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Hey there, hello and how’do’ya’do! Howdy-dowdy one and all, it’s time for arguably the most looked forward to day of the dev cycles, bar the end boom of course. Ah yes, yes indeed, it’s Public Teaser day at last! We know there are several of you out there been waiting for a damned long time for this one, so let’s get cracking and wild! Let’s take a looksee at some official Noemi and NTR to come!

How does one make a friendly game of poker into a high stakes affair? You might be thinking add a blonde in a slammin’-glammin’ dress and make it feel like a night in Vegas, but you’d only be partly right! There’s something more going on to get Noemi guarding her cards so fiercely! Whatever could her bet be for…?

And so, we’re back again and at it like crazy. So it’s about time we spill a few details about the dish we’re serving up at long last, right? Indeed. This here will be the first of 2 back-to-back Noemi visits, as per fan request, and we’re particularly frontloading the goodies before the holidays, don’t you worry. We’ll take a peek in at that long-ago posted Roadmap (remember that?) and how it’s being progressed upon, but first the specifics of content. That’s the most fun.

Noemi’s back to be our star, and while she won’t be the only one you’ll be seeing sate her hunger for screentime again, she will be the one to do it the most as she butts heads once again with a long awaited secondary foe… Yup, you guessed it! Beck’s back to play some ‘Poke her’! Err… Poker! And so, this version we are dubbing “The Worst Best Friend”, because of these especial specifics:

- 3 New Scenes! 3 Scoops of goodness, as heaped as we could make them, and this time all in the same bowl too. Each of the 3 new scenes are in the Beck arc, taking Noemi further into their terrible games of honour and non-sense as they turn x-rated… Too bad for our heroine, her competitive streek will only be more inflamed thanks to this, you’ll all soon seen. Watch out though! There may come a time when Noe’s luck runs out, and if that time happens to come be careful what you do about it! Some folk around her don’t take too kindly to snubs and loves grudges… Oh, but we’ll leave that for you all to find out about when you play! Just remember, 3 times with Beck this version and three times a “lady”!

- 8 New Gameplay Outcomes for the Restaurant Manager, Pumping Up the Promo Job! Keeping on with the competitive girls themes, we’re piling in with our spare CGs to add a new depth of delightful depravity to the Promotion daily job. Yup, it’s now reaching up to Lv3’s at last, one Good Outcome each for Proactive (attacking Sal’s Deli) and Reactive (boosting Little Toscana), for each girl! Those Lv3’s are the highest to reach so far, with both bigger lifts and more stress earned for hitting them, but beyond the technical stuff it also means more bare butts, undies and nudity on the cards during work ours now. Maybe even one or two will take it too far? *Hrmmm*!

That’s the big article then, here’s the headlines for those folks who like TL;DR bold texts.:

- 3 New Scenes, all for Beck’s arc, all 3 of them included x-rated content in some form or another or another!

- 8 Completely New Gameplay Additions to the Restaurant section of the game, all Good and 2 each for each girl trying out Promo for the day. These coming will be our first set of Lv3 outcomes for the job to now match some of the daily can-dos, making for bigger rewards for more stress.


That’s the content slice of the pie ahead. How are we feeling about that then? We’re going for 2 main points on this one to make sure they get done well, but that said the usual playtesting and balancing will also be included (in fact it’s already done). While we’re here though, let’s take a quick eye dash at our running Roadmap and see how we’re doing on our first crack at it this year (late on the calendar, we know).

We’re tackling our first of what we hoped would be at least 3 turns with Noemi in 2023, so this one’s for all the marbles now. We’ll make a fresh plan come January as we tend to do, but at least for now let’s see how the game overall is shaping up:

Our Top 4 (not 5) things for this years’ path to improvement are, in no priority order:

-#1 More focus on Noemi and her infidelities, primarily through Beck arc content.

-#2 More *ex and *exy stuff overall

-#3 More girls include in the *ex and *exy stuff too.

-#4 Expand out the Gameplays more with more to enjoy and incentivize strategic play.

It may just be us saying, but this version will be hitting on all 4 points above, so expect some forward progress up the field all over. We won’t say much more than that, but between the full focus on Beck content, new Promos and the pic above too, we’re sure you can already tasty the goodness all over, eh? Well, let’s make it so and build off this into 2024!


Alrighty then, here we are at the foot, and you all know what that mean, right? Some of you might even be most eager for this part. We’ll try not to disappoint then. To the timeline!

Release Date: December! More specifically, Mid-December. Even more so, the week of Monday 18th of December through the following Wednesday 20th. The idea is to be released before the holidays come and claim time from us all like the sucking blackhole of obligations and “jollyiness”. Bah, humbug! We’d rather have sexy ladies in scant snowgear, thank you. All the same we’ll be aiming to get her done, wrapped and already under your tree by then and starting into the next version’s preproductions before New Years and the real Catalonian holiday window. So how does that sound? If it turns out to be quicker, all the better, but that’s our staked goal for now. We’ll have the girls see you then!

So that’s our post, until n- No! Wait!



Our contest to pick the newest Queen of the beWilderverse, and in large part have a load of island fun with our girls, is on right now! The first match up’s already running and closed tomorrow at 23:59 GMT. It’s Lara Croft vs Kelsey Matthews, in case you didn’t know!

NTR Fans, Kelsey could really use your help in tackling the current champ! She’s still in there with a chance if only her game’s fans turn out to help her surge! If anyone can topple a queen, you know it’s got to be this ballsy little woman! She can be the one to be the first ever 'Killer Queen' if you'll only give her your vote, and even if she falls short bigger numbers means better things even if you don't win it.

AoH Fans, Lara’s running hot like you might expect, but she’s far from sinched it! Turning out to put the fear in NTR fans is a good idea, especially as she might just have a Hell of a challenge ahead if she wins and can use the momemtum. Plus putting all your eggs in Natasha’s basket might not turn out so well, we’ll see!

It’s up to you beWildernauts, all votes count equally and every one will matter, even for the losers. With only a handful of vote between them and dozens of votes yet to be spent, it really could go either way with turnout. See you there!


So that’s our post! Well and truly. We hope you’ve been thoroughly teased and then some! We’ll see you next time we have one, or before, come more bWW!-wildness! Until then…

Be holding all the cards and beWilder!



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