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Welcome back, sports fans! Well, fans of babes and popularity battles, which to the boys of beWilder is the best sports out there. Speaking of, a welcome back to beWilder Island again too! It’s the end of our third match-up now and you know what that means: time for our third post-game before we start on the fourth. Thank you all for joining me once again under the sun and by the sea, as we say goodbye to yet another girl from the brackets and send her away from this “paradise”.

Paradise? *Whimper*. All I got to do was get stuck in the dirty mud… I don’t get to stay and enjoy the sun and sea too?

Afraid not… Unless maybe Salvatore pulls some strings. You’ve got the time it’ll take to talk through this to soak up as many rays as you can, so let’s make the most of it, and let’s start, shall we?

Yes, Ma’am. *Sniffle*.


As you have already figured out, we’re at the close of our 3rd match of this 16 match-up contest, and we do have a winner. As it turns out, the loveable little Bethany “Beth” Fuller had both her face and her ego dowsed in mud for this one. Yes, congratulations to wildcard Gwen “SpiderGwen” Stacey who’s first appearance in anything but her debut post has turned to her first win in the wildest contest I know. She’ll keep on competing while poor Beth is with me now as our 3rd loser. It was not at all an upset except by way of the technical seed numbers and for those of Salvatore’s hopeful regulars, more of a walk over really. What was a notable surprise and piece of info was turnout again dropped a little more from last time, peaking at 88% of Match 2 and 75% of our opener. Perhaps the star power of our contestants is lagging and the cause? If so, Gwen better watch out on that for Round 2! Ah, but that’s a discussion for another day, today’s the day I talk directly to Beth, so time to enjoy our newest postgame interview.

Hello! Hi everyone!

If you could look this way and speak into the mic, please… Let’s start at the beginning, and let’s talk about your match. The final score ended at 25-4… So yes, a clinical walkover, but at least you didn’t end up with 0… And if it’s any consolation, you had a switched vote against you, so you almost had 5… Look, there’s no real good way to spin this, so I’ll leave it to you to try. That’s your match. First impressions?

*Oohh*. Mr. Salvatore isn’t going to like that. He’s going to do that thing again where he pours a nice drink in a big fancy wine glass, then he takes a few sips in silence and then… then that’s when he gets mad. *Gulp*.

Beth, I think I should remind you right now that he can hear this live, and he will be speaking to you later when I… When I must excuse myself for other contest business. Feel free to go on, but know that your boss is on the live link.

S-Sorry. I did try really hard, Mr. Salvatore, I really really did! I even went the way you told me to go for the challenge, I just didn’t know there was any mud there and… and…! *Uuh*… Oh… Wait. Is that what you meant by “bury her”? Y-Yikes! I… I…! Mr. Salvatore, you promised aside from those super mean girls who are around Noemi now, we’d never hurt anybody, and even th-

Beth! Beth, I’m going to have to stop you there please! I’m getting word in my ear there is a “gone ballistic” situation happening back in studio right now thanks to your… Well, let’s just change topic slightly before we inspire an investigation of these matches from the police. This counts as international waters, right? And I get legal representation as part of my contract…? Ok, just checking. Ok, Beth, sorry about that. I’m sorry to say you lost your bout, Gwen will be carrying on to Round 2, after we scoop her out of that tarpit… Tell us about how feel about your performance, please?

I… I really, really tried… *Whimper*… I liked it here and everything. E-Even… Even if Noemi wouldn’t talk with me, it was like being on vacation with her. At least Kelsey hopped away quick and couldn’t trip me up or shout or nothing…

… Oh wait… You asked about my performance. Silly. I… I think I didn’t do too well, did I? *Oooh*… At least this time I didn’t fall on my face like when I played frisbee and hurt my eye, right? *Sad smile*. Mr. Salvatore tells me a lot that while Alice is much more good at working the whole dining room, I have the deepest customer relationships among all the girls at the Deli… I think. That means that the regulars I chat with really like to see me and I brighten their day a whole lot, only I don’t have a super big pile of them compared to some girls… That’s the same for here too, r-right? I didn’t get a lot of votes, but the votes I got were good ones, so I can still be happy with that much? Alice will clean up the rest and we’ll all be good? Mr… Mr. Salvatore? We’ll be all good, won’t we?

I can’t promise you that Alice will do any better than anyone else in the contest until we see her match, but I’m sure Salvatore can be soothed… With time… Speaking of time, let’s check in with yourself from 5 years ago and bWW! 18, shall we?

You have a time machine here too?! Hold on… How come you have a time machine but not laundry machines here…?

No. No, that’s not what I meant at all Beth. I was comparing your past performance with this one. Now, a lot of things are different between then and now, most of all the Preliminary Rounds were scrapped, but even so we can speculate. Back then, people may have forgotten, you actually came within a hair’s breadth and a tiebreaking of becoming NTR’s #4 Seed then making it to the head-to-heads, so there was some slim hopes you might actually put up some competition against a “big name but no show” character like Gwen. Any thoughts on what happened to your popularity between then and now?

Thoughts? No… Whenever I try thinking Mr. Salvatore tells me not to waste the calories wrinkling my brain in case I overdo it and wrinkle my face too. I guess he’s right, I don’t think a potential boyfriend would want a 20-year-old with an 80-year-old’s haggy face…

… I also guess though that my luck just wasn’t good? It never is… *Whimper*… Gwen is all over the internet as a young and loved character now she’s in big movies and all, and I’m only a silly little original character henchwoman. And I’m mostly seen with Alice too, so I don’t get out much on my own. I also hoped I was more liked, but I wasn’t, huh? Maybe next time I’ll get a better match up and go further? Or I’ll win over more people in the coming NTR updates, somehow…? For now though, I’m just not the most popular girl… I might even be the least popular…? *Groan*… Just a guess though.

Quite the flash of genuine insight there, Beth. Wow… For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. You did hit the nail on the head though. With 4 votes in total, that puts you in running for the bottom of the ladder. Technically you could still make it as high as 11th, but really… *Awkward pause*…

It’s ok. I already realized… Oh, poopie. *Sniffle*. It’s alright though, it’ll be fine in the end. I’ve put up with a lot of hardship… Easy Street isn’t always the nice and friendly place it was when I first worked at Little Toscana… Not anymore. There’s drama every other day, so I’ll hold on. I’ve got thicker skin than a lot of people think… I think… *Sniffle*…

… *Forced smile*. Just as long as I do a teeny-weenie little bit better than Kelsey so she can’t bully me with it or pull my shorts down again or anything, I’ll be happy and smiling! We both lost, so that means we’re both as good, yeah?

*Errr*… If that thought gives you comfort it’d be terrible of me to take it away from you, so I won’t. Instead, let me ask you some more personal questions to help you along in that goal of earning a few extra fans for next time, alright?

Yeah? That’d be amazing, thanks! Thanks a bunch Ms. Caroline!

Don’t mention it. I literally do it for everyone. Tell me, what’s next for Beth?

*Umm*… Same things as usual, I’d say… I don’t really know. You aren’t going to surprise me by making a special story about me or maybe I can turn up in a cool comic or something? *Hopeful gaze*… N-No? *Pitiable sigh*… Ok. I don’t really know the rules of Dungeons & Dragons like the other girls anyway… and L-Lara’s… Yikes!

W-Waitressing is fine. I’m good at that… Well, I like to do it and I get to meet nice people from all over the neighbourhood, but I think I’d have to spill things less to be really “good” at it, wouldn’t I? *Um*… I also think Mr. Salvatore has plans that need me too, so I think I have to anyways… S-Sorry Noemi. Other than that, I guess I’ll keep using my spare time to play around in the park… They host all kinds of sports there at the weekend, and I do a lot of frisbee and disk golf. I also like playing with all the dogs and the kids who are regulars there, it’s the only time I get to feel like the big sis! One day, I’d like to have my own and be a mom too, but first I need a boyfriend… It’s really hard to find a good one! Seriously, have you tried Ms. Caroline?

I… *Uuhh*… I suppose I do. Did. *Eh*… I have a significant other, I guess you’d say, so I’m not exactly looking, but I do understand…


Maybe I am, but more importantly, I have another question for you. Speaking of others, who are you throwing your support behind in the contest from here?

Me? Do I get to vote now too then? Well, Alice, I think. N-No, I’m pretty darn sure it’s Alice! She’s my best friend and like a big sister to me, even though she’s only just a little older. I think she’s very nice and people should like her a lot more than me… Not only because her boobs almost fall out of her deli tank top, but I know guys really like that. Mr. Salvatore gave her a top smaller than her size for that reason, the other girls told me once. Oh! Did you guys know that she’s got a mostly American accent like me and many of the girls? Some people don’t think she does given she’s… Mr. Salvatore says “of a hearty and stocky East Europe build”… But she’s from Philly too, right? She can do her Dad’s Polish accent for fun though and it’s so funny I once shot some of Mr. Salvatore’s fancy wine out my nose! *Giggle*… Oh… Then he got mad again, I remember now…

… So… *Umm*… That’s why Alice should win, I think…

… (*Whispering*) *Psst*… Ms. Caroline…? Can Mr. Salvatore still hear us right now? If not, I’d like to change my answer. Can I? Noemi. It’s Noemi that’s going to win, isn’t she? I really do love Alice and want her to come maybe 2nd, but even I know she can’t beat Noemi. She’s the absolute best girl in all of Philly, let alone the island! And she’s super tough, and mentally strong, and a lot more competitive than many people ever realize… It’s got to be her. Just don’t tell my boss I said that or he’ll explode.

Thank you for that Beth, it’s duly noted. Too bad it’s not just all of Philly in the contest, huh? There’s the NYC girls and more from all the places the Heels’ Branch touches, but you could be right in the end. Speaking of the end, it’s about time to call it a wrap and go to you-know-who’s segment now that he’s calming down. Last question then. Any last thing to say to your small but adoring public?

… *Hrmm*… I’m supposed to say someth-*Ah*! Ye-Yeah, I almost forgot it after I prepared and everything… *Awkward giggle*. *Echem*.

Come to Salvatore’s Deli, the best Italian restaurants and food in all of Philadelphia and soon beyond! 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you have any complaints by the end of your meal you can give me… *Uggh*… You can give me a mouthful… (*Whispered*) Gross… I hated when they do that…

… Oh, and the other bit too… *Ahh*… Bring our Easy Street location’s competitor’s loyalty cards to us and get 10% off your bill, or… or a verifiable pair of said competitor’s or her staff’s panties for a free meal and bottle of wine upstairs in our all-new wine bar, open now.

I… I think that’s all? Did I get that right Mr. Sa-*Ahh*… No, wait! I wasn’t supposed to say your name. *Umm*. Ms. Caroline? Can I have another question now please? Before he realizes… *Eh heh*…

I’m sorry Beth, but that’s us finished… Next is you and… Mr. Salvatore…. Yeah. Shall we get it over with?


So that’s my set of questions asked and answered, all that’s left is to leave you in the care of… Well, honestly I don’t think this is such a good idea and it never works out well for me either, but I’m contractually obliged to both see this through and tend to something else meanwhile… If it’s going to happen, better you than me. You of all people must be the best at holding up against him anyway, but if you’d prefer we switched places and you deal with tickle-torturing an actual monster, in human form, with magic power-

What?! For real?! N-N-No! No thank you, please! Mr. Salvatore. I’ll take him, I will! Please! Wh-Where is he? And wh-where’s the monster…? Is it that girl with the metal in her face…? *Whimper*.

Bethany, hush now! Don’t make a quivering fool of yourself or the brand you represent any more than you already have this week. Caroline, your victim and helper are waiting on you. Please attend to them. Quickly. It won’t take me long to deal with my own affairs here.

Good luck, Beth. See you next week, maybe…

H-Hello Mr. Salvatore… How are you? Can I get you anything…? One of your fancy wines, maybe…?

Oh, stow it. You’re about as good a groveller as you are a waitresses. Lucky for you however, I am a man of great patience and understanding. I understand it will win me nothing to make you live up to your failures here… publicly. We’ll speak further later. I also understand it was far too much for me to expect you could have won the hearts of even enough gullible foo-…*Err*… *Echem*. You see, this is why we will speak later.

… Yes, sir…

I’ll put it this way… It’s more my fault than yours for this defeat. I knew I should have rigged the fixtures long ago, but I thought “why bother?”. It’s not like I could have found a match up you would be the easy winner of.

*Pitiably groan*

Next time, go out there and clearly wear the bejewelled plug I supplied and stick to the plans given to you, if there even is a next time for you. This island doesn’t come cheap for the primary sponsor, you know. Perhaps I need to field more attractive women… *Hrrm*… Noemi can’t come to my side soon enough. *Hmph*. Regardless! You did at least try, and you know I reward my girls with the perks they’ve earned, as a point of pride. I for one, deplore debts. And so, as the loser you are owed a loser’s challenge to set for Caroline. Let’s hear it.

*Umm*… I really get to choose? O-Ok! Thank you, Mr. Salvatore. I really, really did try, I did. Can I ask… Is it something that can only be for Caroline? What if I pick something that doesn’t need to be judged, can I still stay here and help her with the challenge? And… Can I ask for more girls to be there too, m-maybe…? My idea won’t work with just 2 of us…

It won’t? You don’t say… Now I am growing in curiosity. As it so happens we do still have a few girls milling about the island now that we’re a few matches in. I could use my connections to have some rules bent around here for such a cause, if it’s worth my time and expense for the boon back. What are you proposing?

It’s… It’s not a proposal, really, just an idea I like… I think others will too though. *Umm*. You see… I didn’t get to play around on the island or the beaches or nothin’ at all, I only fell in mud… *Whimper*. I was thinking maybe after all her hard work so far too, Ms. Caroline and me could play in the sand since we don’t have sand in Philly… and if we had 2 more girls to frolic with we could have a chicken fight at the beach in our swimming suits… Maybe… *Gulp*.

And that’s all? *Disgruntled sigh*. Bethany… Always thinking of other people and playing, and always missing the point of the matter. Still, you managed to include water, scant clothing and competition all into one idea so perhaps there is potential for mishaps here worth an attempt.


Really. Alright. As simple as I find your ambitions… Granted. I’ll put in a good word for you while we admire a real woman’s libido at play in a truly interesting challenge, be she monsterous demon or no… Caroline, over to you again. Caroline…?



> Broadcast reserved for /”beWildernauts”…

> Please stand by until broadcast resumes. Thank you.





Boy am I glad to be out of that domme suit, *phew*! Damn if it wasn’t half on it’s way to a gimp suit somehow too… *Pant*. Damn it was hot in this sunlight, and tight as f-*Uggk*. Whatever, we’re done right? We’re done! Damn it Raven, I’m never letting you set me a challenge again you freak…! And can someboy escort Kelsey off the island already?! *Pant-pant*… Alright, let’s wrap…

And on that note we call time on Match #3’s postgame, while we stay in place for the next go of things! We’re on the doorstep of Match #4 now and this one might just have a twist in the tale, maybe? It’s Mystique vs Asana, both veterans of bWW! head-to-heads and both girls we’re eager to see go again! Will the woman of many faces make it through to the next stage as she vies to finally find the podium from her previous 4th place? Or will the kindest woman in our world use her native island wiles and come up as NTR’s first winner? Only time and your votes will tell us, so I’ll see you again for the middle match of the Opening Round! Until I do…

Be staying on the island and beWilder!



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