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Hello, hey, hi-hi and hooray! How’s it going out there, y’all? Welcome to another historic day in the beWilderverse, as today we launch a whole big bash of sexy hot fun sexy greatness… sexy! Yes, the title already says it, but we’ll say it officially! Today we’re announcing our second ever beWilder’s Wildest (bWW!) contest! Ole!

For those that don’t already know, bWW! is a big battle of popularity between our favourite beWilder girls, from Nat to Noe, to certain wildcard ladies from the back catalogue. It’s a sporting contest of who the fans find sexiest in both body and soul, as they pick their wildest gals in head-to-head knockouts until we find out who’s our Queen of the beWilderverse for right now. Then we bask in her sexiness! Hell, we’ll be basking in 16 ladies’ sexiness the whole way through it, images and all! This isn’t our first rodeo, so if you’d like to see more, it’s right here in bWW!18 

Now, now, now… Let’s not jump out ahead ourselves all at once. We’ve been waiting on this chance for a long time inside our hearts, but for y’all this must be a “WTF, where did that come from?” moment. We get that. Let’s have us explain what’s up, shall we?

It’s no secret that we’ve had some struggles for some time now, and this year was the big embarrassing culmination of all that, we know. For one reason after the next, AoH had dragged on and on, and we suffered all around for it. The page got a lot quieter as Spook buried those angsty feelings and focused near all his efforts on more and more scene writing behind the curtain while Unshi grappled and was thrown about by the art, the machines, and everything else. Well, good news now! AoH is at last released, we’ve got a burst of energy with new wind at our backs, and now a brand spankin’ new render machine coupled with a lust to use it. This is as big a show as we can do for that, so lets!

Well, there’s more to our reasons, so let’s get into those first and foremost.

Why We’re Doing This


Well, as we said above, one of the reasons we want to do this is because we can now, but there’s a lot more to it than that. All of a sudden we find ourselves with a powerful new machine we weren’t even expecting to have for possibly years and we feel we really should get to learning for ourselves where our new limits reach. Of course, we want to do this on the job with the girls, not with play time after hours, but it would be irresponsible of us to start making big promises on permanently expanding our game releases by significant bounds before we can for sure handle them. Especially so after what’s gone on this year. We sure would love to be posting about how “NTR releases are going to get x%/2x%/3x% bigger, alright!” and “hyper quality upgrades for textures, ho!”, but that day is not today. And so, our decision is to tackle the games are they are for now, which will be the best way for us to get back on our feet consistently and going strong again, and meanwhile on our weekends put a little more work into some fun for all as we see just what mix of greater quality and quantity we can manage on top of our 6-week cycles. That’ll be our first benchmark measure of just how much more we can handle on top of the workload to date without starting something we can’t take back if need be so the games don’t suffer. Sounds fair right?

That’s just reason 1, we’ve got bucket more of them too, but instead of making this post a big essay on why and not what fun we’ll have, lets TL;DR out a top few here and get on with it.

- As just said above for those that didn’t read: It’s an initial, practical ability test for us, of how much we can handle in expanding our monthly content. We’d rather try this and make it work before we go making promises involving our games, and if it doesn’t work out, no harm done.

- Not just a test to see how much more we can make render wise, it’s a test of what quality we may be able to bring too. If you saw our Halloween posts, we can make some detailed pieces now, so lets see what that effort can bring to the sexy side too, yeah?

- We want to do something big and joyous, involving as many of our girls as possible to bring some life back to this page again. Some oomph in our step. Some hyper in the diaper! A regularly scheduled weekly affair to look forward to as we get our post muscles back in fighting shape.

- Like before, polls will be for the beWildernauts, and it’s time we gave them something to be a part of and in charge of again.

- It’s been a knock to our own spirits these last number of months and this is as much to give us a motivation boost again as we get to share in the love and see how much our fanbase’s tastes have changed since last time we did this.

The Contest


Alright-alright-alright! That’s the reasons to our rhythms, but what exactly are we actually announcing today?

We’re hosting a weekly instalment, multi-month campaign of straight up sexy-sex and competitions between as many of our girls as possible. 16 to be specific, as anymore is a wild roster even we might not be able to handle just yet and any less is hotness left on the table. And when we say “we’re” hosting, the face of our contest will be a whole new lady we’re ready to get to know, who for now we’ll simply Caroline!

Our Hostess with the Most-ess, at least for this tournament, since the rest of them are all in the game itself! Say hello everyone, as she’ll be leading us every step of the way from the opening ceremony on.

Oh yes, and lest we forget, our contest this year is sponsored by our funding partner, Salvatore’s Deli, for all your Italian dining needs! The CEO himself will be helping us with interviews and comments from the studio.

Starting this Saturday, November 11th, we’ll kick off Round 1, Match 1 in what’ll be a 16-girl single elimination tournament until we crown our Top 3 girls once again. That’s 16 matches total over 4 rounds with winning girls carrying on their flag. Each week, on Saturdays so we have all week for regular game posts too, we’ll put up 2 girls and it’ll be up to every beWildernaut to cast their vote for who they find the most popular/deserving, as they examine each girl’s special made image bid to win them over. Most votes wins, it's that simple. Meanwhile we’ll have a special zone on our Discord to live chat the week’s match-up with fans just like last time, too. More fun that way!

That’s 2 match sexy shots a week, plus a post-match post of interviews and added concepts too. What more could we ask for beyond the fans getting to see their fav babes rising the ranks and living up to the challenge of being a Wild girl? Well, we do have some prizes on the line for those girls and their fans!



Quarter Finalists (8 Slots) – While not an official prize per se, for each winning girl who stays in the contest, we’ll see added mid-round concepts of interactions between each other and the special setting of the contest. See below for added details!

Semi Finalists (4 Slots) – Once again, the further a girl goes the more we get to know her and show her! Keep the girls you love the most in the game and we’ll be making more sweet sexy contest concepts of her and those other girls around her.

3rd Place – What’s a 3rd Place win without a spot on the official Podiumlike last time?

2nd Place – So close but no cigar! We don’t have a crown for this woman to wear, but a beWilderverse Story to call her own is her consolation prize. T&Cs apply, mind you! They can’t all be canonical, but they will all be dirty!

1st Place – The Grand Prize…! You’re going to love this! Not only will she get the title, the throne and the crown for being our Queen of the beWilderverse until the next tournament (if ever there is one, average reigning time is 4-5 years!), but there is a big honour to claim on top. You heard it hear first, we’re exploring expanding into including animations in our repertoire, and it’s only fit for the Queen of the beWilderverse herself to star in our first ever official animation test!

That’s right, the winning girl gets life itself pumped into her, among other things, in our first ever animation debut, to come some time after the tournament. How’s that for high stakes!

The Twist!


Eagle-eyed fans from the original tournament days may have noticed by now that we’ve ditched the prelim rounds and the time-heavy 1st place prize, so we’ll not be taken away from the main games with this contest’s prizes, but that’s not all we’ve added to the wild-wild mix since the last event!

Our big twist on this one is we’re theming the tournament on Island Survivors, as we level the playing field between super spies and super-powers with waitress girls and everyday heroines. All our ladies are being shipped off to a tropical island as a starting point and it’s up to them to figure out the best way to not only survive but to thrive on your votes! Only one can make it to the Queen’s throne and back to luxury, sorry ladies!

The girls will live in luxury here between our attempts at giving them Hell. Aren’t we nice?

And as you can see, we’re already pushing new quality limits with our concepts now we’ve a little time to put into them. If this is how good the environments look, just think of the girls!

Each of our 1st round matches will be themed around survival activities as we tempt you all to choose not only your favourite ladies of the pair but also the ones you’d like best to see live the island life (or scupper the lives of others there!). Round 2, after earning a little luxury, will be more about sun, sea and surf as the girls can beach leisure amongst each other with each match. After that, we’ll be in the final 4, and by then the competition for the finals places will be hotter than the sun…! Between each of those rounds we’ll see a short break as the girls enjoy/tolerate some island life at your whims, so be sure to push hard for those you really, damnedily want to see!

Meanwhile, there’s also rumours of a game-within-a-game, as beWildernaut participation may well drive certain other sexy events each round with our contest hostess Caroline, so we suggest you all make sure to turn out and cast votes while you got them for some extra sweetness on top of it all in her post-match wrap up posts!

So that’s it in a nutshell, time we get on with injecting sizzle back in our life around here! We’ve already had the girls seeded (heh) and matched them up into bouts via Discord (only our fans didn’t know what they were doing at the time! Muhaha!), so all that’s left is to announce the brackets at last and get to playing, right? Right!

Well, that’s the very next step, but why tack on such a big deal right here at the end? We’ll see you in our next post to kick off our tournament for real. An opening ceremony we might say, so we’ll see y’all again for that real damn soon, where we’ll leave y’all in Caroline’s hands from here on out!

Until then…

Be ready to go beWildest and beWilder!



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