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Hey-hey there fans and friends all, it’s time once again to gather around and bundle up warm with your fav mug and hot drink mug filler, because it’s accounting post time already. Can you believe? It’s already the end of November, which means we’re but a few weeks away from the oomphs and awws of Christmas time and beyond it a whole fresh new year of sexiness. Before we start counting down those merry days, let’s get to counting up what progress has been made around here first, then what goodies we’re hoping to stuff in stockings with the last month ahead. Into November’s list then!

Our November Goals:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Brave and Bold fans. Complete! – Boom and boom! Natasha’s in all of our fans’ hands now, she is, and she’s acting so very corrupted, now isn’t she? Now-Now, it’s been a bit rocky we’ll admit, with a Save System issue introduced with a Unity version update and a silly mistake on our part… Apologies indeed, all… But even so! The Brave got her first after the Daring had their fill in October, and a short while ago the Bold also took to her newest mission madness, which means both parts of this goal are golden, yes? At last, a tick earned from releasing to all! Horah! We’ve missed this.

- Public and Backer Teaser #1 for Noemi’s v0.21. Complete! – Also complete like the last? Sweetness! Even sweeter still, we’ve seen peeks of Noemi again at last! She’s well on her way again, serving a hot and steamy plate of something in the kitchen right now, if her Public Teaser is to be believed, and it is! Even more than that, we saw her half in and half out of her iconic work uniform in our first backer teaser, as Beck got all hands on deck in hotting up action! We wonder what’ll happen come teaser 2, don’t you? That’s for December though, now it’s tick time and roll on!

- Renew Our Previous Goal to Set Our Page Ablaze Series of Posts For Fun, Girls and Sexy Things for the beWilderverse. Complete! – And we did! Didn’t we? We believe we have, for sure! This “series” of posts was of course our bWW!23 Contest, but you who read these posts last time and the time before knew that already. Have you been following along? From the start when we kicked off the contest with a post all about what we’re doing and why, then the opening ceremony post to elaborate more, we’ve been putting our girls to the test to find our newest (or retaining) Queen of the beWilderverse and the star-to-be of our first ever official animations tests to come next year! So far this series has already generated 2 intro posts, 3 match posts, 4 postgame posts, and 17+ sexy pics of some of our participating girls, and our special occasion host Ms. Caroline too! So that, we dare say, is a goal complete, even as the contest rages on!

- Back up on the Horse and back to Patreon Posting, Discording, Blueskying, Twittering, and Cohosting Too (So take your pick!). Good Times Ahead! Complete!– What, what? Could it be, another complete? Oh damn! But yes, we’ve got to say we feel a full complete on this one again at last, between all the bWW!23 posts, Lara vs Kelsey, then Cat vs Raven, and followed by Gwen vs Beth, all matches chatted about on Discord and Twitter/Bluesky by the way, plus the post-games for Kelsey (SFW / NSFW) and Raven (SFW / NSFW) after, the 2 post to start off the tourney, Noe’s teasers on top and the general chattering we’ve been up to all over the medias, plus just the general vibes of smiles again, you’ll forgive us if we scream “we’re back!” won’t you? It’s been a high for most of the year at that, so let’s close this out with a tick-eroonie, can we please? Grazie!

And that’s our November behind us, all up there on the board above. We’re excited by the looks of it, but lets hit the adding machine to be sure… Swinging for the fences with this one, we connected 100.00% (4/4), a full house and a home run! Wow! At last, we see those triple digits again…! Ah, but, but, but…! We know it’s easy to hit the high ceiling when the month’s list doesn’t contain a new content release at the top. We know this all too well… Except that hasn’t been the case lately regardless so it’s still worth a cheer. It’s a jump in the right direction, yes? And speaking of that very direction, and the real challenge ahead… To December’s goals!

What to expect in December:

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.21 to the Daring fans. Noemi’s well under way as we’ve said, but she’s not here yet. She will be! Under your tree for Christmas, that’s the goal! A little before it, actually! Yes, we all want to be Becking her Halls for the holidays, jiggle-balls and all, so let’s have it! Once we do, let’s have a little work on v0.22 too before New Years…! That, we can’t show though, so the goal is the game in hand!

- Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth Walkthrough Updated to v0.21 to the Daring fans. Since the game’s getting new content, both of our helping hand docs are also getting their boosting at longest last, so you can find all these new scenes (watch out, there’s trickery afoot for Noemi in game!). You’ll have no probs finding any of the 130+ gameplays in there now, let along the near 90 scenes, and counting for both! That’s what we wish for you and this goal shall let it be.

- Continue our beloved beWilder’s Wildest! 23Contest Round #1 and Postgame Shows! Keep on playing the contest, we’ve got a Queen to crown and so much more to enjoy along the way! We’ll see the Gwen/Beth Postgame shortly, but on top of that we’ll also see the much awaited, Mystique vs Asana, Dyana vs Kriem and Kate vs Frankie, all with postgames of their own and some Sal’s special challenges along the way as long as the voters turn out! Any more than that we’ll have to see as we’ll hit the holidays by then… but who knows, we might just get some more wildness in on top of that? Call it a bonus then, but that much above we’re betting our tick on! Now let’s enjoy!

- Keep the (Snow)Ball(s) Rolling With More Patreon, Discording, Blueskying, Twittering, Et All. For Funs and Giggles. Do it all over again, again? We sure will! One of the best parts of the job is being there with the fans, and between all the good stuff we’ve to share between games releases, contest games and even a few little presents for Christmas along the way, it’ll be fun nearly every time you come see the page. That’s the plan anyway, that and the Discord, and the Twitter, and the Bluesky… galore! See you here and there!

Twas the night before December (yesterday) and all through the list, we’ve aimed to keep it simple, as some call it “KISS”! Yes, with what is pretty much a month that’s only 2/3rds or a touch more than a real full month, thanks to real life and Christmas demands, we’ve erred to focus mostly on getting Noemi to her first finish line of two(-in-a-row), and also keeping up the fun we’ve started since we’ve started it. We will take a couple days for the Holidays to charge up as we may, but not a lot since the start of Jan is where the real holidays begin for our Catalonian founder. In the middle we’ll get a jump on Noemi’s next bash and the goals we foresee coming at us in January, like updated Roadmaps and more delish dishes from both NTR and bWW!23. Sounds fair? Great, that’s why we’re KISSing it!

And that’s the post, once more. 100? Hooray! Now it’s time to really earn it though, as the gift we all want is 2 100’s in a row. Before we get going on that, though, one final word. Or 2. “Thank you”. Thank you dearly our fans the beWildernauts. Those who’ve voted in our contest, those who’ve send us bug reports for bettering, and those who sent us testing data too. To all those beWildernauts and the all the beWildernautsthere are, thank you. As the now court bound Hall and Oats put it, “You make our dreams come true” by supporting us, so we appreciate it and all the more given the time of year. So until we can get you the presents you want and deserve…

Be Holly and Jolly for December Ahead, and beWilder!


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