

… As for your question, I think it’s obvious. My opponent this time has got a lot of screen time and further built her character since the last Wilder’s Pileup or whatever this is. I’ve… Well, I’ve been around, but you’ve never known you’ve seen me… That’s hardly a fair way to compete… *Hmph*.

So you’re chalking it up to a lack of focus and content? Ok… You wouldn’t be the first girl so far to do that… Even if Gwen won her bout with only 2 other images to her name and face ever, so…

… Speaking of other girls, lets jump back to the present. You put up 8 votes in your match which slips you into the lower end of the loser’s board, at least for now. You’re above Beth and her 4, but below Raven on 13, and… Well… Kelsey still tops the list of losers with 14, despite the fact you once beat her 14-13 yourself… Somehow even when she loses she wins *tsk*… How do you feel about that?

I feel like I don’t want to talk about it. Why repeat myself just so you can humiliate me? Same thing for her as helped Asana… Or I would say… Even I wouldn’t like to take on her little body, as well maintained as she keeps it… That personality that comes in it is sour… How she improved by a vote while up against Queen Lara, my almost sister, and I fell by almost half… Don’t make me talk about this, I’m not sure my state of mind could take it. *Growl*.

Right. For the good of us all then, I’ll move on. That’s about all I’ve got for direct contest questions, so from here we’ll get to know you better for next time… Well, we’ll get to know some of this you… Well, we’ll try to, anyway. So tell me, what’s next for Mystique, Genna, Ms. Darkholme and / or anyone else you care to answer as?

Whatever My Lady needs of me… I’m her very favourite and most trusted daughter, don’t you know? She keeps me by her side most of the time, never letting me too far in case she needs my special skills at a moment’s notice. She loves me. I love her, dearly…

… Some of my brattier, shittier sisters say it’s because she needs to keep an eye on me and my fractured mind, but that’s all jealous lies. My mind’s fine. If I had multiple personalities in my head I think one of me would know it, wouldn’t I? Unlike them, especially that bastard child Natasha, I don’t hear voices or phantom tentacles tickling my brain… *Heh heh heh*…

I see… *Fssh*… No specifics then?


Vengeance is coming. For all us Ivyspawn. For the Lady. For me against a certain somebody who’s caught dear Ivy’s eye…

… Is that specific enough? That’s all I can say. I won’t spoil my mother’s… *Ah* I mean the Lady’s painstakingly laid plans!

Sure, seems wise… Ok. Maybe we’re venturing into territory that’ll get us far away for beWilder Island… Bringing it back, let me ask, which of the remaining 12 girls are you throwing your support behind in the contest now?

… I don’t know, I could potentially take the place of any one of them and you’d never know, would you…? *Hrrm*…

… I don’t care anymore though. I just want to go home to my Lady. Why isn’t she here by the way? She’d win! If I have to choose though, my sister Quiet has my support. Of all the fellow Ivyspawn, she’s one of the least catty and factionists… She knows struggles… She does what the Lady says without struggling… She also can thrive on a sunny island like this, even without her rifle… If Ivy trusts her so much, I will too.

Dyana can suck it and burn in Hell with the rest of her fire. I hate her. I’m glad she’s dead.

That’s… Well, that’s more than I specifically asked for. We don’t pick against girls or push for that level of drama here… Luckly though, that brings us to the end of things! No more strain for your brain, at least from me… Other than one last thing. Any final words to say to the public while they see you?

… Not really… Just don’t forget about me.

Alright, short but sweet, I like it. Now I’m sorry to say, I led you to believe this was all over, but what I didn’t say was it is for me but not for you. Sorry. I’m going to have to pass you over to Salvatore in the studio now and make my own way over to the pool… Thanks Beth and the beWildernauts, for once I get an hour to enjoy this island Paradiso! Good luck Mystique…!


Ms. Mystique, is it? This is Salvatore Baines, business tycoon extraordinaire speaking. Can you hear me?

I can. What can I do for you, so you’ll let me go home already?

Oh, Ms. Mystique, I share the sentiment, entirely. I have little to no time for women of hysterics and poor mental fortitude, no matter how much their physique inspires… They simply cause more trouble than they are worth, or can hold up against. “Don’t stick your manhood in crazy” is a fine rule, and those who are uncontrollable are even worse. At least that Starling girl is just on the inside of leashable to be worth the effort for a while…

… But I digress, I apologize. Your particularly unique skill gives me a moment’s pause on my rule, you see. Since you could take the form of anyone, I could employ you to do a lot of wickedness to those in my way, and to see to my own pleasures as well…

Be careful what you wish for. I can do you as well, after all. Turnabout is fair play.

No, you couldn’t. *Scoff*. I doubt anybody could imitate me so finely, but even poorly it would be difficult for you… I am a man after all, and a stallion at that. *Smirk*

If you don’t think I can morph the male anatomy, you’ll be in for a surprise…

*Echem*… You don’t say. Well, you certainly are as versatile as they say… Let’s not get distracted again from business, especially for that. You are the latest loser my dear, I’m sorry to have to remind you. But you do get 1 perk with that title. A chance to choose a fan challenge for Caroline to undertake, be it lewd, rude or humiliating. I for one am hoping for all 3 given Bethany played hers so nice… *Bleck*. Tell me… With “Vengeance” on your mind, what have you for Caroline in that warzone of a brain of yours?

*Hrrm*… I don’t like the way you say that, but I do like what you say… Or more accurately, what you’re offering. I’m allowed to have her do anything I wish, and she must, is that it?

Anything… We’ve smashed past the “broadcastible” qualified in record time already, so why even bother with pretences now. Do tell. What’s your pick of filth.

Let’s play and “Imitation Game”… *Hm ha*… Since she was so quick and so often ready to rub it in my face that I lost… this face… Maybe I will take on another persona as my basis, maybe even make a movie star out of her next too? Who knows? But before I even try, I’ve got to perfect the look… I won’t have it any other way. She and I, womano-a-womano, in the flesh. Pick any victim you want to try and tell us apart by look, feel and taste as I don her image, and we’ll see if I can best the real thing.

Ahh, at last! A real challenge of the senses! You might just beat out that sex-addled superslut yet, my dear. Leave it to an experienced woman, yes? *Ha*. Bonus points, as I just so happen to have the perfect loser who still needs to make things up to me for soiling my brand… And so you’ll have your Face-Off, as it were… If the voters provide me with their input.

Now, if you’d be son kind as to direct me to the pool? I hear another game afoot!



> Broadcast reserved for /”beWildernauts”…

> Please stand by until broadcast resumes. Thank you.





Goddamn it! I should’ve known that even my fun time around here wouldn’t be fun, it’s all just another excuse to mess me around… And damn it Beth, it wasn’t bad enough Mystique showed the world imitations of my boob, you had to go and tear my new suit off and show them the real one? Well happy comparing guys… *Annoyed grunt*… Ok, I will admit aside from that, we did have some fun and the water was heavenly, but even so… *Groaning*… I have to get back to my hostess duties now, don’t I? Fine, just give me a sec to readjust myself and get back in the spirit…

A 2, 3, 4…

…*Phew*…! Are we really 25% of the way through this contest? Boy, it’s really going to fly once we’re through all of Round 1, isn’t it…? And damn if it isn’t going to get a lot worse for me and my own fragile ego… *Whimper*. Well, the show must go on…! *Gulp*. We’ve had one shocking upset already, the reigning champ returning to Round 2, a total walkover and flip of winners and losers from history too. Time to see if the righties can live it up as wild as the lefties so far! Starting with Dyana “Hotstuff” Carson vs Starling “Kriem” Blakey, or to put it another way, fire vs smoke! Both are temper-troubled, both are punky and rebellious, and both are coming up next for us to judge…! I’d better get a mouthguard or maybe even a helmet for the next postgame… So while I go look for that, you all…

Be staying on the island and beWilder!



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