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Why hello there, hi and hola amigos! Howdy there indeed. It’s time again for the wrapping up of another month of goals, gets and spoils, even now in the spookiest of seasons, so come on in and help us with the grave (!) matter of the accounting! Now, this hasn’t exactly been our favourite practice in recent months, by our own troubles, but it’s as important we do it now as we do it during the heydays, right? Let’s get to it then and see, as perchance we’ll see some good things soon, maybe even today! So then, to the review before the future!

Our October Goals:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Daring fans. Complete! – Caloo, Calay! What a glorious day! We can finally say complete, done and delighted at last. *Phew*. Truly. On one hand it’s been enjoyable to work with Nat, especially as she went slumming, but on the other she held us far, far too long. Well, now it’s your turn to be held by her charms as the Daringfolk are ensnared by her charms and tight pants together, as she goes undercover as for higher woman, acts the spy, and loses herself to… Well, we shouldn’t say here. Meanwhile, we’ll be off with other things, check mark in hand, held tight at last.

- Official Handover to Noemi’s v0.21, Complete with Public and Backer Teaser #1 Plating. Partial (33%) – First steps along the path, but not enough to say “goooaaalll!” like a Brazilian socker fan. You see, when we made this list, we were under the impression we’d finish top goal of AoH closer to the 5th of the month rather the 5th last of the month, meaning we thought we had plenty of running room to make leaps and bounds on this one. But no. We didn’t. Silly us. On the plus side, we have indeed handed overand are back in Noemi’s territory again. November will be all about her in many ways as we get theses missing parts seen to too, so for now we’ll only take the 1 of 3 sections of the tick.

- A Page Blazing Series of Posts as We Get Back to Fun, Girls and Sexy Things for the beWilderverse. Failed – A full on 0 for this one, and for good reason why. How could we kick off such a whopping and wild set of good times with the long-awaited game release still not ready. Make sense, yes? Once we had that covered we’re already pressed between posts to heap on you, and of course goal #2 and Noemi’s fans being tickled came first too. Fear not, we’ll have at it all in November, we just won’t have our tick for October. The hot stuffs still to come!

- Keep on Posting, Discording, Twittering, and Now Cohosting Too As We Keep On Stayin’ Alive! Partial (50%)– Once again it’s been a busy month for us, but also only a partial complete for reasons we’ll make clear. To start, we may have set a new record to our own shame in the longest time to our first post of the month on here as we had our AoH release on the 27th to start off our month. Terrible. However, on the other hand, we recognized any other frivolous or for fun posts would only be time wasted away from the game production. Any more teasers would spoil the eventual fun and news posts seemed like a poor idea too… If we’d been 2 days away as it always felt, saying as much would only be more time wasted in getting the last bits done, and if we’d said it and missed it again, oh boy… And so our primary place, Patreon, did suffer for this. On the flip side thought, did have some posting between the handover and also Happy Halloween! We were as active as ever on Discord, had 8+ posts on Twitter including both our 1-year birthday on there (joined just before all Hell on there) and had our first ever 100+ liked post (starring Noemi and her bra, obviously), yay us! We had a few same posts on Cohost, and also on Bluesky where we’re on now too (part of the solution to the X). Point being, we haven’t been sitting on our hands, we’ve been out talking with the fans/fellow devs/the wider community and doing our best, so some part of that tick off we think is fair. Perhaps 1/3 is more appropriate as the one place we weren’t so present was here? Always the issue here, but rather than dwell, tell us if you feel we should be more critical in future, yes? Alright then.

So that’s October in a (circus pea)nutshell. That’s all we set out to attempt and how far we got. Facts. Cold, hard facts. But do they add up to a warmer picture? Let’s see… Reaching up to 45.75% (1.83/4), it’s a decent showing but still below water on a modest listing, so make of that what you will. It’s a passing grade for once, though still not over the halfway point, however there’s a big shining light in there too, isn’t there. A game release once again! Our biggest, boldest, wildest and most wanted goal, the goal that’s been holding us down lately, is complete and ready to enjoy, while the stuff missed was mostly posts and added fun stuff which itself we only missed not for lack of wanting but of bottlenecking. Finally, there is a bright light ahead as we look to November! Shall we?

What to expect in November:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Brave and Bold fans. Oh yes! Yes indeed! Get your britches on, or Hell, tear them off, and ready yourself and your body for corruption! Nat’s corruption, to be specific. We’ve got her built and playable now, plus the countdown to the next tier is already ticking down, so there’s wildness on the horizon and closing in already! Just a matter of time now, known time, and November will see both the Brave and the Bold both served up some Mission in motion! For sure.

- Public and Backer Teaser #1 for Noemi’s v0.21.Meanwhile, as the month moves on, we’ll be hard at work putting Noemi through her paces once again. Time to see if her hard shell has softened any since we last had dinner at her place, and even if it hasn’t we’re sure she’ll end up flipped on her back along the way… Muhaha! Now, crucially, before we go shaking things up and setting sights on expanding our versions with our new machine, first we expect it’s best to get back to consistency while we test our the new limits (see below), so we expect Noemi’s newest version to take the usual 6-weeks, there abouts. Starting October 30th officially means we’re into December based on math alone, so that’s why we’re not listing Daringreleases here, and saving Backer Teaser #2 for early December on paper until we know for sure. Even so, be ready for a big post of details to get randy over and some backer delights to get even more wild over too!

- Renew Our Previous Goal to Set Our Page Ablaze Series of Posts For Fun, Girls and Sexy Things for the beWilderverse. For those who want to see, feel and be a part of something oomph inducing, we’ve got just the thing waiting in the wings. We’ll announce it officially in the days to come, but we already slipped it into our last goals post that we’re doing beWilder’s Wildest 2023 now come November, hooray! There’ll be a introduction post on this, but ultimately we’re going for this so that we can both test the new machine we’ve invested in before we try setting new benchmarks for the game releases, all while given the patient fans things to enjoy, vote over and help out their favourite beWilder babes who they may not have seen in some time, all at once. November will be the start of it all… Intro, match ups list, opening pairs and beyond, so that’s our goal here! Ready, set, enjoy!

- Back up on the Horse and back to Patreon Posting, Discording, Bluesky-ing, Twittering, and Cohosting Too (So take your pick!). Good Times Ahead! And a simple one indeed, keep on doing the good things we’re doing, go back to adding posts and good fun to Patreon, and using our free life’s time from writing/arting to live and love the fandom the way we used to in our heyday. Sounds good, right? Between the top 3 goals above, our chatter and social postings, we feel we can grab this one again. Shall we try?

There we go, a new list to take us through the dark period that is… no, not winter, the stupido NN November. We’ll see how long that lasts this year! Muhaha! We’ve got goals galore to add sexy to the pumpkin spice of life as we work our way up to being back on our own two feet again. The month’s already started too, so best we get to it and do it, yes? Yes!

Ah, but first, of course… To our dear fans who have stuff by us and those who have returned now that we’ve released at last, a thank you to all of you and our sincere gratitude once again. Now that we’ve got something to show off it’s easier to say nice things and be a happy fandom, but we won’t forget how you’ve been there for us and made it possibly to keep on going. Both your support financially and your faith in us is mostly why we are still able to carry on, even invest in new hardware for the future ahead, so once again thank you form us and all the girls of the beWilderverse. And with that, let us do more than say thanks, let us show thanks, by getting on with the job you want from us. To Noemi’s!

Be Nutting Through November (Gross!), and beWilder!


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